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Questions For Davel


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As fans liason officer employed by the club a break after the first day of the season is not the greatest plan imo

It may be his days off are Sunday & Monday due to having to work on sat?? I certainly would not go in to work on a Sunday to deal with a customer!! They can wait until I'm back!!

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As fans liason officer employed by the club a break after the first day of the season is not the greatest plan imo

that itself is not a problem, if he has a replacement. But again, single point of failure is not on. There has to be someone in for holiday or illness cover. not Dave's fault, another bollock dropped by the club. That is of course if they really take this job role seriously!

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It may be his days off are Sunday & Monday due to having to work on sat?? I certainly would not go in to work on a Sunday to deal with a customer!! They can wait until I'm back!!

This is not exactly running the night shift at Maccy Ds. It's a business with an 8 figure turnover, he's the fans liaison, it's a professional, senior role, and the club has pissed off hundreds or thousands of fans who make up a big part of that revenue. To be honest, in any professional organisation after a calamity like this I'd expect the senior management to be working Sunday, Monday and every bloody day until they've adequately explained themselves, fixed the damage and reassured their "customers".
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Agree having Monday off after the first game of the season was not the brightest thing to do..... but 1) a responsive organisation would have issued an unreserved apology on the day 2) it was not essential for the Fans Liaison Officer to have been involved in issuing the apology.

It seems fans pressure on OTIB resulted in the belated apology. The Club's errors just continue to stack up and goes to reinforce my view that they don't care a *** about us.

As this is a 'pose a question' thread my two questions would be:-

1) why was there no contingency plan in place and triggered when it was clear only a hundred or so of the fifteen hundred queuing POTD fans were going to get in the ground by KO?

2) why does the club persist with a three-stage, complex, expensive, customer unfriendly and prone to breakdown POTD ticketing process when a one-stage 'pay at the turnstile' solution is available, tried and tested?

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This is not exactly running the night shift at Maccy Ds. It's a business with an 8 figure turnover, he's the fans liaison, it's a professional, senior role, and the club has pissed off hundreds or thousands of fans who make up a big part of that revenue. To be honest, in any professional organisation after a calamity like this I'd expect the senior management to be working Sunday, Monday and every bloody day until they've adequately explained themselves, fixed the damage and reassured their "customers".

In this situation J Lansdown, K Smith or K Dawe are the people who should be stepping forward and not letting some poor bloke who has no say in how things are done take the flak. The fans liasion officer does not strike me as a senior role. I could be wrong though.

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This is not exactly running the night shift at Maccy Ds. It's a business with an 8 figure turnover, he's the fans liaison, it's a professional, senior role, and the club has pissed off hundreds or thousands of fans who make up a big part of that revenue. To be honest, in any professional organisation after a calamity like this I'd expect the senior management to be working Sunday, Monday and every bloody day until they've adequately explained themselves, fixed the damage and reassured their "customers".

Fans liaison? No. Club liaison.

It is all bullshit otherwise the same mistakes wouldn't continue to repeated over and over.

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In this situation J Lansdown, K Smith or K Dawe are the people who should be stepping forward and not letting some poor bloke who has no say in how things are done take the flak. The fans liasion officer does not strike me as a senior role. I could be wrong though.

I agree with this. I'd also add that OTIB seems to be taking itself too seriously. Why should DaveL react to threads on here? We don't have any official capacity?!?

Having said that, as Club Liaison Officer I'd hope he would read through this place (which he does as I understand) and take back strongly held views to the club (whoever that might be).

The response though should be on the main website, in local newspapers and in the next match day programme, not on here.

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This is not exactly running the night shift at Maccy Ds. It's a business with an 8 figure turnover, he's the fans liaison, it's a professional, senior role, and the club has pissed off hundreds or thousands of fans who make up a big part of that revenue. To be honest, in any professional organisation after a calamity like this I'd expect the senior management to be working Sunday, Monday and every bloody day until they've adequately explained themselves, fixed the damage and reassured their "customers".

No it isn't, McDonald's deal with queues a whole lot better and shift staff around to reduce them if need be. They also get extra staff in on days they expect to be busy.

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No it isn't, McDonald's deal with queues a whole lot better and shift staff around to reduce them if need be. They also get extra staff in on days they expect to be busy.

I am betting Maccy D's also have a turn over bigger than 8 figures :)

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The ticket arrangements of this club has been a joke for years, what happened Saturday and against Reading is nothing new, stand by for another farce against Wolves. Pi-s up and brewery as per usual. :grr:

Hopefully, the club realise that they cannot afford another cock up like this.

Over recent months the club has changed it's philosophy, heavily influenced by the harsh financial facts of life in league 1. Because of the ffp rules, and in anticipation of much reduced turnover, the club has had to find ways of reducing costs in order to remain as competitive as possible - shipping out highly paid players and replacing them with value for money players from lower leagues, and cost cutting throughout the club.

