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Bit Lucky


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Thought Bradford more than deserved a point today and we were totally outplayed to start the second half before our goal against the run of play, never fancied us to hang on..

There was positives, very impressed with Aden Flint who will be our next Shaun Taylor, nice to see youth getting a chance, but I thought we looked very lightweight and am worried we are going to get kicked off the park a bit this season,

After selling Davies and Albert are we going to be able to make a couple of signings? We are surely going to need a quick wideman as we lacked width and a final ball today, not sure if wynter has pace for a wide role.

Not moaning and I feel Bradford will be up there this season, could look a decent point come later in the season, coyr's.

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Blatant handball but you play to the whistle! I will never understand why Fielding came for that ball though.

The trouble was that he hesitated if he wouldn't of he would of probably got to it first.

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Moments change games and I would argue if wells had scored and not hit the post we would've had all 3 points-

just one question are the home fans always that quiet ?

Was a very open and enjoyable game to watch, could also argue if fielding didn't have a rush of blood and stayed on his line, we would of carried on dictating the game which we were doing up to that point.

I thought your fans were terrific, never stopped singing throughout and a good following (considering the distance between our cities).

Our fans have had to put up with nothing but dross for the last 3 seasons, the club and players have ALOT to do before the fans get back on side.

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We were by far the better footballing team. The only time they looked threatening was for a brief spell in the second half when there left winger was tearing us a knew one.

I wouldnt disagree with a point being a fair result as we were sloppy at times.

There were so many positives today that I know we will be up their at the end of the season.

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Moments change games and I would argue if wells had scored and not hit the post we would've had all 3 points-

just one question are the home fans always that quiet ?

I've come to accept that atmosphere is subjective. Whilst I agree that the other 3 stands are quiet (as are yours and every other club) the home fans to your right sang for the majority of the game. You're simply lying if you say you didnt hear us. On the other hand, perhaps you thought they were away fans as well?

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Moments change games and I would argue if wells had scored and not hit the post we would've had all 3 points-

just one question are the home fans always that quiet ?

The equaliser changed the whole game if we would of got the 2nd when we were on top we would of scored 3 or 4. Draw was fair in the end.

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Moments change games and I would argue if wells had scored and not hit the post we would've had all 3 points-

just one question are the home fans always that quiet ?

I bet you ask this question every other week.


I bet you won't hear many louder home fans this season, and whilst you were ok you were not great yourselves until the equaliser.

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A draw was a fair result ... City played the better football fo the 1st half hour til the equaliser then seemed to let themselves get bullied til they went back in front then get done as they have done so often over the years from a set piece!

More positives than negatives though, onwards and upwards

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got to love how different people see the game, I don't think we controlled the game at any point, mind you I missed the first 20 minus stuck in a queue outside the ticket office!

You should've arrived earlier or bought online - no sympathy! :)

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At the risk of alienating my fellow fans I must say, from up in the Dolman, the Bradford fans were much noisier. That's not necessarily a bad reflection on our fans, but the Bradford fans were simply some of the noisiest I've heard in recent seasons.

Sometimes you have to say fair play because they still made lots of noise even when they were losing.

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I've come to accept that atmosphere is subjective. Whilst I agree that the other 3 stands are quiet (as are yours and every other club) the home fans to your right sang for the majority of the game. You're simply lying if you say you didnt hear us. On the other hand, perhaps you thought they were away fans as well?

Spot on, there were obviously quiet spells from us after Bradfords two equalisers but apart from that I thought we were fine, especially the first 30 minutes when I rarely heard Bradford fans over our own.

Sing when they're drawing. That Heavensent pr1ck is just bitter because he fell hook, line and sinker for a Randy Marsh wind up on here.

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At the risk of alienating my fellow fans I must say, from up in the Dolman, the Bradford fans were much noisier. That's not necessarily a bad reflection on our fans, but the Bradford fans were simply some of the noisiest I've heard in recent seasons.

Sometimes you have to say fair play because they still made lots of noise even when they were losing.

Good luck for the season pal to you and the other gracious Bristol fans- we also have delusional idiots but hey ho- such is life

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Love the confidence and optimism but I can't even remember us creating a good chance bar the two goals, the second which came totally against the run of play, bar a couple of Flint headers at the end from corners.

Hope you lot are right and we are up there, 'cos I can't see it unless we sign a couple more.

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