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Tell Us The Salaries


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As the club keep rabbiting on about how people will have to take a pay cut next year and how we are "all in this together" isn't now the time to tell us the salaries of these under-achievers.

They always refuse to comment on players wages and yet they keep bleating on about the new rules. If fans are expected to part with their hard-earned cash to go and watch this then we deserve to know what people earn (and I don't mean the bar-room I heard from a bloke with a dog in the Robins that Gerken is on 15K a week statistics - I mean the real figures).

We are all grown up. If some players are paid mnore than others because they are more experienced we can accept that - I'm even willing to accept that some plares might be on daft amounts dreamed up by deluded previous managers. But the club should tell us now - before they announce season ticket prices.

I would also like to know the real transfer fees. How come every City player bought or sold is always for "an undisclosed sum"? It is only two years later when they turn out to be rub bish that the club start bandying around figures. Just tell us what the figure is and we can judge and debate whether that is a good deal for the club.

There is no rule that says clubs cannot reveal salaries or transfer fees. If a player says he won't sign if we reveal the figure that should be a deal breaker. This should be part of the new regime.

Oh...and today's performance was one of the most spineless I have seen...and I've been watching City from the 1960s so they can all hang their heads.

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I will also be doing the same for the production companies of every TV show and film I watch. If the film disappoints me I will me even more forceful, as clearly as a paying customer it is somehow my right to know what the actors are paid....

..or not.

But the TV films have been designed and edited so that they come to an entertaining conclusion for your pleasure. The joy of football is you pay and you don't know how it will end. The TV and film companies don't produce sub-standard stuff and then put up a notice telling you that the next episode will be even more crap because they are in debt and can't afford a decent actor. All I am saying is that if the club want us to buy season tickets and they are also telling us that a major issue for thenm is salaries and how little they have to spend in the transfer market then we should be told the figures before we make the decision on whether we want to be part of this "partnership".

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I will also be doing the same for the production companies of every TV show and film I watch. If the film disappoints me I will me even more forceful, as clearly as a paying customer it is somehow my right to know what the actors are paid....

..or not.


I understand OP's gripe though, look to the agrents who are the pruvayors of greed and extortion.

Footballers are just slaves to be bought or sold and paraded before the people too perform on demand.

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Neither do football clubs.... however if I watch a low budget film and its piss poor, the chances are I wont buy the sequel.

Ultimately, if you don't like what you see, don't go again. The same as going to see a film at the cinema.

People like to pretend that as football supporters we are some sort of special consumer. This is incorrect, and the sooner you realise that the better


What if he was the only consumer?

he would destroy them by withdrawing his support. You could say the sooner they realize that the better too.

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What if he was the only consumer?

he would destroy them by withdrawing his support. You could say the sooner they realize that the better too.

True. I also own a local business...should I sponsor a match? Should I put an advertising hoarding around the side of the pitch? I bought a programme for £3 today and O'Driscoll mentioned players contracts in his piece; Mr Lansdown talks about finance in his. We are told how important the fans are...yet not important enough to be told what the salaries are and how much the transfer fees are. Why is that?

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How would knowing what individual players earn change anything, other than making supporters more resentful and the changing room more awkward when player 'a' finds out player 'b' earns more than them, yet player 'b' can't get a first team game.

A frankly ridiculous suggestion.

Maybe by being more open there would be less resentment. Of course if salaries are embarrassingly huge for players who don't justify it then I can understand why the club are so secretive. Perhaps the club could introduce a more sensible salary system where players get pay based on their performance and whether they are in the team or not - maybe that would make player "b" put in a bit of an effort to get in the side instead of sitting on the sidelines or spending his easily-earned money in the local casino on a Saturday afternoon while a game is in progress!

Sometimes a young player might get into the side and be on less than an established professional who he pushes out of the team - again a good reason to introduce a system which rewards that young player in some way.

