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The Budding Journalist Of 1990...


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Hello all,

I've just been to my parent's house. While I was there, as standard, I had a shifty look round in the loft. I discovered a book entitled "My News Book".

Having read some of the contents, I'd consider myself in the Exiled Robin's league. See what you think, and please bear in mind that I was the tender age of 9...

April 2nd 1990

Bristol City 1-1 Mansfield Town

On Saturday I went to Bristol City V Mansfield Town. The score was 1-1. Mansfield scored first with a header. Then city equealised (the additional e duly crossed out by the teacher) with a header from Bob Taylor. Before I went to match I went to the shops with Adriano because I had slept at his the night before. We went to the video shop and I pulled a horror movie out and said this looks good and a whole row of video cases fell down luckily i didn't have to pay because there was nothing in there.

Monday 23rd April

Crewe 1 Bristol City 4

On the 10th April I went to see Crewe Alexandra V Bristol City. The score was 4-1 to Bristol City. A few days later we went to see City V Fulham. The score was 5-1 to City.On friday I went to Simon's house. We played penalties on the computer. I kept on winning.

You are a keen fan (teacher's comments)

Tuesday 9th May

Bristol City 4-0 Walsall

On Saturday I went to see Bristol city V Walsall.

I think I lost the passion for writing towards the end you know...

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