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Thank God That Season Is Over

where's the joy

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After a record number of defeats and goals conceded the fat lady has at last sung.

Its over, the shambles and the shame of it.

Such awful decision making. Signing calamity james, holding onto maynard, sticking with fontaine in defence, not using pitman who's goals saved us the year before, the list goes on and on.

Clueless and spineless from the board down, even the new stadium plans have been badly handled.

Meanwhile two martinez inspired teams have been or are about to appear at wembley this year.....swansea and wigan.

Good luck to o'driscoll you are going to need every scrap of fortune to smile on you these summer months, to start building a unique brand of football in a new 'bristol city way'

But if you can tease fresh young talent out of clubs like Walsall, Crewe and Stevenage and teach all players, from the academy to first team, how to control and pass the ball to each other you might just be our saviour.

Two tiny clubs with limited budget keeping the ball on the ground passing, their way out of defence in the league and FA cup final.......now why cant we do that?

over to you now shaun o'guardiola........ole

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