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New Stadium Idea

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Could we have a place on the back of the stadium where we could say carve the name of anyone who buys a ST. Buy a ST and have a permanent spot with your name on our stadium (new one AG or AV)

They should have an honours board , like at Lords , in every stand with the names of season ticket holders on. It would be unique I reckon and might persuade a few people to get one if they're wavering.

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What happens if you don't renew after your name has been carved in the stand?

Good idea but a bit unrealistic me thinks

I think the buy a brick principle would work with out season tickets so any one can make a one off payment for a brick of their choice.Think it is a good idea.

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A memorial garden is a really good idea, there wouldn't be room for burials but just a quiet place where people could go and remember their lost loved ones. Like in a church where people light a candle, perhaps they could plant a little cross or some other symbol.

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Good idea.

Living in Plymouth, I go to watch Argyle on the odd occasion and they have a similar thing. Unfortunately their display hasn't really been preserved at all, with cracks in bricks, weeds, moss etc.

If maintained, would look really good and add a nice sentimental. touch

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A memorial garden is a really good idea, there wouldn't be room for burials but just a quiet place where people could go and remember their lost loved ones. Like in a church where people light a candle, perhaps they could plant a little cross or some other symbol.

I think this would be a brilliant idea, need to put this to the club at see what they say, if the ashton vale site gets the go ahead, perhaps a small area could be put aside for this.

If the option plan B gets the go ahead, the park opposite would be an ideal spot, but this would involve the council/local residents, I am sure someone would have something to moan about.

Perhaps we could have a memorial wall at ashton gate.

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Buy a brick scheme.........

BTW - Anybody see the buy a brick scheme at Barnsleys Oakwell last season?

The bricks aren't actually real bricks that are embedded into the structure but are stick-on face plates that are meant to look like bricks - basically cheap cladding!

Anyhow, a few of them had fallen off onto the floor leaving the residual no-nails stuck on the wall, and the brick faces broken and discarded on the floor with inscriptions such as "R.I.P Dad", or "F Bloggs 1948 - 2010"

Didn't look too pleasant TBH.

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