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Queues To Get In The Dolman

Bristol Rob

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Serious question, but why should ST holders get preferential treatment, when the only reason they buy STs is to watch their football cheap in the first place?

Season ticket holders buy their tickets months in advance which means they are, in effect, giving the club an interest free loan. Also if for any reason they can't attend a match the club still gets the money. When there are the various cheap offers to buy tickets during the season, season ticket holders don't benefit in any way.

Overall there is little financial benefit in a season ticket. The main reason people buy them is to ensure they can sit next to the same group of people at each match and to avoid the awful problems involved in buying tickets match by match

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As many people have said people like Jayne maggs and sexstone have been pushed out and replaced by people with far less abiltys, since they left it has been chaos, I rejoice a guy prices removal but really he was a scapegoat for the other incompetent clowns, Jon Lansdowne s main qualification for being c.e.o. was that his dad owns the club ,now that even s.l. hss realised that he's not up toit it he has been shunted sideways, what job he will be doing god knows, but at a time when the club are scrimping and saving every penny I'm sure they will still manage to pay him handsomely! kev Smith continues to make a pigs ear of his job and I suspect that the only reason he remains employed by the club is that he is j.l s mate! Its a god awful mess! even d.l appears to have given up on telling us how wonderful everything is!

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How many season ticket holders today went through dolman turnstiles and handed card to be scanned but staff behind screen looked at it then waved through like passport control at spain ?

My 4 yr old boy loved scanning his ticket through last year made him feel happy and showed off to his mates little thing he enjoyed before going in now he stands in huge que gets bored and dont even get ticket checked (wasted £23 on season ticket to see him happy)

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Refused to show them my ticket at the bottom of the steps today. Told them they don't need to see it and was waved through. Would suggest others politely do the same.

If the turnstiles work as they should then it wouldn't let someone from another stand in, who cares if they have to walk back down the steps.

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Refused to show them my ticket at the bottom of the steps today. Told them they don't need to see it and was waved through. Would suggest others politely do the same.

If the turnstiles work as they should then it wouldn't let someone from another stand in, who cares if they have to walk back down the steps.

Exactly. Could have had a card for any stand in the ground for all the guy in the turnstile knew.

Didn't even open the card, waved through

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  • Admin

Never took to him much on a personal level, but having worked under him and seen what he did at AG you wonder who or what made him go. He is pretty god at what he does.

Not quite omnipresent, :) but I agree, he did appear to be good at the job. He came across as a bit pompous and perhaps out of touch, I wonder if the East End was part of his downfall, he didn't ever seem to keen on it being opened. I had a couple of dealings with him and found him pretty straight to deal with.

A good administrator is a massive benefit to any sporting club.

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What can anyone do if the scanners don't work? Is it kev smiths fault? Has he been tampering with the system?

I blame the company who has produced this mess with a faulty system, Green4Solutions think of a bloody solution for the crap system you gave us!

It's simple if the tickets don't scan the tickets don't scan, No one else's fault other than the companies

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What can anyone do if the scanners don't work? Is it kev smiths fault? Has he been tampering with the system?

I blame the company who has produced this mess with a faulty system, Green4Solutions think of a bloody solution for the crap system you gave us!

It's simple if the tickets don't scan the tickets don't scan, No one else's fault other than the companies

I agree the company are largely to blame, but why didn't the club try the system out before using it.

Who at the club agreed to use it and go live without any tests?

Seems to me the club have tried to save money on a new system and have done it on the cheap. We had a system that worked ok with the cards etc. getting in, so why not find a company that will use that system but with a few tweaks. Instead of a complete overhaul which is costing the club money now in people not bothering, using duplicate tickets or not paying as turnstiles are open.

We had people from the club on here after the wolves game saying all sorted and they heard of no problems. So where are they now explaining what is wrong and how there going to fix it. Instead we get the usual silence from the club as if they are burying there heads in the sand and hoping it will fix itself.

Now the club hire a project manager to oversee the ticket issues, why wasn't that done in the summer.

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I agree the company are largely to blame, but why didn't the club try the system out before using it.

Who at the club agreed to use it and go live without any tests?

Seems to me the club have tried to save money on a new system and have done it on the cheap. We had a system that worked ok with the cards etc. getting in, so why not find a company that will use that system but with a few tweaks. Instead of a complete overhaul which is costing the club money now in people not bothering, using duplicate tickets or not paying as turnstiles are open.

We had people from the club on here after the wolves game saying all sorted and they heard of no problems. So where are they now explaining what is wrong and how there going to fix it. Instead we get the usual silence from the club as if they are burying there heads in the sand and hoping it will fix itself.

Now the club hire a project manager to oversee the ticket issues, why wasn't that done in the summer.

