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Didn't See This Coming

Cap flinger

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Considering that our head coach managed to accelerate us towards the drop without any real fight, and by a huge points gap, it would have been IMO wildly optimistic to expect very much success this season. However I did think we would have won the occasional game, at least by now. Patience & transition seems to be message. Hmm.

Lack of patience and absolutely no change in the way things were run cost SL/the club £50m over recent seasons and succeeded in getting us back to where we started.

My very simplistic view is that if we can't chuck another £50m at the problem ( and both SL and SCMP say that we can't) then we have to go another way. SODs way is the one the club has chosen, and reading the Donny fans comments on another thread it took time with them but produced the results and the type of football which most City fans have wanted for years now.

If fans don't buy the patience and transition argument, then what's the alternative?

It would either be ditch the long term plan and football philosophy, and go back to our previous style of football - but the previous style (or lack of!) was what helped get us to where we are in the first place - or we change the head coach. If we do the latter, then are we not just adopting the same solution to our problems that we have throughout the last 3/4 years, and that worked so well for us with the last 4 managers?

If the patience of City fans is the problem, then perhaps the club were foolish to embark on any sort of long term plan and we would be better bumbling along playing the sort of rubbish football that has been served up in the last few seasons and aiming to become an established mid table league 1 club for the next 7-10 years.

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I thought the sale would help the wages situation as that counted as income into the club could be wrong though. If i am right then that is probably the reason they managed to keep the rest of the squad together. Also as they generally sign lower league players I imagine their wage bill wasn't anywhere ours last season.

I think with regard to wages we have been considered an easy target for way too long. Paying well over the odds. Pitman and Stead are prime examples of this turning down the prem to play for us. Hopefully Keith Burt will help improve this situation

That was my understanding too - the £7m (less any fees or payments to previous clubs) would count as turnover, so 60% of it is available to raise the SCMP constraint for the club. Taking the simplistic approach, £7m would equate to just over £8k a week allowed in the wages budget. That can fund a fair few players (or alternately give a percentage extra to a lot of players) in this league

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Yes the sale only helped them recruit, it doesn't help them pay the FFP capped squad wage bill this season.

I suspect that the answer as you've hinted is that although Barry Ferguson is a front bottom of large proportions, he has been much cannier with wages than his BCFC counterparts.

This begs another question. Why do we have to pay OTT wages to attract people to our club?

We don't, we have just been "blessed" with a fair few high profile players over the past few years. Whether they were a success or not, the relative reputations and therefore wages of say, David James, Neil Kilkenny, Nicky Hunt, Lee Trundle, Paul Hartley, Lewin Nyatanga, Khalifa Cisse, Nicky Maynard, Dele Adebola, Nick Carle will all have been very high. When we signed them, every single one of those players had a high reputation for being at least a Championship level player, it's purely naivety on our part.

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It's ok because we are "rebuilding". Rebuilding for a future in league two at this rate

It's all getting, to you, B City?, this season, aint it? I've had me moments of despair, too, mind. Still, "it hasn't happened yet" which is enough to cheer me up for now ( and Lord knows I'm not the most optimistic old chap you'll ever meet). If it is true, though, that every cloud has a silver lino, where or what would you see as the most likely positive in all that's going on right now (and you are not permitted to go for SOD getting the boot!)?

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Me neither, but I have a question for other board members, cause I genuinely don't know the answer.

As we had to lose several important squad members thanks to the financial strictures of playing at this level, why didn't Posh?

They had 10 players at AG who must've been on Championship wages last season and an excellent striker from one of the second tier's top sides who must earn a packet too.

Peterboro don't get huge crowds. How can they pay all these men under FFP? Did they all have their salaries quartered after relegation - or were they paying sensible wages last season while we were being mugs?

Peterborough didn't dish out long contract or offer big wages they kept their wage bill down our was 18.9 million Peterbourghs was 5 million

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Did expect slightly better results but at the same time, also am not suprised by some of the hysterical nonsense expressed by a minority on here.

What I know I don't need, whilst going through some shit, is some mother-in-law type nagging me like a miserable old****.

Amyway,moan on if you think it helps!

