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Ppi Claims


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Anybody out there tried claiming for this, just wondering what the success rate is like across the various banks.

I personally haven't heard of anyone as of yet to fail in an application, perhaps the various banks are being asked to be more reasonable in giving back peoples money.

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99% of PPI claims are false anyway (can't back this up), people just put the claims in the abuse the system even when the vast majority of people signed up for it knowingly.

Even if they were, why would that bother you? Didn't the banks get bailed out by yours and my taxes which we had no say over, haven't bankers been proven to be some of the biggest crooks going. Forget morales (they do) just wondering if people on here have claimed and failed.

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Even if they were, why would that bother you? Didn't the banks get bailed out by yours and my taxes which we had no say over, haven't bankers been proven to be some of the biggest crooks going. Forget morales (they do) just wondering if people on here have claimed and failed.

Don't even disagree with you. However, It only means the banks will up the charges - or worse, start charging monthly fees for basic accounts and credit facilities. It's like when people claim for bicycles and playstations that they've never owned in a insurance claim, we all end up having to pay for it one way or another.

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99% of PPI claims are false anyway (can't back this up), people just put the claims in the abuse the system even when the vast majority of people signed up for it knowingly.

Sorry JammyOne, that's rubbish.

You make PPI claims sound like dodgy insurance claims, they're not. I worked for a high st bank for many years until 2004, although I wasn't involved in the actual selling of loans or credit cards I know plenty of the tricks that used to be used to get people to sign up to PPI, even after the customer had stated they didn't want it. I even know one seller who would tell customers that the loan wouldn't be agreed unless they took out PPI, it's rubbish. All of this so that they could go to their team meetings on a Wednesday morning with decent sales figures.

The thing most people are guilty of is not fully reading the 2 pages of small print before signing the boxes they are told to sign by the person selling them the loan. Most con tricks however rely on an element of negligence from the victim, that doesn't excuse the con and if you've paid PPI and been unaware of it that's your money and you are entitled to claim it back.

Not all account managers or financial sellers used these practices but the pressures of 'hitting your targets' obviously effected many.

In response to the OP, I have a mate who was sent a letter from his bank saying he may want to claim a small amount PPI he had paid on a loan that was taken out at a time when PPI was being widely mis-sold. I told him to dig a little deeper because he said that he has never agreed to paying PPI on any loan (his philosophy is that if he loses his job, he will just get another). His bank informed him that actually he had paid PPI on 6 seperate loans in the last 10 years amounting to over a £1500 in payments. He phoned his banks PPI claim hotline. had a 5 minute conversation and 8 weeks later he recieved £4000 in his bank account (the bank will pay you back interest on the amount of PPI you paid). I believe the banks honour most claims. You should do it because you have nothing to lose and just think of all those times in the past when you've been charged £20 for going £11 overdrawn for one day etc.

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Sorry JammyOne, that's rubbish.

You make PPI claims sound like dodgy insurance claims, they're not. I worked for a high st bank for many years until 2004, although I wasn't involved in the actual selling of loans or credit cards I know plenty of the tricks that used to be used to get people to sign up to PPI, even after the customer had stated they didn't want it. I even know one seller who would tell customers that the loan wouldn't be agreed unless they took out PPI, it's rubbish. All of this so that they could go to their team meetings on a Wednesday morning with decent sales figures.

The thing most people are guilty of is not fully reading the 2 pages of small print before signing the boxes they are told to sign by the person selling them the loan. Most con tricks however rely on an element of negligence from the victim, that doesn't excuse the con and if you've paid PPI and been unaware of it that's your money and you are entitled to claim it back.

Not all account managers or financial sellers used these practices but the pressures of 'hitting your targets' obviously effected many.

In response to the OP, I have a mate who was sent a letter from his bank saying he may want to claim a small amount PPI he had paid on a loan that was taken out at a time when PPI was being widely mis-sold. I told him to dig a little deeper because he said that he has never agreed to paying PPI on any loan (his philosophy is that if he loses his job, he will just get another). His bank informed him that actually he had paid PPI on 6 seperate loans in the last 10 years amounting to over a £1500 in payments. He phoned his banks PPI claim hotline. had a 5 minute conversation and 8 weeks later he recieved £4000 in his bank account (the bank will pay you back interest on the amount of PPI you paid). I believe the banks honour most claims. You should do it because you have nothing to lose and just think of all those times in the past when you've been charged £20 for going £11 overdrawn for one day etc.

Ok true story from me. Took out a bank loan years ago through my local branch, told the person i didn't want any protection because I was living at home and the loan was going to be paid back early anyway. Got the loan and thought no more about it until one day when I went to pay it off early.