The company probably showed them how it works and the club, lazily I must add, Thought everything will be good to go because they saw it work, What I don't understand is how people can get the blame for the system not working there is nowt they can do about it

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The point about the system is that we ecomised by bringing in a cheap system in the same way as we economised by getting rid of people who knee what they were doing whilst continuing to pay people in suits a lot of money to swan around making bad decision after bad decision, thesecost ccutting measures are counter productive because they are costing the club money with people getting in for nothing and others just not bothering to go because of the chaos! we kept getting statements from keV smith etc saying lessons have been learnt, the system has been fixed etc etc only for the chaos to continue! now the club seem to have given up making statements altogether, I want these soul less corporate money men who are ruining our club and bleeding it dry gone and replaced by people who know what their doing and actually care a stuff about bristol city and its fans! and know I don't want them publicly executed! I just want the club to acknowledge that's it not working and will never work while these incompetent clowns are running things and to replace them with people who know what their doing!

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Serious question, but why should ST holders get preferential treatment, when the only reason they buy STs is to watch their football cheap in the first place?

Yes it works out cheaper but for that I commit my money to the club no matter what. If I was pod I could easily say bollox to this season and bot go again. As an ST holder I waste my money if I do that.

That's why ST holders get ( or should get) special treatment.

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As I've said on another thread, please don't blame or abuse the matchday staff. They are all trying their best with rubbish equipment and no support, and not getting paid much for doing it.

The level of abuse the matchday staff take is increasing game by game, many feel like quitting.

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What can anyone do if the scanners don't work? Is it kev smiths fault? Has he been tampering with the system?

I blame the company who has produced this mess with a faulty system, Green4Solutions think of a bloody solution for the crap system you gave us!

It's simple if the tickets don't scan the tickets don't scan, No one else's fault other than the companies

And whoever chose that company. I would have thought that the Green name was warning enough.

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Your bang on... Worse scenario for me was the Reading pre season friendly... Got there at 715 and queued for 30 mins for a ticket.. My sons first game too do he missed the KO and team coming out... The crow was only 2k too. Kev Smith was there to with head steward and he could be clearly heard saying nothing we can do we haven't got enough staff on!!! I've been to every game at home this season and had issues getting into every game! Not good enough!

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I just scanned my season ticket bar code on my phone . 2 things - one it worked on my phone, if my phone can scan the ticket a purpose bar code scanner should. Two - although my phone did scan it, it did have a slight problem, the bar code is so bloody long - I can scan things normally really easily, but the bar code is way longer than it needs to be - looking at the ticket number it's 23 digits long WTH no wonder people are having problems in the booths - maybe they need to be told to forget any scanner they have used in the past, and told to hold the reader near their shoulder to be able to get the full code scanned....

23 numbers - wth I have grabbed several objects around me and they all have 10-13 alpha/digits, witch gives millions of number combinations alone, so why do we need 23 digit long barcodes.

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I just scanned my season ticket bar code on my phone . 2 things - one it worked on my phone, if my phone can scan the ticket a purpose bar code scanner should. Two - although my phone did scan it, it did have a slight problem, the bar code is so bloody long - I can scan things normally really easily, but the bar code is way longer than it needs to be - looking at the ticket number it's 23 digits long WTH no wonder people are having problems in the booths - maybe they need to be told to forget any scanner they have used in the past, and told to hold the reader near their shoulder to be able to get the full code scanned....

23 numbers - wth I have grabbed several objects around me and they all have 10-13 alpha/digits, witch gives millions of number combinations alone, so why do we need 23 digit long barcodes.

You have just made Kev Smiths job easier tomorrow now in the emergency meeting.

Kev will burst into the room saying "FOUND IT!! FOUND IT!!!, I have been working all over the weekend and have found that the problem lies with the 23 digit long bar code, now, how about that pay rise for being mighty clever eh Jon?"

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I just scanned my season ticket bar code on my phone . 2 things - one it worked on my phone, if my phone can scan the ticket a purpose bar code scanner should. Two - although my phone did scan it, it did have a slight problem, the bar code is so bloody long - I can scan things normally really easily, but the bar code is way longer than it needs to be - looking at the ticket number it's 23 digits long WTH no wonder people are having problems in the booths - maybe they need to be told to forget any scanner they have used in the past, and told to hold the reader near their shoulder to be able to get the full code scanned....

23 numbers - wth I have grabbed several objects around me and they all have 10-13 alpha/digits, witch gives millions of number combinations alone, so why do we need 23 digit long barcodes.

Because it probably has your address, life history, blood group, and a sequence of your DNA.

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Not been down for a couple of years so this scanning thing is a bit new to me.

Vs Bradford I had a ticket for the Ateyo which was handed to the turnstyle guy who tore of a bit and gave it back..... queue was ok

Yesterday had a ST for EE massive queues both to Dolman and EE then passing a steward who was saying they didn't know what was going on I waved the ST at the turnstyle chap and walked in.

In the old days , I'd leave the Coopers at ten to, get to the gate and moan if there were more than 5 people there and still get in with enough time to have a pee and get to my seat.

Surely it's time for the club to make a statement just to let everyone know that at least they're looking into it , or have they and I've missed it?

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Yesterday I had my Season ticket taken off of me and told I'd be issued a match ticket for Tuesdays game and then a new card sent out for future games. Anybody else have this happen? I'm bettin the match tickets aren't here come Tuesday! Can only hope.

Yeah this happened to me in the EE. I dont have a clue what to do for Tuesday's game now!

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