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Play 4-3-3?


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Not a bad idea but I'd go with JET, Baldock and Bryan as a front three. Can't do any harm to try!

True but they did start last night.

I was thinking more like an out and out blitz of 3 strikers up top. Harewood central with JET and SB floating around him.

Supported by Elliott, Reid and Bryan?

FM at its best.

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Not a chance!! Before Bobby Reid came on, we were playing a midfield diamond with Pack deep and JET the spearhead - we got completely overran.

A top three of JET, Bryan and Baldock wouldn't work either as JET is ineffective out on the wing.

A diamond is a midfield 4, which wouldn't fall into a 4-3-3 line up then?

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Prefer Baldock and Harewood up front, to play off each other, with JET behind as the point of a V. There to pick up rebounds, loose balls and feed through those clever assists.

JET effectively plays like an attacking midfielder much of the time anyway, so in my view this formation is 2-1-3-4.

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Is it time to just start with JET, Harewood and Baldock?

Give teams something to worry about rather than us fretting about them?

We clearly cannot keep a clean sheet for love nor money so we might as well try and out score the opponents.

totally agree said this in the Swindon team thread. Baldock needs help.

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just play like we did at the beginning of the season we created plenty of chances and scored goals. 4-5-1 with JET in a free role. If we can score and creature against wolves, Bradford, Coventry then we should be able to against any team... The chopping and changing is only making us weaker... Go back b to how we played the first few games.

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It's not a bad shout but can we accommodate all 3 as well as Joe Bryan? Bryan simply can't be dropped at the moment.

Another problem we have is the lack of width. Wagstaff plays far too narrow for my liking and doesn't stretch defenses. I think we need to play with more width but SOD doesn't like playing with wingers. An opinion I think he needs to review.

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I would like to see Harewood play with Baldock. I think he provides a bit of protection for him and will give JET more space to work in. I'd like to see JET with them. So do we go with a diamond type thing like we did last night with 2 wide midfielders or do we go with 3 central midfielders and JET behind Baldock and Harewood? Or something other?

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I really don't think we would get away with a 3 up front of jet harewood baldock against other teams . I think just for the sake of results we should play harewood nd baldock jet on bench until hatewood tires .

I want jet in my starting 11 but I think we would be too weak with 3 man midfield . I mean pack Reid nd Elliot doesnt sound bad but now is not the time for new formations.

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I think the 4-4-1-1 formation with JET in the hole is the one to stick with

It just didn't work last night as the central midfield were static in possession and offered nothing to link play

Also dropping a defender for harewood and moving to 3-4-1-2 seems a good attacking move when chasing a game, seeing as Oconnor can comfortably tuck in as a centreback

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4-3-3 would work very well I think. I posted on the Team for Swindon thread. JET, Harewood, Baldock up front. Pack and Wynter holding, with Reid more advanced.

Another advocate of dropping Joe Bryan, despite him being our best player this season, along with JET. Bizarre!
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