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Cardiff City In Red

where's the joy

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live in london so went to see cardiff punish fulham on saturday. just didn't have time to get to AG

caulker was tremendous, kept bent and berbatov silent. then nicky maynard came on.

he still cant control a ball if he has his back to goal, but he told his midfielders where he wanted the ball to be placed, into space just behind the last man.

cardiff were i am sad to say tremendous both in vocal support and taking the game by the scruff of the neck.

if you put swansea and cardiff into the mix, you have two new grounds, football on the floor, clever movement off and on the ball and each club has got to the promised land for about the same sum of money as lansdown's put into city.

they just picked better managers and insisted on getting their defences sorted out first.

SOD will get us playing well, but we must learn to shut the door at the back.

one nil to the sheep shaggers almost made me smile when cardiff sang the boast, but then i thought how often could city shout one nil in the last 5 years. always nil one to the cider boys

keep the faith

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