It is quite understandable that the club would not have anticipated such a turnout for Saturday's game, but 3000 or so POTD fans represents a lot of extra revenue, which if continued throughout the season would make a huge difference the club's income. Such increased revenue in turn would give the club more room for manoeuvre with players wages when looking to bring in new signings in future all of which could impact hugely on our on the pitch fortunes. Lots of fans were obviously very unhappy on Saturday, and I suspect that if the chaos was repeated in future games some would call it a day, and the club would lose that extra income which is even more valuable now.

It is therefore essential that the club makes sure there is no danger of a repeat, not just that they try and do what they can.

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Hopefully, the club realise that they cannot afford another cock up like this.

Over recent months the club has changed it's philosophy, heavily influenced by the harsh financial facts of life in league 1. Because of the ffp rules, and in anticipation of much reduced turnover, the club has had to find ways of reducing costs in order to remain as competitive as possible - shipping out highly paid players and replacing them with value for money players from lower leagues, and cost cutting throughout the club.

It is quite understandable that the club would not have anticipated such a turnout for Saturday's game, but 3000 or so POTD fans represents a lot of extra revenue, which if continued throughout the season would make a huge difference the club's income. Such increased revenue in turn would give the club more room for manoeuvre with players wages when looking to bring in new signings in future all of which could impact hugely on our on the pitch fortunes. Lots of fans were obviously very unhappy on Saturday, and I suspect that if the chaos was repeated in future games some would call it a day, and the club would lose that extra income which is even more valuable now.

It is therefore essential that the club makes sure there is no danger of a repeat, not just that they try and do what they can.

The bottom line is dead right, but if they'd looked at OTIB they'd have seen general agreement on a 14K crowd. Maybe OTIB knows better than the club - a frightening thought :o

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Possible for my questions to answered.? I'm amazed how big this thread has got. I'm a season ticket holder so the ticket queues didnt affect me, but getting my season ticket checked at the bottom of the steps, every single game by the same stewards time after time is just getting boring and pointless now.

I haven't had a season ticket for a couple of years now, but it used to be that a different light came on for concessions - have they discontinued this?

If it has been changed, why don't they make concessions go through a different turnstile, and set the turnstiles so one only accepts adults and one only accepts concessions?

I find it rather anal that they go to all this trouble just to try a and root out a few fans that don't play by the rules. Inconvenience 95% of fans to catch 5% of offenders.

The simple answer is a 12-month ban for anyone caught trying to enter on a ticket they are not entitled to.

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I haven't had a season ticket for a couple of years now, but it used to be that a different light came on for concessions - have they discontinued this?

If it has been changed, why don't they make concessions go through a different turnstile, and set the turnstiles so one only accepts adults and one only accepts concessions?

I find it rather anal that they go to all this trouble just to try a and root out a few fans that don't play by the rules. Inconvenience 95% of fans to catch 5% of offenders.

The simple answer is a 12-month ban for anyone caught trying to enter on a ticket they are not entitled to.

I fully agree, but why has the eastend been targetted with extra ticket checks for the last 6 years, when other stands haven't?

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Possible for my questions to answered.? I'm amazed how big this thread has got. I'm a season ticket holder so the ticket queues didnt affect me, but getting my season ticket checked at the bottom of the steps, every single game by the same stewards time after time is just getting boring and pointless now.

oh fully agree with this I have no idea why this happens and frankley it shouldn't,

I can understand it after half time to a degree but not before kick off

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I haven't had a season ticket for a couple of years now, but it used to be that a different light came on for concessions - have they discontinued this?

If it has been changed, why don't they make concessions go through a different turnstile, and set the turnstiles so one only accepts adults and one only accepts concessions?

I find it rather anal that they go to all this trouble just to try a and root out a few fans that don't play by the rules. Inconvenience 95% of fans to catch 5% of offenders.

The simple answer is a 12-month ban for anyone caught trying to enter on a ticket they are not entitled to.

This is one of the biggest surprises of the new system for me. For years now the club has had a problem with adults entering on juvenile tickets, although the old turnstiles had an orange light to identify concessions. The new system has just green for go, and red for stop. Unless there are going to be stewards checking every ticket outside the turnstile, which is both annoying and impracticle in big crowds, then adults entering on kids tickets are given the green light, so to speak.

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This is one of the biggest surprises of the new system for me. For years now the club has had a problem with adults entering on juvenile tickets, although the old turnstiles had an orange light to identify concessions. The new system has just green for go, and red for stop. Unless there are going to be stewards checking every ticket outside the turnstile, which is both annoying and impracticle in big crowds, then adults entering on kids tickets are given the green light, so to speak.

Then, with the added deterrent of receiving a 12-month ban if caught, why not implement a concessions turnstile, where all concessions enter, along side an adults only (only works with adult season tickets/tickets) turnstile. All least then, the stewards only have to keep an eye on the concessions line and pull over anyone that doesn't look like a concession (ie.must look under 16 or over 65 - or whatever the rules are). Admittedly, students are more difficult, but what's wrong with the club issuing some sort of id on a lanyard for students (or ALL concessions for that matter!), who must wear it through the turnstile in order to pass the steward eyeball inspection on the other side?