The club has been and is mis-managed. I've said it, what always calms my nerves is moronic moaning.

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Peterborough didn't dish out long contract or offer big wages they kept their wage bill down our was 18.9 million Peterbourghs was 5 million

Very laudable. But it begs a further question of how did they attract all these seemingly too good for L1 players to footballing backwater Peterborough?

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Very laudable. But it begs a further question of how did they attract all these seemingly too good for L1 players to footballing backwater Peterborough?

Because they took a chance on players like McLean, Boyd, Makail-Smith, Gayle. etc. etc from lower and non league clubs.

For these players a move to Posh was a move up in standard and as far as I am aware no other "bigger" clubs were in contention for them. Moving from conference or league 2 clubs Posh didn't have to pay top dollar in order to give the players concerned a good pay increase.

For the last 3/4 years apart from one or two exceptions ( e.g. Albert) we've bought established players, mostly at championship level already so have had to pay championship wages to get them to the footballing backwater that is Bristol.

Had any of our previous managers gone after the likes of McLean , Boyd, Makail-Smith or Gayle then this forum would have been full of posts criticising the manager and club's lack of ambition and/or SL not being prepared to dip his hand in his pocket, as we were only going for the cheap option of buying lower league players.

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Because they took a chance on players like McLean, Boyd, Makail-Smith, Gayle. etc. etc from lower and non league clubs.

For these players a move to Posh was a move up in standard and as far as I am aware no other "bigger" clubs were in contention for them. Moving from conference or league 2 clubs Posh didn't have to pay top dollar in order to give the players concerned a good pay increase.

For the last 3/4 years apart from one or two exceptions ( e.g. Albert) we've bought established players, mostly at championship level already so have had to pay championship wages to get them to the footballing backwater that is Bristol.

Had any of our previous managers gone after the likes of McLean , Boyd, Makail-Smith or Gayle then this forum would have been full of posts criticising the manager and club's lack of ambition and/or SL not being prepared to dip his hand in his pocket, as we were only going for the cheap option of buying lower league players.

This, very much, is how I see it too.

I do question whether this trend has really ended under O'Driscoll.

Mind you, the drop in level has at least given our home-grown diamonds - Reid and Bryan - chance to break through.

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Agreed Downendcity, just like to add that our scouting team has taken a while to rebuild again I expect, wasnt it pretty much all down to Pete Johnson for a good few years, we were probably miles behind many clubs.

This brings me on to my next point about Peterborough, do you think they have had more than a little help from Sir Alex? Loan players, players who Man U have watched then dismissed, I bet the scouting report has been viewed by little Fergie more often than not. Also maybe some of the players they have signed might hope they will be picked up by a ManU scout or Fergie himself when he has been to watch them, might make Pboro a bit more attractive?

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Ok, we were mightly p@ssed off the last few seasons and with good reason. But we have to choose a path and I for one think this is the right one. Anyone else fancy languishing at the bottom of the Championship fighting for survival and paying journeyman enough money to buy a Bentley every month? Vs scrapping for our lives with a promising youth team that might just go on in a season or two to do something special?

Rant over :)

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Me neither, but I have a question for other board members, cause I genuinely don't know the answer.

As we had to lose several important squad members thanks to the financial strictures of playing at this level, why didn't Posh?

They had 10 players at AG who must've been on Championship wages last season and an excellent striker from one of the second tier's top sides who must earn a packet too.

Peterboro don't get huge crowds. How can they pay all these men under FFP? Did they all have their salaries quartered after relegation - or were they paying sensible wages last season while we were being mugs?

Peterborough have had one of the best scouting systems in the football league for the last few years. Most of their signings, barring assombolonga, have been non league or lower league on tiny wages who are then, if successful, sold on at substantial gain.

The sale of Gayle has allowed them to retain the rest of their team and also invest.

The less said about our scouting systems the better.

That's the aspect that seems to be missed by those who don't think our rebuilding is any different to other clubs. Ours is a top to bottom job, we have suffered from nigh on a decade of short termist strategy and are now finally feeling the effects. Unfortunately, the time it will take for Burt to bring his scouting and recruitment skills fully to the table may not be an instant thing.

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