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Boro In For Albert


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Now show me a video of all the times we conceded because he didn't track back, cover his full back or he lost the ball and teams broke against us because of it. Or all the times he overran the ball or put in a poor cross and all his good work amounted to nothing. That video would be longer than this one!

I'm being deliberately antagonistic, read my earlier post I've enjoyed watching Albert as much as anybody, he's an entertainer and that's been welcome during a bleak period. But I don't think we're going to miss him and I think we will be a better team without him moving forwards unless he could have adapted his own game to the way SOD wants to play. We won't ever know the answer to that.

You could just as easily have said that if Albert had been playing in a team where the defence could defend and midfield players knew how to tackle and retain possession then he would not have needed to cover back so much.

Albert was unfortunate enough to play in City teams that couldn't defend and were often so bereft of confidence and ideas that he was the only outlet in attack. That being the case, I'm amazed he achieved as much as he did. Put JET in last season's team and I bet he would have gone missing and be regarded as a luxury.

Put Albert in GJ's team in the first couple of championship seasons, with a pretty solid defence and McIndoe on the other flank, and we would have been a dangerous team. With the shambles we've had for the last 2/3 seasons, Albert has been one bright spot in an otherwise dismal period. He might have had his failings, but seeing him run with the ball at his feet was worth the admission and his goals and assists for last season were remarkable in such a poor team and the number of appearances he made.

Albert was the right player, but in the wrong team and at the wrong time.

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You could just as easily have said that if Albert had been playing in a team where the defence could defend and midfield players knew how to tackle and retain possession then he would not have needed to cover back so much.

Albert was unfortunate enough to play in City teams that couldn't defend and were often so bereft of confidence and ideas that he was the only outlet in attack. That being the case, I'm amazed he achieved as much as he did. Put JET in last season's team and I bet he would have gone missing and be regarded as a luxury.

Put Albert in GJ's team in the first couple of championship seasons, with a pretty solid defence and McIndoe on the other flank, and we would have been a dangerous team. With the shambles we've had for the last 2/3 seasons, Albert has been one bright spot in an otherwise dismal period. He might have had his failings, but seeing him run with the ball at his feet was worth the admission and his goals and assists for last season were remarkable in such a poor team and the number of appearances he made.

Albert was the right player, but in the wrong team and at the wrong time.

I did say I was being deliberately antagonistic. I rate Albert highly but I don't think he's the messiah as his weaknesses are real weaknesses and how much has he actually improved since he's been with us? I wouldn't say the Albert that's left is any different to the Albert that joined us. What he does well he does very well but his all round game still needs work to be the player that some of us already seem to think he is. He is still too one dimensional for me.

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Now show me a video of all the times we conceded because he didn't track back, cover his full back or he lost the ball and teams broke against us because of it. Or all the times he overran the ball or put in a poor cross and all his good work amounted to nothing. That video would be longer than this one!

I'm being deliberately antagonistic, read my earlier post I've enjoyed watching Albert as much as anybody, he's an entertainer and that's been welcome during a bleak period. But I don't think we're going to miss him and I think we will be a better team without him moving forwards unless he could have adapted his own game to the way SOD wants to play. We won't ever know the answer to that.

Absolute rubbish. Blame Mcinnes and mIllen they should of gave him a free role and not asking your best attacking threat to track back. Exactly what SOD is doing with JET.

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Absolute rubbish. Blame Mcinnes and mIllen they should of gave him a free role and not asking your best attacking threat to track back. Exactly what SOD is doing with JET.

The times he was given a free role he looked completely lost and ineffectual? His best position is on the wing but needs to add more to his game to be a better wide player in IMO. No comparison with JET as he isn't a winger who's trying to convert, in fact it seems no-one has ever been able to find his best position before except SOD which is why he hasn't really been a success anywhere but Donny. They play in different positions so the responsibilities are different, harsh truth. The responsibilities of a wide man include covering your full back and having some defensive nous, which didn't come naturally to Albert.

