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Calling All Exiled Reds In The Us Of A....advice Needed


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Howdy partners,

after a bit of advice really, i have seen various City fans post from different areas of America on this forum over the years so am hoping to pick your brains.

I have truly had enough of living in the UK at the moment and looking to make a clean break and move somewhere else, having discussed the usual Australia/New Zealand expatriation, my wife suddenly remembered that having been born in Louisiana and holding a US passport that it would be very easy for us to move over there and for me to piggy back on her citizenship for permanent residency in the US.

It really is a case of now or never, i am mid 30's and while my wife is 10 years younger, we are planning to start a family etc etc but want to get our future plans sorted first.

Those of you already in the US, can you give me some helpful pointers as to where would be a good place to live.....i have done some initial research and the one town that is sticking out like a sore thumb at the moment is Minneapolis, and we intend to have a 3 week break in the US early next year to visit some areas that we would consider moving to. I particulary like Minneapolis because it does have a good Financial/Commerce area, I currently work as a Senior Sales Consultant for MetLife which is the biggest insurer in the US and also has offices in Minneapolis. My wife is a Family support worker and in all honesty with her qualifications could find work anywhere,

We are also keen on Minneapolis because of the climate - hot summers and cold winters, there is something romantic about the thought of snow all through the winter but balmy summers, it is also a beautiful city with many lakes. On a personal note it also has a NFL franchise in the Vikings as well as the Twins in baseball and a NBA team.

Anywhere else that could have similar qualities and anyone wish to share their experiences of life in the US i would be grateful for your advices.

Many thanks guys

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Whilst I have not lived in the US, I have travelled a fair bit of it for work and holidays. Have a client in Minneapolis, and as nice a town as it is, the despair on the faces of my client contacts when they talked about the temperature not rising above freezing for months at a time makes it a place I would think twice about moving too.

That said, you mention your work has an office there, and thus might make it a no-brainer for an internal move.

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Whilst I have not lived in the US, I have travelled a fair bit of it for work and holidays. Have a client in Minneapolis, and as nice a town as it is, the despair on the faces of my client contacts when they talked about the temperature not rising above freezing for months at a time makes it a place I would think twice about moving too.

That said, you mention your work has an office there, and thus might make it a no-brainer for an internal move.

thanks very much....useful stuff

any more for any more

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