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Ban Them!

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Guest cider_dog

They should be given a season ticket for life and a statue erected in the honor in the finest Italian marble.

We will never forget them.

Until tomorrow...

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Any so called supporter who ran on the pitch during / after the game should be banned. Views?


Our fans go on after the Palace and Coventry games not a problem - same fans do the same thing last night and suddenly it is an issue?

You will see the repeat of this up and down the country when teams get big wins, Bradford after beating Villa / Arsenal, just celebrating

Look at the TV pictures again - people just euthoric after beating Rovers

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Our fans go on after the Palace and Coventry games not a problem - same fans do the same thing last night and suddenly it is an issue?

You will see the repeat of this up and down the country when teams get big wins, Bradford after beating Villa / Arsenal, just celebrating

Look at the TV pictures again - people just euthoric after beating Rovers


It seems the standard over-reaction by some.

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Our fans go on after the Palace and Coventry games not a problem - same fans do the same thing last night and suddenly it is an issue?

You will see the repeat of this up and down the country when teams get big wins, Bradford after beating Villa / Arsenal, just celebrating

Look at the TV pictures again - people just euthoric after beating Rovers

Running up towards the Rovers fans made the difference…

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Are most people forgetting what the angelic Gas fans got up to all pretty much all game? Or was it all City last night?

That's the most disappointing aspect of it because our indiscretion will cloud over those thugs charging at the po-po twice and abusing 12 year old ball boys.

Shame. Family club my arse.

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Any so called supporter who ran on the pitch during / after the game should be banned. Views?

To be honest, how can you ban somebody when the turnstiles are opened with 10 minutes to kick off, to let in anybody with a piece of paper in their hand without even looking at it. The motto is, just get everybody in, whoever they are.

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Our fans go on after the Palace and Coventry games not a problem - same fans do the same thing last night and suddenly it is an issue?

You will see the repeat of this up and down the country when teams get big wins, Bradford after beating Villa / Arsenal, just celebrating

Look at the TV pictures again - people just euthoric after beating Rovers

Lets get this in context.

This was to go through to the 2nd round of the JPT not to go to Wembley or whatever!

This wasn't a big win and the majority of the people on the pitch weren't celebrating with players but screaming at the Rovers which will only provoke trouble.

If you can't control yourself after winning a match then what the hell would you do after getting married, having a baby etc.

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This wasn't a big win and the majority of the people on the pitch weren't celebrating with players but screaming at the Rovers which will only provoke trouble.

If you can't control yourself after winning a match then what the hell would you do after getting married, having a baby etc.

Watch the TV footage back, it's certainly not as bad as it looked at the time or has been reported on

PS When I got married I pulled my shirt over my head and ran around the church with my hands held aloft

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Watch the TV footage back, it's certainly not as bad as it looked at the time or has been reported on

PS When I got married I pulled my shirt over my head and ran around the church with my hands held aloft

Did you throw a bible at the vicar and swear at him?

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The way I see it is those who ran onto the pitch fall into two categories, those who got in the Rovers fans faces and those who were just happy to beat Rovers, the earlier mentioned should be prosecuted and banned for a period of time because they bring the club down rather than improve it. The club is better off without the "fans" who are just out to provoke.

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The way I see it is those who ran onto the pitch fall into two categories, those who got in the Rovers fans faces and those who were just happy to beat Rovers, the earlier mentioned should be prosecuted and banned for a period of time because they bring the club down rather than improve it. The club is better off without the "fans" who are just out to provoke.

And what's the bets that the ones who were there to provoke rarely turn up to watch City games? Just the games where trouble could happen.

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And what's the bets that the ones who were there to provoke rarely turn up to watch City games? Just the games where trouble could happen.

exactly. i think if we banned the ones provoking you would even see a change in attendance in most of our home games.

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Disgraceful reporting actually right from the opening paragraph that creates the impression the Police's injuries resulted from our fans entering the pitch when in actual fact they were incurred fighting the gas morons.

You then scroll down the article and see the following picture with the caption "Trouble brewing: Citys fans (right) are kept away from Rovers supporters by stewards during the match". Really, Daily Mail, lets give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't have anyone at the ground to see what was actually happening, can you honestly look at this photo and decide this is what is happening?


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People who complain about over policing and being treated like cattle well last night is the very reason we are because a bunch of cocks can't behave themselves


The stewards at the back of A&B in the dolman were...for once.... very sensible in that they knew / expected hyped tension & passion so kept themselves to themselves, and allowed a little more leniency for enjoyment of the game "old school" ..... no telling people to sit down stood out for me... (see what I did there...heh)

As a result we had a thoroughly enjoyable time.... reminded me of the old A&B blocks when you had to get in early to get a seat and the atmos was awesome

However the actions of the mindless who took the "little inch" we were all given and ran across the pitch with it, will now no doubt mean we will not be afforded such "grown up" privileges again.... shame really but we (the ones who go to games regularly) are the ones who will pay the price with added draconian controls

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The club are obviously not bothered about fans invading the pitch. Year on year they do nothing about how easy it is to just hop over the advertising boards in front of the Dolman. Perhaps the club think that the reason people leave their seats and stand five deep and watch the game at ground level just behind the advertising boards, is to get nearer the action or something. There was always going to be a pitch invasion and the club looked the other way including the stewards, most of whom were older than me. Well, some of 'em.

Not often I criticise the club but they didn't do enough IMO it will happen again and agin, no big surprise.

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Guest Red Till I'm Dead

So this is a example, i ran on the pitch after full time after 100+ city fans got on the pitch, they all went to the gas, i went to JET, i will get a ban for that, yet i didnt cause and disturbance?

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Guest SaltfordRed

They won't ban people for going on the pitch. They'll ban people for violence and disorder. People chucking stuff etc will be in trouble I'd have thought.