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The times he was given a free role he looked completely lost and ineffectual? His best position is on the wing but needs to add more to his game to be a better wide player in IMO. No comparison with JET as he isn't a winger who's trying to convert, in fact it seems no-one has ever been able to find his best position before except SOD which is why he hasn't really been a success anywhere but Donny. They play in different positions so the responsibilities are different, harsh truth. The responsibilities of a wide man include covering your full back and having some defensive nous, which didn't come naturally to Albert.

Well said. I've just started a thread about this funny enough...

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How lucky we were to have Maynard, Pitman and Adomah in our team.

Our problem was that at the same time we were unlucky to have the other 8 players behind them.

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Wow, I'm not calling him a judas, stop over reacting!! I don't know how many more times I need to write this, but I will again so you can read it, I think Albert is a good player.. I'll say it one more time just incase you did get it. I THINK ALBERT IS A GOOD PLAYER.

Now, what I am saying is, he isn't as good as some people are making out, so, in those terms, to me, he is overrated. So from those facts, do you honestly believe that Albert is a better footballer than Wilfred Zaha? I thought not. The bear bones of it is, he was poor (when I say poor, I mean poor compared to previous seasons) for us last season. You will find numerous threads on here too about his performances, so, I'm not the only one to think this. I'm not even saying that I'm right, but this is just my opinion on the player. I could write a whole page on why I think he failed to impress (me) last season, and this isn't just down to Albert as a player, but the way that the squad needed to play as a whole to get us out of the position we were in.

For me football is evolving, and the traditional "winger" is a dying breed. I think last season showed that sometimes you need to keep things tight and not give the ball away in stupid areas or give it up needlessly (simple I know). Yes Albert is exciting to watch, but I lost count the amount of times he attempted a bit of skill, or went on a mazy run, only to give the ball away or lose possession. As soon as this happens, and the opposition regains the ball, well then you're on the back foot again, and Albert wasn't someone who tracked back to help out, which basically left us short in a defensively struggling side. Previous Bristol City managers have banged on about a balanced side, but Albert, does not fit within the new ethos that we have, and he does not balance our squad, and that, for me was our main issue last season. Our midfield was all over the place and positionally we were way off of the mark. In contrast, look at our squad now against Gillingham. You couldn't have, again in my opinion, a more balanced squad if we tried, with exemption of another striker just to give us that pacey option. Yes we're playing without wingers, but if you want us to play possession football, then this is the way we need to head, and rightly so. I think at one point we held 78% possession yesterday.

So, yes, in my opinion Albert doesn't fit, and I'm guessing SOD has the same view as he dropped him to the bench for the latter part of the season.

As for leaving, I can understand someone wanting to better themselves, but, and this is what gets me, is that he was part of a team that got Bristol City Football Club relegated. We took him from Barnet and gave him a platform to get into the Ghana squad and showcase himself to a wider audience. Does he owe Bristol City anything? No, maybe he doesn't, and I would be a bit more understanding if we simply had a bid for him, but he has forced the move away from Bristol City by handing in that transfer request. He doesn't want to be part of our team and he wanted out as soon as the going got rough. If you heard him in the interview at the Avon Gorge you may change your opinion. I don't expect you to agree with me, but I have no time for footballers forcing moves with transfer requests. I personally think it is disrespectful to BCFC and its fans.

First of all the judas comment was obvious sarcasm. Others may have decided it is the lowest form of wit, but I tend to disagree.

No he doesn't have anywhere near the same potential as Zaha, of course he doesn't. If you were able to actually understand my point, it was a reference comparing the two. One was deemed worthy of 15 million and a place at Manchester United by Sir Alex Ferguson, the other apparently was apparently 'found out'. Let's remember that Albert got his goals and assists in a in the 24th best team in the division, in less games in a deeper position whereas Zaha played in the team that won the play-offs and anyone who went to our game at Selhurst Park would tell you that when not on possession Zaha and Bolasie were afforded the luxury of being able to simply stand on the halfway line and wait for someone to win the ball back. But hey, lets keep peddling the myth that Albert Adomah is lazy.

