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Sort Of Puts Things Into Perspective....

Tall King Blox

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What's the Essex like mask? Welcoming to strangers?

I did the 'Kingswood Crawl' with a Gas mate and his dad a few weeks ago and the only pub we didn't get to was the Essex as it closed pretty much bang on 11. Have to say I found even the dodgiest looking pubs (The Swamp?) very welcoming.

Only abuse was when I was waiting for last bus on Two Mile Hill and got a shout of 'You Gas bastards!' from a passing car

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What's the Essex like mask? Welcoming to strangers?

I did the 'Kingswood Crawl' with a Gas mate and his dad a few weeks ago and the only pub we didn't get to was the Essex as it closed pretty much bang on 11. Have to say I found even the dodgiest looking pubs (The Swamp?) very welcoming.

Only abuse was when I was waiting for last bus on Two Mile Hill and got a shout of 'You Gas bastards!' from a passing car

Like all pubs the world over....stare at the floor till you find your feet,

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What's the Essex like mask? Welcoming to strangers?

I did the 'Kingswood Crawl' with a Gas mate and his dad a few weeks ago and the only pub we didn't get to was the Essex as it closed pretty much bang on 11. Have to say I found even the dodgiest looking pubs (The Swamp?) very welcoming.

Only abuse was when I was waiting for last bus on Two Mile Hill and got a shout of 'You Gas bastards!' from a passing car

I havent drunk in the Essex on a regular basis for years, just pop in now and then these days. It's a bit of a myth that it's a Gas pub , it was always a drinkers pub, where some blokes like football and some rugby, but EVERYONE liked cider.

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Did Steve Evans have a part in your Crawley hating?

NO, I know everyone seems to dislike him, and he doesn't seem to be that likeable to me, but I had a bit of an 'incident' with a couple of them when they dicked us at their place a couple of years ago. Probably a bit nfair of me to judge them on 3 of their fans, but there you go. Funnily enough a (mental) City mate of mine hates them too after having a rare up with a steward of theirs when they knocked you out of the cup.

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