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Check Out My New Novel - For Sale Now!


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Howdy folks, hope you are well and not considering taking a leap from Isambard's famous old bridge...

I have recently published my debut horror novel on Amazon, available as a paperback for £6.99 or as an eBook (via Kindle and Kindle approved aps) for £1.99. The book is called Uninvited Darkness, it tells the story of a remote town in North Dakota, sparse in population, infected by a hidden evil, which is stumbled upon by a drifter called Tanner Reeves.

Tanner is held prisoner in the town due to his sexual bond with a dark-haired temptress. The longer he stays, the more perilous his situation becomes, as the voices in the night whisper to him, and the remaining townsfolk all dream of murdering the unwelcome stranger.

If you are a fan of Stephen King, Dean Koontz, or Blighty's own James Herbert, then I'm sure you'll love the book.

If you are interested, click upon the Amazon link on the top of the page, search for the title: Uninvited Darkness, or my name - Kevin Inker, and buy yourself a copy. Don't forget, tell as many friends and fans as humanely possible!

Kind Regards,


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Nice one, how long did take to complete the novel out of interest ?

(also I think you've forgot the link http://www.amazon.co.uk/Uninvited-Darkness-Mr-Kevin-Inker/dp/1481295608/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1363521338&sr=8-1)

Exceptional work, thanks for adding the link, it did slip my mind!

I've worked periodically on the novel for the best part of ten years, but during that time period I've also completed several other writing projects, including a few collections of short stories. Had to finally pull my finger out of the proverbial and make the novel available for the masses!

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Congrats on the book. I'll have a read. Don't forget to leave reviews folks, it really helps people sell on amazon.

BTW the kindle edition is this link:


Kev - you really ought to try and get this linked to the paperback one if you can, at the moment they're considered two separate books. You want them to show as different publications of the same book as it will help people find them through links (someone who bought this also read... etc).

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Thanks guys, if you do buy the book, let me know what you think. Nibor, appreciate your comments, I'm currently logged onto the Amazon Kindle Direct publishing page and I'm going to study the relevant sections to try to add the link you've mentioned.

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