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Live Monday Night Action!

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Well, there I was nosing through my weekend Telegraph TV review section, when I came across a bit of excitement regarding tomorrow evening's viewing. All it turns out to be, though, is that the 'action' has moved to Channel 4, and it's on a bit late, 10pm. Oh, and they will be interviewing the protaganists immediately afterwards, before a crowd. I mean, really, where's the story here? Post 'match' interviews have been around for years. 'Players' stood sweating, often still breathing heavily, looking in need of a shower, and perhaps a ciggie and a sleep, nothing new C4. Sir Jeremy Isaacs, what happened to your boundary breaking baby?

C4 used to be left field, avant gard, bit risque. All we can expect from this are the usual dreary cliches about who got on top first and dominated, who scored, who shot too soon, who could spot a pass, make a pass, who played in the hole, did they get balls into the channels, get round the back, maybe come from behind. The normal rubbish, telling you nothing. Perhaps the head coach will plead for patience, ask the crowd not to "boo" when balls go astray.

Then, would you believe it, Lady Q chastises me, saying, "You're not watching that filth!" I said I'm pretty sure it won't involve Stoke, as they played yesterday. And anyway, I tried to assure her, they've changed, Pulis has gone and they're stroking it about more now, none of the 'sticking it in the mixer' and hoping for the best.

Then I read on a bit more and it turns out there's women involved! With the men! Ground breaking C4, after all. Not sure what Sepp Blatter will make of this, or his pals in Quatar.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing how they set up, someone letting their opposite number know they are there, and with the autumnal dew, a sliding tackle or two. The women do the talky bit better, too, so expect to hear, "She'll be disappointed with that," and "Was that it?" and "You never listen to me," and "It's a big ass, but not insurmountable." Probably.

Will someone start a matchday thread?

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"We had just got back from holiday," says Dean, 21, a supermarket delivery driver. "We were shopping in Reading. A guy came up to us and said, 'You look like a happy couple. We're doing this programme based on couples and their sex lives..."

Dean, 21, explaining how he got selected for tonight's 'action.' Further explanation of the selection process followed:

Matt has a similar story: he and John...

Matt and John?? Lady Q was right: I will not be watching that filth! Now, I'm no prune, and some of my best friends are jolly happy, as it happens, but we don't have this sort of thing in Banes, nor do we tolerate this carry on in BS3, not in my day we didn't...

I think I'll watch a bit of Partick v. Hibs, should be okay with that. "Man on!!" Och...

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News flash: Snooty Dave has just finished his shuffle (couldn't he wait til this evening?) and predictably enough, no call-up for me, but front bench places for a 'Doris,' another toff, and another libral bloody democrat.ffs. Will I ever get to cozy up to Teresa on that front bench? It does not look like it.

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Another update on the cabinet shuffle, and some good news for us City boys and girls: Nicky Morgan promoted to the front bench! Well done, lad, er, well, let's not get into all that (suffice to say, had he/ she looked like that in 1990, we would never have got over the promotion line. No wonder we bottled it at Trumpton. That medical couldn't have been very thorough). We may not get to see him jogging across the Downs with his bitch (Labrador, I think) so often.

A word of advice, Nicky: don't call that Phil Hammond "Wally" or "Organ," he doesn't find it funny. Not one bit. Good luck, lad!

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Just back from last night!

Well, after a somewhat emotionally charged early evening, the tension palpable, here at HQ, as the two opposing sides jostled for control of the remote, and my tachycardia threatened to bring the St. John's ambulance boys onto the 'field,' I'm sorry to inform you that The Moderator, aka Lady Q, won out, and my planned late evening's viewing was most frustratingly 'moderated.'

I'm now in the 'doghouse,' the spare room and disgrace, for the week. The only excitement now for me this week is tonight's action. And that is no euphemism, as I'm sure you know. There certainly will be no 'action' for Phat Les this week.

But enough of my domestic difficulties. Anyone catch the excitement last night? I see Hibs nicked it, 1:0, leaving The Jags without a home win this season. If you cannot empathise with my predicament, no doubt you all will be with the Patrick fans on that one

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