In your attempts to make out that SO'D agrees with you in that Albert is a luxury that cannot fit into our team I would firstly ask why he had initially planned on playing him last weekend before the Middlesbrough interest became apparent and secondly I would point you to the following quote; "He carries the ball really well and can get you up the pitch, he works hard and has a fist-class attitude. He is not one of those typical wingers who stands out wide and is a waste of space if he does not get the ball. He is a modern-day winger, who can work in all the key areas of the pitch.He can defend with his full-back, work hard in midfield and be creative in the final third". From other many other managers it would be simple to pass it off as simply saying whatever sounds good in the media in an attempt to build their player up, but I wouldn't have thought it needs me to point out that SO'D simply isn't that type of character. (notice how he has refused to go overboard on JET in the last two games and actually drew attention the fact his fitness still needs improving).

You rightly point out that SO'D seemed reluctant to play him last season, but I would have thought the reasons are obvious. SO'D had came to a team who wouldn't have known a clean sheet if it slapped them in the face and using some negative and turgid tactics (not a criticism in any way) we had made ourselves more compact, tighter and a little tougher to beat. It is only natural that he would then have struggled to get our exiting flair player into the team when he became available. That is absolutely no slight on Albert. Should we go through a similar situation this season where we cannot stop conceding, JET gets injured, in his absence we begin to look more solid when JET gets backs fit he would struggle to get back into the team. Sometimes it calls for functionality over flair, this is not the fault of the flair player. Blaming the exciting winger because your midfield or defence isn't fit for purpose doesn't strike me as particularly fair. At not stage during his three years here have the rest of the team provided Albert with the adequate platform to go and win the game. The signs are there (albeit it a lower level) that hopefully that may not be the case with JET.

I'll write it again and hope it sinks in.. We have wanted to sell Albert right from the moment the final ball was kicked at the Valley. For us to build a competitive squad, the funds from the sale of Albert were imperative to give us more room for maneuver within the SCMP regulations. He really hasn't forced any transfer through. Had we accepted the bid from Wigan that was clearly lower than we wanted then you may just have a point, but we didn't so you don't.

Why Albert and/or his agent felt the need to hand in the transfer request when we had made it clear that when the someone stumps up the right amount we will be more than happy to sell I cannot explain, but if he wants to forego any of the loyalty payments that were due to be sent his way then fair enough. Let's compare Albert with Bale, Suarez and Rooney. Those thee spend their summer endlessly telling the world that they would like to leave, but don't put in a transfer request because they want the money they are due from their club should they be sold. Meanwhile Albert tells SO'D and the board that he would like to leave, then when it looks like the transfer won't happen tells the media that although he would like to leave he will try his best as long as he is here while SO'D repeatedly tells anyone that wants to listen how great he has been and he leaves with everyone's best wishes.

I'd also be interested in what you think of Aden Flint? Swindon took him from obscurity playing for Alfreton, he had two very good years there and then as soon as we showed an interest he made it pretty clear that he wanted to leave. Surely any criticism you have of Albert you would also have of the big lad? Or does it not matter because he was joining us rather than leaving us?

I struggle to believe how anyone can realistically have expected Albert to have been happy playing in League 1 (and therefore pretty much not giving himself any chance of going to Brazil next summer) while he sees former teammates such as Woolford, Gerken and Nyantanga plying their trade at the level above him.

As for your comment about wanting out as 'soon as the going got rough' I assume you haven't seen a league table in the last three seasons?

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.Middlesboro seems a strange choice for Albert.......for me they are no better than a lower to mid-table championship side. I am sure given the choice he would have moved elsewhere, but I am sure he sees it as a step in the right direction, as he will be in the spotlight a lot more in the Championship......and hopefully if he continues to improve and is alongside better players he will achieve his aim to play in the Premiership in a season or two (Can't see it happening with Middlesboro though). Good Luck AA, I will follow your career with interest..........and heres hoping we included a sell on clause!

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Good player, a bit hyped up due to his personality. IMO, very overrated. I think he was found out a bit last season, and he's bailed on us.... Nothing more to say.

Good luck.

Haha you really are the most clueless person on this forum.....you rally haven't got a clue,

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