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Championship Predictor Says 'not Over Yet'


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At 5pm on Saturday, we were relegated. Amazing what an emotionally stable mood will do for you, seeing as i have City to actually be clear of the relegation zone in two games time.


I had City beating Wednesday and drawing at Derby; Wolves drawing with Middlesborough, losing to birmingham; P'boro losing to cardiff; Wednesday losing to Barnsley.

Senseless optimism returns...

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I just had a go at the Championship predictor and came up with the following going into the last game against Charlton. Tried to be as fair as I can be (although I suspect I may have predicted a few too many draws) Had City down for 3W,3D,1L

Blackpool 53 points 0 GD

Burnley 53 - 7

Hudds 52 - 28

PBoro 51 - 9

City 51 - 10

Blackburn 50 -7

Sheff W 50 -15

Wolves 49 - .11

So pretty much it would be 3 from 7 going down on the last day with Blackpool safe due to superior goal difference and with City needing a win to be sure but possibly surviving with a draw

Last games as follows:

Wolves - Brighton A

Wednesday - Mboro H

Blackburn - Brum A

City - Charlton A

Pboro - Palace A

Hudds - Barnsley H

Burnley - Ipswich H

In my scenario Brighton would need a win for the play offs and Palace to have a chance of auto so I could see both winning. I can also see Blackburn losing if they are in that position but Wednesday and Hudds winning. Therefore if City could draw we would survive by 1 point in 4th bottom. Would be bloody nerve wracking though

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I had the bootom five Burnley(52), Wolves(51), City(51), Blackburn(49), Peterborough(48) but I had us losing at Charlton on the last day, if we'd managed to get a point we would have stayed up at Wolves expense. Sheffield Wednesday and Ipswich are well clear of the bottom, it just shows the teams we think are our relegation rivals at the moment aren't probably going to be the same teams as going into the last couple of games.

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I've got us down for 3 wins (Wednesday, Birmingham & Huddersfield), 2 draws (Bolton & Charlton) and 3 defeats (Derby, Burnley & Hull)

19. Charlton 53

20. Barnsley 52

21. Ipswich 52

22. City 50

23. Wolves 49

24. Peterboro 46

Anyone who hasn't got us down for at least 3 defeats in this is in absolute dreamland!

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I've got safety at 55 points for this season as the division is so tight. We thus need 5 wins and one draw and thus promotion form.

Would love to see us get that many but its very unlikely mate. What I came up with I thought was optismistic so yours would be dreamland! Anyway COYR'S

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I had us down on 50 points, although put us down fir a defeat at charlton which made all the difference. If we go into the Charlton game with something to play for I will be happy.

Same. Especially if Charlton have been dragged into it too......what a last day that would be

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We are so down I am afraid, no slide rule in the world can make us safe, nor predictions or anything else...deep breath and go back to your homes and prepare for League 1.

The bloke in your avatar certainly wouldn't have that attitude.

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I had us staying up with 51 points on goal difference, and that included defeat at Derby.

Actually, I had us relegated with 51 points on goal difference, so I quickly added a goal to our last-day win at Charlton and that did the trick!

Also interesting that I had Burnley finishing 13th with only 3 points more i.e. 54 pts!

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Surely better that Charlton are safe and already have one foot on the plane.

Potentially I guess, although in front of their own fans, whilst on a terrible run of form.......could be a lot of pressure for them to play under

And, yes, I know you could say the same about Wolves on Saturday before anyone points that out!

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A lot of people seem to have Peterborough going down. I personally think they will be comfortably clear, they have the form, as do Barnsley. The team that could plummet is Blackburn. Realistically I think it's between us, Wolves, Sheff Wed and Ipswich for the bottom 3.

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These predictors are great fun but they have the same problems that affect weather forecasts!

It may seem a strange comparison but the problems are the same – too many variables. Even with vast amounts of computing power it’s impossible to give an accurate weather prediction of more than a few days due to the numerous variables.

With football it’s the same. Unforeseen variables such as injuries, loss of form, bad refereeing, crazy team selections and luck mean that results for any day can vary considerably.

With football predictions there is one more factor that makes things even worse – the human factor. On a good day when you’re feeling optimistic City will avoid relegation by several points. On a bad day City will finish bottom.

(I’m feeling optimistic as in today’s budget there’s as tax reduction 1p per of beer)

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I don't think it really matters what people predict, what I think you get from looking at it though is that anything could still happen and that we are not yet nailed on for relegation.

I believe the majority of the games we have remaining are as winnable as they are lose-able, add to that the fact that the teams around us have some very tricky fixtures against each other and against teams vying for promotion/play offs, so for me it's all to play for.

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