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That Back Pass


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As it was so close to the final whistle I think Flint should've just picked the ball up and ran around the touchline chased by all the other players with 'Yaketty Sax' blasting out of the PA system. Lee Hughes could've brought up the rear doing that ******* stupid dance he does when he scores.

I'd pay top dollar to watch that although, ideally, Sean "laughing boy" O'Driscoll should be playing the sax, whilst flying above the pitch on a wire. Like that bloke from Madness.

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Never have I seen such a long thread analyzing an appalling back pass, SOD got it right when asked 'what can/will you say to Aden' SOD says "don't do it again", analyze it all you want, the clue was sending on Harewood and that is the direction the ball should been launched or failing that row Z (even the top prem teams do that now and again).

Perhaps he was afraid that SOD would have given him grief by not passing it out of defence.

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As I said in a previous post we were NEGATIVE for the last 10 minutes,at one point passing from their corner flag all the way back to Parish when we may have got a second goal by crossing it in the middle but instead passed for passing sake and letting them back into the game. NEGATIVE !

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Tbh I was screaming at shorey to launch it mostly because of my own nerves before it had even got to flint.

I do however think the sign of a good player is one who looks to keep possession of the ball rather than just hoofinglo it. Unfortunately sometimes mistakes happen.

Overall the performance had more positives than negatives... We just really need those 3 points!

Edit: just watched the goals and it wasn't shorey. My mistake.

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