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"we're Up For The Fight"


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Yet come the end of the season, when they do there stupid "lap of honour" people will still clap them.

The people clapping are usually the Snobs/Executives/People not even interested in football.


I'd rather have a bunch of 18year olds on an average wage playing for us, than a team full of wealthy headless chickens.

Least we not forget, a terrible board aswell.

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Watch the whole Dolman clap... all snobs, well most of them! the amount of times i've had ago at the players this season and been told to shut up by the prawn munchers sat behind me this season is is a joke! were a small club with a small time mentality!

Haha same has happened to me numerous times.

Even the simple 'What a load of rubbish' - and I had the snobs giving me dirty looks, covering their kids ears and then finally a load confronting me to be quiet.

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Watch the whole Dolman clap... all snobs, well most of them! the amount of times i've had ago at the players this season and been told to shut up by the prawn munchers sat behind me this season is is a joke! were a small club with a small time mentality!

Come up the east end,we're as common as muck.

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They should be made to do a lap, and realise how their dire performances affect the average Joe who pays their wages.

Taking the plaudits when you're doing well and driving the sponsored cars is part of the lifestyle, but so should getting the stick when you've failed miserably be as well. Additionally, I would have all the playing squad where they too can witness it as an educational for the younger members of the squads. Playing professional football is a privilege and the very least any player can expect to give is 100%, how many of this current first team squad can honestly say they've done that this season? - Probably all of them as they're too arrogant to admit their failure.

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I dont think they will do ant kind of lap. They arnt that stupid surely

Sweet thought but the evidence that they are incapable of doing the simplest things suggests otherwise. Though would that I was stupid enough to get such rich rewards for failure. Laughing all the way to the car dealers no doubt.

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The funny thing is, so are most people in the Dolman, they just THINK they are not!

You've got to laugh some times!

What is a snob? I know lots of people there who used to be in the EE when it was good. Not the excuse it is now. Are they all snobs? EE used to have 5000k home fans in it. Where do you suppose many have them gone?

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Watch the whole Dolman clap... all snobs, well most of them! the amount of times i've had ago at the players this season and been told to shut up by the prawn munchers sat behind me this season is is a joke! were a small club with a small time mentality!

Why do you put up with this from the prawn munchers?

Just have a go back at them big time.... they'll soon shut up.

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It’s amazing how a topic on one subject regularly changes to a subject where fans in one area of the ground just slag off other fans because they have different opinions and / or they sit / stand in different parts of the ground

This thread is a classic –everyone who sits in the Dolman is now a snob! - i.e.

“A person with an exaggerated respect for high social position or wealth who seeks to associate with social superiors and looks down on those regarded as socially inferior”

Perhaps we should refer to those in the Williams as the aristocracy and bow to them as we pass them in the car park

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Think Dave L should announce that no lap of honor will be undertaken for obvious reasons.

In all honesty, if there's not a token season-ticket hurling mad old lunatic or two confronting some club official or another then I for one will be lending much stronger support to the 'Against Modern Football' campaign next season.

I'm actually hoping for an impassioned, possibly law-defying response by the fans after that crock of shite this season.

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