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My Wife...


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Another misogynistic thread. How Bristol City Football Club must be proud of the cultural throwbacks that support the club.

BCFC should be embracing the twenty first century and eradicating these people from the fanbase.

I think its a poor show, I would have given her a slap for letting the cider run out, surely she is capable of keeping the correct stock levels. Time to seriously think about divorce and a new wife that can actually manage the household shopping and ensuring that her man's needs and desires are met with due diligence.
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Having just demolished 4 pints of Stowford, I couldn't drive. Imagine my horror when I realised we'd run out of cider.

So I sent the wife off in her car.

She came back and said "they had frosty jacks, magners, bulmers, strongbow and woodpecker. "

Can you imagine my face when faced with the choice of those rancid ales?

"I thought this looked the best though", she said pulling out 3 bottles of Katy.

I've never been more proud.

Good girl!

My missus understands that it's Somerset cider ONLY for us, no Hereford or (particularly) any Irish rubbish in our household!

So Thatchers and (to a lesser extent) Sheppys it tends to be up here, not many other local brands get up this far except Blackthorn and that 'new recipe' sh*te is vile (I heard they were keeping the original recipe for the 'local market' in the West Country - is that still the case?)

Whenever I get down and out in the sticks 'back home' I always make sure I stock up with the local brew ... it's like nectar to an exile :-)

I was in London earlier in the year and ordered a pint of cider in the bar and they had the cheek to serve it with half a glass of ice? WTF is all THAT about!?

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