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John Terry-Arrivederci?!

The Right Honourable Les Q

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I see from this morning's Telegraph, something of a bombshell this, that JT, that fine fellow, is considering a move into Serie-a. Some mention of the Russians being unhappy. I guess those minted Shaktar boys fancied the Chelsea legend. Haven't read it properly yet, but there was also something about no "boots on the ground" which I imagine would pose somewhat of a challenge. Those Eye-talians like their defenders to "stay on their feet" John. He hasn't decided, finally, to go, er, in, seems to be putting the decision out to committee, which is the modern way, I suppose. Hope the Eye-ties remember he is no full back and don't expect him to "bomb on." Pensieri?

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I see from this morning's Telegraph, something of a bombshell this, that JT, that fine fellow, is considering a move into Serie-a. Some mention of the Russians being unhappy. I guess those minted Shaktar boys fancied the Chelsea legend. Haven't read it properly yet, but there was also something about no "boots on the ground" which I imagine would pose somewhat of a challenge. Those Eye-talians like their defenders to "stay on their feet" John. He hasn't decided, finally, to go, er, in, seems to be putting the decision out to committee, which is the modern way, I suppose. Hope the Eye-ties remember he is no full back and don't expect him to "bomb on." Pensieri?

...... And Beathe .....

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I've read this three times and it still feels like I'm pissed.

Absolutely, 86, I'm with you on this. I mean, what is it with all this dithering and wavering, these days? Make a decision and act. When we (in N. E. Somerset) meet to decide whether Keynsham high street needs more bins, for example, bish bosh, decision, sorted. That's what this country needs, decisive direction. Leadership. Besides, a bit of stock rotation at the bomb-phone warehouse, or wherever they keep them, just the job. Out with the old, then we can order/ manufacture some new. That's how our economou works, simple. Keep the wheels turning, and we'll see some growth. I despair, sometimes. Youngsters these days. Good job the City have a steady young hand on the tiller at the moment. Good lad, Jon. Come on you Reds!

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If he does go do you think he will take his charming family with him?They could do their stadium tours,drug dealing and shop lifting and whatever else they like to do in sunnier climes.As an added bonus there would be lots of foreigners for them to abuse.I wonder if there will be many volunteers to take them to the airport? Not sure but perhaps I need to say.......allegedly!

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I see from this morning's Telegraph, something of a bombshell this, that JT, that fine fellow, is considering a move into Serie-a. Some mention of the Russians being unhappy. I guess those minted Shaktar boys fancied the Chelsea legend. Haven't read it properly yet, but there was also something about no "boots on the ground" which I imagine would pose somewhat of a challenge. Those Eye-talians like their defenders to "stay on their feet" John. He hasn't decided, finally, to go, er, in, seems to be putting the decision out to committee, which is the modern way, I suppose. Hope the Eye-ties remember he is no full back and don't expect him to "bomb on." Pensieri?

Drugs are bad

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