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Agbonlahor The 1D Hater


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I agree with the 'well done on making loads of money' sentiment but my 10 year old listens to their 'music' all the bleedin' time. It's absolute dirge!

At least my older one has some taste as he likes anything by Paul Weller. Can't think where he got that from. :thumbsup:

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Is it just me who thinks if Harry Styles was your average Joe on the street he wouldnt get looked at twice? Infact he might even get bullied for having shit curly hair and shit fashion sense. I'm not so naive to think that there arn't any good looking members in that band but he is a gimp.

Harry Styles will come out one day and his relationship with Nick Grimshaw will soon surface. Worth a few quid down the bookies I think.
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I dont listen to their music and never will but fair play to the lads for making something of their lives that most of us can only dream off. The fact that they can pretty much shag any girl they want....bonus.

OD are to music what a bargain bucket of KFC is to healthy living. Over produced, low grade, uninspired, lowest common denominator complete and utter rubbish. Those young lads are very lucky - great for them. But if it wasn't their faces it would be someone elses. Its not talent breaking through is it?

Just think how much fabulous music has never reached our radio waves because the music industry only wants the same formula. Their records should have a label on them theat reads "I saw you coming" ....as in, "my name is Simon Cowell and I can't believe you sad muppetts keep throwing all your hard earned cash at me".

I think most music should stand the test of time. It shouldn't be completely dominated by disposable dross. How many people will be playing their OD records in their adult years. Next to none. What a shame.

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