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Any so called supporter who ran on the pitch during / after the game should be banned. Views?

Ban the lot of them, the moron in the yellow top who repeated ran on after each goal and at the end, Life ban. Season Ticket holders or not.

Last game of the season not a problem, but we've got another 20 odd home games to play and now the pitch is a right bloody state, the grounds men have been down there all day and are going to be spending the next week or so repairing the pitch from the inbred morons who couldn't control themselves.

Personally I hope as many as possible are banned, I'll happily name and shame any of the moronic fools who ran on.

Some idiots even took small children on with them, wise ideal with police horses wondering around, you have to question how fit some of these people are to be parents - Social Services have a word.

Embrassment to the club, players and fans - Same can be said for sections of the Rovers crowd.

Anyone on here condoining and trying to play down the pathetic behavior are as bad as the morons' on the pitch.

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So this is a example, i ran on the pitch after full time after 100+ city fans got on the pitch, they all went to the gas, i went to JET, i will get a ban for that, yet i didnt cause and disturbance?

Entering the field of player is causing a distubance. You shouldn't be on there.

I'd ban you personally.

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So this is a example, i ran on the pitch after full time after 100+ city fans got on the pitch, they all went to the gas, i went to JET, i will get a ban for that, yet i didnt cause and disturbance?

Fact is you still shouldn't have been on the pitch.

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End of the season or getting to a cup final the club will normally turn a blind eye and rightly so IMO,

But entering the field if play is a criminal offense and those caught doing could feel the full force of sanctions which include up to a 3 year banning order

If those who ran on the pitch stayed away from the gas then we would condemn it but it wouldn't of been given a second thought at,

The fl could make an example of us as its not the first time this season it's happened,

Anyway anyone who does get a ban you will only have yourself a to blame

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If it's Ok at the end of season or getting to a cup final then we should be told as much.

It's not ok and every end of season game the club announce over the loud speaker please stay off the pitch,

But they and most clubs turn a blind eye to it because its a tradition like hot bovral etc

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Guest i hate rovers


Our fans go on after the Palace and Coventry games not a problem - same fans do the same thing last night and suddenly it is an issue?

You will see the repeat of this up and down the country when teams get big wins, Bradford after beating Villa / Arsenal, just celebrating

Look at the TV pictures again - people just euthoric after beating Rovers

yep %100 right just a few plums lobbing stuff ,little kids and women just overjoyed at the result,happy happy days.i bet theres a few goodies on here who went on ...not for trouble but to wish are friends from horfield a safe journey home..come on own up. ;)

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Guest i hate rovers

Been rewatching the game, I might be wrong but at 79mins 58secs there appears to be two instances of a Rovers player being spat at.

pies as well from the dolman what a waste of a pie....

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It's not ok and every end of season game the club announce over the loud speaker please stay off the pitch,

But they and most clubs turn a blind eye to it because its a tradition like hot bovral etc

Then it will always happen and it's a bit unfair, if indeed they do it, to ban anyone who 'peacefully' walked onto the turf.

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Any so called supporter who ran on the pitch during / after the game should be banned. Views?

No. It was predominately a celebratory pitch invasion, with just a few young 'un's puffing their pigeon chests out at the Gash.

They're not "so called supporters", they're passionate supporters.

I was pleased to see such passion - we've suffered terribly for the last few years, gotta make most of the good times. And it doesn't get much better than beating the Gypo's with two stunning goals live on Sky.

Can't believe the over-reaction today from City, Gash & the media.

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People who complain about over policing and being treated like cattle well last night is the very reason we are because a bunch of cocks can't behave themselves

For ***** sake stop talking sense now. Their persecution complex would be deprived of a reason to exist.

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Guest i hate rovers

End of the season or getting to a cup final the club will normally turn a blind eye and rightly so IMO,

But entering the field if play is a criminal offense and those caught doing could feel the full force of sanctions which include up to a 3 year banning order

If those who ran on the pitch stayed away from the gas then we would condemn it but it wouldn't of been given a second thought at,

The fl could make an example of us as its not the first time this season it's happened,

Anyway anyone who does get a ban you will only have yourself a to blame

yep ban the lot.....how many went on for various reasons fking hundreds,the idiots lobbing stuff ruined a cele bratry pitch invasion,i know they shouldnt have been on...it happens a lot else where,its a bit iffy for the oppo players though.

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No. It was predominately a celebratory pitch invasion, with just a few young 'un's puffing their pigeon chests out at the Gash.

They're not "so called supporters", they're passionate supporters.

I was pleased to see such passion - we've suffered terribly for the last few years, gotta make most of the good times. And it doesn't get much better than beating the Gypo's with two stunning goals live on Sky.

Can't believe the over-reaction today from City, Gash & the media.

What happens if a hard up Bristol City gets hit with a fine and or closed doors game? This took place during a live TV game..The FA are investigating it n all

Its ******* stupid whenever it happens. You can justify a pitch invasion after the last home game, or following promotion, but winning the 1st round leg of a little mickey mouse cup. Do be ****** brief.

And people seriously wonder why they get treated like shit a football games for club and country....

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What happens if a hard up Bristol City gets hit with a fine and or closed doors game? This took place during a live TV game..The FA are investigating it n all

Its ******* stupid whenever it happens. You can justify a pitch invasion after the last home game, or following promotion, but winning the 1st round leg of a little mickey mouse cup. Do be ****** brief.

And people seriously wonder why they get treated like shit a football games for club and country....

But that 1st round leg of the piss pot trophy was against our arch rivals after a 7 year period of playing them and losing. And against a backdrop of having to have f all to cheer about for a long time.

A pitch invasion at a local derby, I don't get all the fuss.

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