Clearly our players are not motivated at the moment - that is why we are 10 points worse off than anyone else in the division and we have just been tonked at home by a team who, quite frankly, have just escaped relegation by the skin of their teeth. Perhaps salary levels can be part of the incentive to get players playing better - and if they get some stick from resentful supporters maybe that will make them buck their ideas up too!

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Maybe those who are clambering to find out the salaries of players should post their own salary here, along with where they work.

I'm sure their colleagues will find it an interesting read!

Fine by me as long as everyone else will pay £300 a year and they can come and watch me work whenever they like! The whole point is that the club is now in a position where player salaries are a per centage of income. That income mostly comes from fans paying to watch (including season tickets) and transfer fees. We have to decide whether the season ticket is good value and yet the club do not tell us the figures on the transfer fees or the salaries...why is that?

if some of our players salaries are going to cause outrage then that would be interesting to know. Personally I would like to know individual salaries so I can judge whether they are good value. For instance I think we should have paid a good transfer fee and a good salary for a central defender this year. We were told Bikey wanted too much, but no figures/

I'm not sure, for instance if Bryan Howard was worth bringing to the club as he didn't play much. But if he didn't cost much then maybe it was a good insurance policy. What's the problem with knowing these things.

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As the club keep rabbiting on about how people will have to take a pay cut next year and how we are "all in this together" isn't now the time to tell us the salaries of these under-achievers.

They always refuse to comment on players wages and yet they keep bleating on about the new rules. If fans are expected to part with their hard-earned cash to go and watch this then we deserve to know what people earn (and I don't mean the bar-room I heard from a bloke with a dog in the Robins that Gerken is on 15K a week statistics - I mean the real figures).

We are all grown up. If some players are paid mnore than others because they are more experienced we can accept that - I'm even willing to accept that some plares might be on daft amounts dreamed up by deluded previous managers. But the club should tell us now - before they announce season ticket prices.

I would also like to know the real transfer fees. How come every City player bought or sold is always for "an undisclosed sum"? It is only two years later when they turn out to be rub bish that the club start bandying around figures. Just tell us what the figure is and we can judge and debate whether that is a good deal for the club.

There is no rule that says clubs cannot reveal salaries or transfer fees. If a player says he won't sign if we reveal the figure that should be a deal breaker. This should be part of the new regime.

Oh...and today's performance was one of the most spineless I have seen...and I've been watching City from the 1960s so they can all hang their heads.

Indeed, there should be transparency with regards to what the club pays the crap players that plague us and how much they cost the club to buy. It's common knowledge as to the eye watering sums that the likes of Chelsea and Man U pay their players - so why the secrecy here?

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Fine by me as long as everyone else will pay £300 a year and they can come and watch me work whenever they like! The whole point is that the club is now in a position where player salaries are a per centage of income. That income mostly comes from fans paying to watch (including season tickets) and transfer fees. We have to decide whether the season ticket is good value and yet the club do not tell us the figures on the transfer fees or the salaries...why is that?

if some of our players salaries are going to cause outrage then that would be interesting to know. Personally I would like to know individual salaries so I can judge whether they are good value. For instance I think we should have paid a good transfer fee and a good salary for a central defender this year. We were told Bikey wanted too much, but no figures/

I'm not sure, for instance if Bryan Howard was worth bringing to the club as he didn't play much. But if he didn't cost much then maybe it was a good insurance policy. What's the problem with knowing these things.

Because it's confidential. Between the club and the player (and agent).

If the club said 'right, new policy, in addition to supporters having unrealistic expectations, we will now making your job even harder by telling them what you're being paid, so they can shout 'Christ! That was rubbish, you aren't worth 10 quid a week, let alone ten grand!' I'm sure you'd have players queuing up to sign for us..... Maybe not, eh?

If you want to see transfer expenditure and wages (in their entirety) look at the published accounts. You won't get the level of granularity you want, but it will show you money coming in, money going out and revenue generated.

