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Blessing In Disguise?


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Sorry, but I totaly disagree with the theme of your post.

Nobody is or has said that City derseve to be in the premiership. But I fear that the sort of negative post you have written is exactly what Steve Landsdown was refering to when he said about negative attitudes in Bristol.

Face facts. The manager has has far more resource than any of our competitors over the period of his employment (4 years) with the exception of Wigan and Cardiff. The average attendance over several seasons has been favourable with many first divison clubs and certainly the potential or "fair whether" support would sustain football at the higher level.

This club servived on a die hard core of 4,000 fans in the old fourth divison. That figure has continued to rise over the past decade because of the improvement shown on and off the field. If the club (which I believe it does) wants to continue it's sustained growth, then promotion has to be obtained ASAP, which has been the main requirement for the past three seasons.

It is the inability of the present manager to deliver this which is holding the club back. Just imagine had Sunday gone as everybody (even you I'm sure ) hoped 7,000 season tickets would have been 14,000. Average gates would have risen, more TV money, more sponsership. That is progress and is desperatley what this club needs. Now is not the time to be making the best of a bad situation or accepting our lot.

I would also add if the club and made a press release to the effect of your post. I would be demanding my season ticket money back right away. I and many others are fed up with the team failing to deliever given the support and backing they receive.

Promotion is not a given right by neather should the acceptance of failure.

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I'm not going to knock anyone who is happy to accept mediocrity as the norm.You could argue that they are very lucky being able to settle for second best and not let it get to them.However i am not like that and don't wish to settle for second best but want to suceed,which is why i'm so dissapointed and insistant that we need a change of manager.I was delighted and thouroughly enjoyed the return of a bit of atmosphere at the gate with the opening of the east end and 2 or 3 full houses.Had we gone up those "occasions"would have numbered 10 or more .As we haven't they will number 1 0r 2-that is what i will miss.

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Redtrojian your right, the big game atmosphere is what it is all about and I'm not being disrepectful to Torquay or anyone else, but it will not be the same.

Hype, expectation call it what you will, but it's what sells fottball matches and creates the excitment and atmosphere that the majority of football fans enjoy.

Many people have commented about the atmosphere at the end of the Harltepool game and the fact a structual expert had to check the Dolman Stand. Wouldn't have happened after a half empty ground for a mid table division two fixture!

But what do I know.

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Very interesting & well thought through post.

Like you, I have my season ticket & it was paid for well before I knew the destiny of next season.BCFC is a way of life - whichever division.

But the comments about who we play are a little starnge to reason with.

Gates of 15/19000 every week against teams like WHU/Sunderland/Leeds etc, would have the juices flowing.

Doncaster, Torquay etc, will be ok with me, but lets get real here, the buzz would not be the same. :laugh:

I went to both Hartlepool games & believe me the writing was on the wall there. I had no idea that we could play as poorly again - but we could.

I respect your points of view & the underlying issue is that of cost's in relieving DW of his duties.

But it is a risk business & I would risk the stability angle for a chance with another manager.It could just be the answer to unlocking the potential at the Gate. :laugh:

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well put posts, well done all of you B-...

I'm on the fence, and proud of it - i leave the decision up to SL...

However this question popped up when i was on the "train", if Danny did get us up - all well and good, but with his tactics, would we of even got off the starting blocks in the first division?! Now I'm all for stability, but i would prefer a change now rather than the situation we were put under the last time we were in the 1st...

However, if he dont get us up there, by Christmas, he will be gone - and again, i would prefer a change now rather than mid season...

But I'm still on the fence, i swear! :laugh:

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Tompos points are valid, not for me personally on the subject of Wilson, but on the issues of stability. People my age and older remember 82, when we didnt even know if there would be a City. Tompo, are you in that category? I dont want us to over-reach ourselves and go down that road again...trust me you really dont, I work with Lu'on fans, and they went through every emotion possible during this season, and the period before it!

Tompos point about watching any team in Div 2 coming down is also valid, if you live in Briz or nearby, We'll agree to disagree on that Tomp, cos I dont want to waste hard earned cash watching ###### teams at the Gate, its an expensive occasion when I come to the Gate, and I personally will only come to watch the better teams and "derby games" while in Div 2.

