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Our Allegedly Public Broadcaster Is Going On Strike, Easter Football To Suffer?

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Will I be able to get a rebate on my licence fee due to the reduced service?

Not only is the BBC full of ****less wasters, it is an unfair stealth tax

Of course, because in this country we pick and choose which taxes we pay don't we.

I've noticed many in the police service are total winkers. And I don't agree with the Afghan War.

Maybe I should withold the portion of my tax that pays for that.

It's so unfair etc etc etc.......


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Of course, because in this country we pick and choose which taxes we pay don't we.

I've noticed many in the police service are total winkers. And I don't agree with the Afghan War.

Maybe I should withold the portion of my tax that pays for that.

So to push the argument to extremes if they decided to strike for, say, six months would you still consider it fair to pay a whole year's licence. If not, at what point would you draw the line?

And I don't agree with us being in Afghanistan either. Any politician at all familiar with the history of the country would have realised that it's a very bad idea to get involved there. Even reading the first novel in the magnificent Flashman series would have warned them to stay away.

It's so unfair etc etc etc.......


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Of course, because in this country we pick and choose which taxes we pay don't we.

I've noticed many in the police service are total winkers. And I don't agree with the Afghan War.

Maybe I should withold the portion of my tax that pays for that.

It's so unfair etc etc etc.......


North Korean state news > The BBC

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Of course, because in this country we pick and choose which taxes we pay don't we.

I've noticed many in the police service are total winkers. And I don't agree with the Afghan War.

Maybe I should withold the portion of my tax that pays for that.

It's so unfair etc etc etc.......


Not much in there to disagree with squire.

By the way... there is no such thing as 'the perfect broadcaster' but by Yvonne Gooligong we have the best in the world by a country mile. Imagine every single channel having adverts every 15 or so minutes... utter carp that would be. The Beeb is quality; nobody else, in the world bar none, comes close.

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So to push the argument to extremes if they decided to strike for, say, six months would you still consider it fair to pay a whole year's licence. If not, at what point would you draw the line?

And I don't agree with us being in Afghanistan either. Any politician at all familiar with the history of the country would have realised that it's a very bad idea to get involved there. Even reading the first novel in the magnificent Flashman series would have warned them to stay away.

If the NUJ and BECTU called a six-month strike, the BBC would love it! Expensive journalists and engineers not having to be paid for all that time. News makes the Beeb no money (apart from a tiny amount of advertising on the international facing website) and creates the most sensitivities and biggest headache.

I expect, they'd invest the money saved in more of other types of programming and all the other stuff you might benefit from Mr M - like maintaining the nation's broadcast infrastructure, developing freeshare apps like iPlayer etc.

Meanwhile you could watch "unbiased" news from the likes of Russia Today [operated by the KGB]; Al Jazeera [owned by the Qatar's absolute rulers] or Sky [owned by a US-based billionaire].

Everyone's a winner :-)

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If the NUJ and BECTU called a six-month strike, the BBC would love it! Expensive journalists and engineers not having to be paid for all that time. News makes the Beeb no money (apart from a tiny amount of advertising on the international facing website) and creates the most sensitivities and biggest headache.

I expect, they'd invest the money saved in more of other types of programming and all the other stuff you might benefit from Mr M - like maintaining the nation's broadcast infrastructure, developing freeshare apps like iPlayer etc.

Meanwhile you could watch "unbiased" news from the likes of Russia Today [operated by the KGB]; Al Jazeera [owned by the Qatar's absolute rulers] or Sky [owned by a US-based billionaire].

Everyone's a winner

Absolutely. They would definitely be able to reduce the licence fee in those circumstances.

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Of course, because in this country we pick and choose which taxes we pay don't we.

I've noticed many in the police service are total winkers. And I don't agree with the Afghan War.

Maybe I should withold the portion of my tax that pays for that.

It's so unfair etc etc etc.......


What a load of cack. Police and army are not allowed to strike. Completely different.

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I was just pointing out we all pay taxes towards things we don't necessarily like.

You responded to someone wanting a rebate due to reduced service because of a strike. I pointed out your argument was irrelevant when concerning police and armed forces who are not allowed to strike. Hence no rebate from them as their service is not reducing. Which was the whole crux of the argument.
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You responded to someone wanting a rebate due to reduced service because of a strike. I pointed out your argument was irrelevant when concerning police and armed forces who are not allowed to strike. Hence no rebate from them as their service is not reducing. Which was the whole crux of the argument.

No, I said I don't agree with the the Afghan war but I still have to pay for it.

BCC says the licence fee is an unfair stealth tax (why stealth, I don't know - they are rather up front about wanting it) and I made the point that in a democracy, you often have to pay for things you don't believe in.

Whether the Army can go on strike or not is irrelevant. I don't object to paying soldiers. I do object to paying for a war that we can't win and is making this country less rather than more safe.

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Army etc aside, in this case they went on strike for a valid reason Isurely? If it's wages then that's not really valid, if it's bullying though then someone could see why. I don't profess to know the reasons, just guessing here,

Ort shpould workplace bullying jkust be taken as par for the course? What do people think?

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