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Power Cuts


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Get used to it I'm afraid, the energy experts say they will become more frequent in the coming years. But they would say that.

They will, trust me. I did twenty years before the mast in the electricity supply industry. Privatisation is a disaster waiting to happen.

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They will, trust me. I did twenty years before the mast in the electricity supply industry. Privatisation is a disaster waiting to happen.

b-b-but profit? Capitalism demands profit, by selling off the assets the Gov have less to do, plus when it goes tits up they can say HAHAHAH not our problem dipshits, deal with it!

..while they decide how to spend the coin on staying in power.

\How long before they sell everything, there will be nothing left to govern? We will become pure capitalism and anything not making a profit will be destroyed because profit means everything is this pissing country now.

Selling us down the river. Lazy ******* pointless government, power hungry lying deceitful backstabbing shits.

Anyone who studies ppe should be banned from holding power, they are programmed to **** us over.

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Completely and utterly correct.

It's burns coal you know. It is also a fantastic piece of engineering but don't worry about that build a solar farm in its place

Cheaper to build a new one, the Japanese are begging us to let them build new plants. They are trying to spend and invest overseas, their yen is still too strong and they cant export enough, but anyways..

Thank God for Russian gas is all I can say, without it we are buggered. Power is international, if you dont have it or are unable to produce it... buy it elsewhere! A pretty good idea when you are skint and even if you do build one, its still more cost effective to buy power elsewhere, no capital investment makes a happy goverment, better to just suck from the Russians teet for another few years and let another cabinet take the risk.

We need lots of new power supplies, solar, wind, tidal, nuclear, oil, gas, coal, peddle. There is no 1 power source, we need as many as we can as cheaply as we can, what we dont use we can sell.

Solar and innovation of new tech should be encouraged and subsidised by the government, we need to invest in better tech to power us, find a cheaper alternative to fossil fuels.

Wind power is not cheap, infact on paper its utterly ludicrous, most would need to be running a 100 years maintenance free before it even paid for itself. It makes no sense commercially, but it drives innovation.

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