I want Wilson out, and have done since Wycombe, but I also know there is no point sacking him (Cost of paying him off) and that there are no candidates I or a lot of City fans would like to see at City, currently unemployed..again compensation etc.

BUT that said, we really have to consider his tenure as a failure so far, three out of three attempts for promotion blown. Prem 2 is coming folks, with that many ex Prem sides now in the Div, they want to create a position so that no more sides like them drop to Div 2- we now have Wednesday, Barnsley, Franchise FCMK, and Bradford here. Therefore it is critical that is this club wishes to be part of the action, we MUST acheive promotion fairly soon, to allow us time to bed in up there.

We will not acheive this with Wilson, who is living on his Barnsley reputation, rather than on his Sheff Wed one, which I feel is closer to the City experience. There are very few senior pros here, so ther is little likelyhood of a Di Canio type outburst. Peacock is his lovechild, Tins is the model professional, who is an hoorary Bristolian anyway. mickey Bell is now in the twilight of his career, and Stowell is a bit part player anyway.

I will trust the board, for the moment, and I realise Wilson is going to be here, I dont like it, but he is going to be here. The backing will depend on results as far as I'm concerned.

To the board I say: How long will you give him next season, because we as a club cannot afford to hang onto him, if we are not top three. Gates will drop this season, unless we start well, and continue to do so. Fickle fans they may be, but I've read enough on the forum to suggest even regulars are starting to question their appearance there.

Please note this and our financial situation, and act swiftly if things are not going well.

The small list of released players, and the fact that Peacock, and Brnell have been offered new contracts suggest Wilson is happy with his (negative) tactics and squad, and we all know that there will be little money for new players, as we released Rougier.

So action may need to be taken fairly quickly into the new season.

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Guest bristolbred

If Wilson was a gentleman then he would walk, :laugh:


he isn't, and we are going to be stuck with him!!, :laugh:

in his book, failure is the NEW success!!, :vomit2:


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Tompos points are valid, not for me personally on the subject of Wilson, but on the issues of stability. People my age and older remember 82, when we didnt even know if there would be a City. Tompo, are you in that category?
Sure am.
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We finished third in the league. To some that is failure because we did not achieve what we set out to achieve which was get promotion.
You got it in one!

Automatic promotion was a reasonable expectation for the end of Wilson's fourth season in charge given the progressively higher points totals achieved in the previous three. As it happened, turning any one of the thirteen draws into a win, or any two of the ten defeats into draws would have been enough to finish above QPR.

However, a fairer reward for the team's solid defensive foundation would have been the championship and this could well have been achieved with even an averagely effective attack instead of the well below average one we had to endure watching. You are correct in what you say about the total costs of changing managers and I leave it to those acquainted with those facts to make whatever decisions they deem necessary.

On a purely football level it has to be recognised that what ultimately cost us promotion were systematic flaws in our attacking play that have been evident since early season; at their root is the strategic decisions that 1) Lee Peacock was good enough to be our leader of the line, and 2) the existing staff would be able to coach/mentor the best out of our attacking ploys. They were manifestly wrong on both counts ... for a pinch of tar the ship was lost. :laugh:

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My main concern with Wilson staying is his style of play. The season before last we played nice football scored lots of goals but let too many in.. finished 3rd lost to Cardiff in the Playoffs. This season he thought we'd tighten it up - boring, negative play, not many goals scored but a mean defence finished 3rd lost to Brighton in Playoff final.

Which is best?

Well I for one would prefer the attacking option - having said that I could have coped with the negative style if it had met Promotion. But as we didn't go up I do not want to be watching the same negative style next season.

Too be honest I wasn't really entertained the whole season, very few games had me sat on the edge of my seat, even during the 11 match unbeaten run I wasn't that impressed. I know City fans are never happy.. but come on football is an entertainment business and I wasn't entertained.

Look at the Hartlepool playoff game - it wasn't until we were on the way out that he started to attack, he threw on the forwards and we showed what we can really do - that's what I want to see next season.

I want us to return to 2 attacking wingers, defence spliting balls, crosses for the strikers to power in the goals, if we get into the box more often we might even get a penalty or 2! No too much to ask really.. but can Wilson deliver??

In my mind he's got to prove to me that he means business - I'm giving him until the end of September - not long but then he's had for 4 years to tinker and now it's time to get it RIGHT.

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