The current method seems to be a sledgehammer to crack a nut. At the least with this, the majority of fans (Adults) are spared this ridiculous witch hunt.

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Then, with the added deterrent of receiving a 12-month ban if caught, why not implement a concessions turnstile, where all concessions enter, along side an adults only (only works with adult season tickets/tickets) turnstile. All least then, the stewards only have to keep an eye on the concessions line and pull over anyone that doesn't look like a concession (ie.must look under 16 or over 65 - or whatever the rules are). Admittedly, students are more difficult, but what's wrong with the club issuing some sort of id on a lanyard for students (or ALL concessions for that matter!), who must wear it through the turnstile in order to pass the steward eyeball inspection on the other side?

The current method seems to be a sledgehammer to crack a nut. At the least with this, the majority of fans (Adults) are spared this ridiculous witch hunt.

It has been tried before on the Dolman stand. It was abandoned after about 30 minutes. What happened was the adult queue was miles long and the concession one had next to nobody waiting, so when an adult came along with a young child he wasn't prepared (rightly) to be parted with him while he waited in a huge queue. Also there were protests from the people in the queue as to why a turnstile was free when theirs was miles long. Believe me, it's a good idea but just doesn't work. With regards to your idea of a ban if caught, there is no chance of being caught unless stewards are checking tickets outside, and reading this thread, it seems that is one thing that we want the club to steer away from. There wlso used to be lights on the inside of the turnstile blocks, which lit up to the relevant colour, with every person who went through, so the club could utilise staff to stand inside the concourses and approach any adult who entered on a juvenile (or OAP) ticket, and make them go back to the ticket office and pay the difference. This meant that only the offenders were being approached, and not everyone having their tickets checked. These lights have now been disconnected as they were part of the old system.

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think this is a fairly comprehenside piece from DaveL giving details of both why things went wrong, an apology and details of plans to improve matters and a means to raise other issues with him directly. Hopefully that will draw the thread to a close and we can focus on enjoying some exciting talent in the squad. One of my few games last year (I live in Singapore so its a long drive) was Gillingham at home so last night's highlights were a breath of fresh air!


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think this is a fairly comprehenside piece from DaveL giving details of both why things went wrong, an apology and details of plans to improve matters and a means to raise other issues with him directly. Hopefully that will draw the thread to a close and we can focus on enjoying some exciting talent in the squad. One of my few games last year (I live in Singapore so its a long drive) was Gillingham at home so last night's highlights were a breath of fresh air!


3000 potd (compared to 400 last season avg) half turning up with 30 minutes to spare printers breaking down and lack of staff sums that up,

Club got complacent said sorry it won't happen told us what they will do to fix it now its time to move on,

If it happens again then kick off again

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3000 potd (compared to 400 last season avg) half turning up with 30 minutes to spare printers breaking down and lack of staff sums that up,

Club got complacent said sorry it won't happen told us what they will do to fix it now its time to move on,

If it happens again then kick off again

Hear, Hear, just one point though, as last week wore on it became obvious to most on this forum especially that there was going to be a fairly significant crowd and by friday most predictions were around the 14k mark and lo and behold that is the size of crowd they got, so if the fans knew why didn't the club?, the POTD excuse is bullshit.

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think this is a fairly comprehenside piece from DaveL giving details of both why things went wrong, an apology and details of plans to improve matters and a means to raise other issues with him directly. Hopefully that will draw the thread to a close and we can focus on enjoying some exciting talent in the squad. One of my few games last year (I live in Singapore so its a long drive) was Gillingham at home so last night's highlights were a breath of fresh air!


That is more like it. That is all people ask. Hope the new kit works and the extra windows stay open.
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Thing is the club never ever learns, promises to improve things and then doesn't and eventually this will happen again. This season if wwe're doing well there will be a high potd, last season we did shite so not surprised by 400 potd but surely the club should have anticipated that with it being new season, new signings fresh optimism then the walk up would be much higher. To compare this season to last was foolish.

Dave what is gonna be done to ensure the club doesn't get caught out by a high potd again? That's the route of the problem and that needs to be looked at first, bare in mind your reply will dictate if I decide to attend a game at the last minute.

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Hear, Hear, just one point though, as last week wore on it became obvious to most on this forum especially that there was going to be a fairly significant crowd and by friday most predictions were around the 14k mark and lo and behold that is the size of crowd they got, so if the fans knew why didn't the club?, the POTD excuse is bullshit.

Exactly the question I asked - any chance of an answer, Dave?

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surely the club should have anticipated that with it being new season, new signings fresh optimism then the walk up would be much higher. .

After all the moaning all closed season on here and all the "I am never going down again" stuff, I should think they anticipated no potd at all. I would have.

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