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Neither do football clubs.... however if I watch a low budget film and its piss poor, the chances are I wont buy the sequel.

Ultimately, if you don't like what you see, don't go again. The same as going to see a film at the cinema.

People like to pretend that as football supporters we are some sort of special consumer. This is incorrect, and the sooner you realise that the better

I take your point and raise you....... 'NOBODY LIKES BEING TAKEN FOR A MUG'........ by any company

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Because it's confidential. Between the club and the player (and agent).

If the club said 'right, new policy, in addition to supporters having unrealistic expectations, we will now making your job even harder by telling them what you're being paid, so they can shout 'Christ! That was rubbish, you aren't worth 10 quid a week, let alone ten grand!' I'm sure you'd have players queuing up to sign for us..... Maybe not, eh?

If you want to see transfer expenditure and wages (in their entirety) look at the published accounts. You won't get the level of granularity you want, but it will show you money coming in, money going out and revenue generated.

Well what delicate little flowers footbalkers must be these days if they won't sign foir a club if they think they might get some stick...no surprise really at a club where one player was not available today due to "fatigue". You have identified exactly what is wrong with Bristol City...over-paid players led by agents with "unrealistic expectations". The sort of players who would "queue up" to play for such a club are the sort we want. The fans I meet give 100 per cent all the time...travelling miles, turning up every week with a note of optimism and cheering the team on to the pitch. They deserve to know how the money is being spent and if they voice their opinion on players en masse (and I don't mean the odd individual idiot with a hate fixation on a player) then that player had better realise he probably isn't worth what he is being paid. In today's economic climate they have to expect to be judged that way.

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Just to say that I have never had a problem with others knowing my salary. Why? Because I could always justify it by my performance. Simply, I always put in a shift.

How many of those out there yesterday could say that? No wonder they don't want people knowing how much they're paid!

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Regardless of the precise details I think it would be fair to say that few if any included in a £17M player payroll who managed to gain just 49 points and attract just £3,2M in revenue from long-suffering supporters can be said to have earned their money. This is a stark example of where professional football has gone horribly wrong. In the words of Diego Maradonna "football belongs to simple players and poor people" - not anymore it doesn't!

It simply makes no sense that any player at our club has been paid more than £5K/week - sadly SL and many others like him have allowed the influence of crazy wage expectations at the very top of the game to impact on wages paid in the Championship and lower leagues where they are simply not sustainable - as a consequence the identity of the club and its dependence on its supporters has been diluted - even in the light of decades of price increases well above inflation.

Like others I have been embarrassed by some of our abysmal performance this season - but I am truly ashamed at the revelation that this is the product of living further beyond our means than any of our competitors - never in the field of professional football has so much been spent to achieve so little!

Until quite recently much of this forum seemed to be in support of SL rather than in support of Bristol City - currently little support for anyone or anything is evident!

If only our Board (and benefactor) had thought to start repairing the roof before the rain started

Whilst the SCMP is a blunt instrument it does bring with it some hope of a return to sanity - but for the meantime there is a storm to be weathered make no mistake

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The team I follow in Spain Real Mallorca., always tell the fans when they sign a player or appoint a manager. What the fee was and what they will earn per year. This stops all the David James was on £10k, £15k, or £20k per week rubbish we see on this site.

We would all know and so would the players who gets what, how much they cost or were sold for etc. It's called transparency, or maybe the club would prefer it if we did not know.I think we should know, so we all could make better judgements with our comments.

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When I had a proper job and asked about salaries, which were not disclosed, some wag suggested it was because the Company were ashamed of them.

In the case of Bristol City we have the opposite. BCFC won't disclose salaries because they are embarrassed by them!

Why not divide the players salaries by the number of players to give an average salary. It should then be a simple bit of probability maths to determine the numbers in different salary bands.

If anyone has the average I will give the distribution of salaries a go.

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