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Our Eu Membership May Have Just Got A Little Dearer.


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If you're in a club and don't play by the rules expect some comeback.

Or, in the words of Groucho Marx, 'I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member'.

Unfortunately we, the electorate, weren't given any choice in the matter and we continue to roll further down the road towards full political union with all policy decided by Brussels and Westminster becoming increasingly irrelevant.

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Or, in the words of Groucho Marx, 'I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member'.

Unfortunately we, the electorate, weren't given any choice in the matter and we continue to roll further down the road towards full political union with all policy decided by Brussels and Westminster becoming increasingly irrelevant.

Yes, I'm sure that'll happen, probably about the same time as Sharia Law comes into effect in the UK.

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Always surprises me how averse people are to being 'governed from Brussels' given the absolute showers we've had for governments in recent years

This country will be absolutely ****** if we drop out the EU, no matter how imperfect a union it is. These days we have nothing that France or Germany couldn't produce themselves, so it's unlikely given the tax regime and labour costs in this country that we could ever be competitive when you whack import taxes on top. Forget the idea of a Swiss-style trade agreement because we don't have something that Europe wants, i.e. Low-tax banking. Germany and France would actively block trade as it would be a threat to their own firms. On top of that, companies that are based here but distribute to Europe (Honda most readily springs to mind) would be gone in a flash as we'll be forced to encourage imports because we don't have the manufacturing infrastructure to self-sustain

Far better that we lobby the EU to get changes made to the system, rather than complain about 'EU Law' (which most people don't understand anyway) and get it to work for us. Primarily I'd like to see a EU-wide immigration policy so people claiming asylum in an EU country have to claim in the first country they reach and are then evenly distributed across member states

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Always surprises me how averse people are to being 'governed from Brussels' given the absolute showers we've had for governments in recent years

This country will be absolutely ****** if we drop out the EU, no matter how imperfect a union it is. These days we have nothing that France or Germany couldn't produce themselves, so it's unlikely given the tax regime and labour costs in this country that we could ever be competitive when you whack import taxes on top. Forget the idea of a Swiss-style trade agreement because we don't have something that Europe wants, i.e. Low-tax banking. Germany and France would actively block trade as it would be a threat to their own firms. On top of that, companies that are based here but distribute to Europe (Honda most readily springs to mind) would be gone in a flash as we'll be forced to encourage imports because we don't have the manufacturing infrastructure to self-sustain

Far better that we lobby the EU to get changes made to the system, rather than complain about 'EU Law' (which most people don't understand anyway) and get it to work for us. Primarily I'd like to see a EU-wide immigration policy so people claiming asylum in an EU country have to claim in the first country they reach and are then evenly distributed across member states

You have a point but here is another one.

The EU need us as customers as much as we need them. We are a society that does buy lots of merchandise that is sold by EU countries and its in their interests as much as ours that we have some sort of trading agreement.

If we get the referendum then the public will vote to leave the EU, there is no doubt about that. We need to try to agree a common trade agreement with the EU that benefits us and them, basically what was voted on back in the 70's.

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You have a point but here is another one.

The EU need us as customers as much as we need them. We are a society that does buy lots of merchandise that is sold by EU countries and its in their interests as much as ours that we have some sort of trading agreement.

If we get the referendum then the public will vote to leave the EU, there is no doubt about that. We need to try to agree a common trade agreement with the EU that benefits us and them, basically what was voted on back in the 70's.

Name me a company based in Europe that is reliant on trade in the UK. Then if such a company exists, I gaurentee that if you remove British exports from the European Market they will be able to direct their sales elsewhere

The thing is, there's no benefit for the major players in Europe to create a trade agreement with us outside of the EU treaty. As a nation, we no longer produce anything significant that the Germans, French or Italians wouldn't be able to produce themselves. We have no manufacturing, our high tech industries are massively reliant on exports and would be off to the mainland in a shot. The only route forward for us is to influence the EU from within

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The Labour and Conservative Party EU loving traitor politicians that signed us up to the various European Union treaties should be executed for their High Treason. They had absolutely no democratic mandate to do so from the British people via a free and fair referendum - they were traitors.

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