Bank tell me a figure that doesn't make sense, so I ask about it and get told that I have ppi wih my loan. Gobsmacked I ask to see the manager who confirms I have insurance to pay back on top of my loan. It stems from a form that I signed to take the loan out and somebody at the branch ticked a box to add ppi to it.

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Advise if possible....

I've had 1 loan (with tesco bank) in the past and have been overdrawn in my earlier years, would this mean there's a old chance I'm owed some dosh?

Not for being overdrawn but if you paid PPI on the Tesco loan and were unaware of it you should have a claim.

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Ok true story from me. Took out a bank loan years ago through my local branch, told the person i didn't want any protection because I was living at home and the loan was going to be paid back early anyway. Got the loan and thought no more about it until one day when I went to pay it off early.

Bank tell me a figure that doesn't make sense, so I ask about it and get told that I have ppi wih my loan. Gobsmacked I ask to see the manager who confirms I have insurance to pay back on top of my loan. It stems from a form that I signed to take the loan out and somebody at the branch ticked a box to add ppi to it.

Phone your bank ask them for their PPI claims telephone number, explain this to them and you should get your money back plus interest. May take a couple of months but you've definitely got a claim as well as highlighting my point that many people have paid PPI without knowing about it.

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Even if they were, why would that bother you? Didn't the banks get bailed out by yours and my taxes which we had no say over, haven't bankers been proven to be some of the biggest crooks going. Forget morales (they do) just wondering if people on here have claimed and failed.

Don't blame banks for the mess we're in, blame irresponsible borrowers taking beyond their means.

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I used to work in a PPI department for a bit. We'd have a lot of people writing in about finding out information on their loan history and there were a lot that had never taken out PPI so there was nothing for them to claim so those failed to a degree but overall, anyone who had PPI attached can just say "never knew I had that" and they'll get an offer to pay them off. Usually at less than what the PPI cost actually was and people will accept it without bothering to ask any more questions. Ask for a breakdown of payments even if it is going to cost you the £10 subject access request fee. If that's what it takes you could get back more from it than that £10 outlay.

Using a company to do it for you though? You're giving up 25%+ for them to write a couple of letters for you. Do it yourself.

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When I got my mortgage with my Mrs who at the time lived near Cheltenham, we were "advised" to take out PPI cover as the Mrs was getting a new job in Bristol, and if anything happened with her new job she obviously wouldn't have much service behind her to get any sort of payoff.

We queried at the time, that as she was going to be working for a massive health insurance company, that is just expanding all the time (still works there 7 years later), but it was sold to us in such a way we actually believed that we may not be approved our mortgage unless we took this PPI cover out.

Back in March, we finally thought that we would fill the online forms etc and sent it off.

Satander admitted our mortgage was not dependent on our PPI being taken out and made us an offer just under £4k.

Like the sensible people have put above, the customer has done nothing wrong in this and should not feel they should not pursue this, we did for a long time, but not only got money back but also saving the monthly payment.

Ironicall I was actually written to by MBNA in July, didn't even realise I had ever had any dealings with them, but turned out I had a Burton account card with them back in 2005, and I was paid back the massive amount two weeks ago of £22.43 !

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I used to work in a PPI department for a bit. We'd have a lot of people writing in about finding out information on their loan history and there were a lot that had never taken out PPI so there was nothing for them to claim so those failed to a degree but overall, anyone who had PPI attached can just say "never knew I had that" and they'll get an offer to pay them off. Usually at less than what the PPI cost actually was and people will accept it without bothering to ask any more questions. Ask for a breakdown of payments even if it is going to cost you the £10 subject access request fee. If that's what it takes you could get back more from it than that £10 outlay.

Using a company to do it for you though? You're giving up 25%+ for them to write a couple of letters for you. Do it yourself.

Oh god totally agree, they are parasites, but where there is cash to be made..

Do it yourself, PLEASE!. Don't let these guys proxy themselves your money, for what? You have to provide them with the information to act on your behalf anyways, so why not just ring or write the bank, BS, CC, people yourself? Google is your friend, get any paperwork pertaining to any old accounts you have, and if in doubt simply ask them! They won't lie to you, they will have a department in place to speak to most likely.

It may take you fractionally longer, but its piece of mind knowing you did it yourself, you'll know for the future too, just don't whatever you do call these people up, and when they call say nothing and hang up.

are you even oppted out ? Register here and you will never get PPI Taffys calling you up ever again, I just re registered my landline again, took me 45 seconds, if you have not done this then do it.


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