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600,000 Eu Benefits Tourists Living In The Uk

Mr Mosquito

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"More than 600,000 unemployed migrants from across the European Union are living in the UK, according to a survey.

The 291-page report - commissioned by the Brussels commissioner for employment and social inclusion, Laszlo Andor - found there were 611,779 "non-active" EU migrants in the UK last year compared with 431,687 in 2006 - a 42% increase.

The total number of jobless migrants is greater than the population of Glasgow."

Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/poll-strong-uk-support-early-eu-vote-033829569.html?bcmt=1381650097716-54373169-cb4f-41b7-a450-9bd497d28da0&bcmt_s=u

.......no wonder our country is getting further and further into debt paying for that lot. Time to leave the EU immediately !!!!!!!!

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Disgusting. You have to ask yourself why bother trying to work when you can get everything you have right now for free.

You wont get anything right now and for free from the dole office if you're English and have lost your job - but you can if you've just waltzed into the country as a foreign EU national. ;) EU loving traitor David Camoron and his Con-Dem cronies are always harking on about the need to cut benefits for indigenous British people but they don't tell you that the reason for this is that they have to fund 600,000 benefits tourists from the European Union project.

The BBC EU propaganda news and views agency wont broadcast these facts either........


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The annoying thing is that surely they don't even have to fund this? I was under the impression that being in the EU means we only don't have to discriminate against these people coming in. If we're having to cut benefits for our own people, then why can't we cut benefits for them? Should be perfectly within the law.

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I would like to know what the bottom line figure is for being in the EU. What do we make out of it and what does it cost us?


Pros and cons etc, i mean there must be some positives surely?


In relation to the OP, does it mean i could go to France say and then just start claiming benefits?

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Theoretically, yes, it's rules basically treat it as a lone state as far as I know, so countries are not allowed to treat their own population and a foreign but EU countries population differently.




France have a fantastic benefits system if you have been in employment. It may have been adjusted in recent austere times but, if you had been in employment for 1 year, you are able to claim 80% of your last salary for up to another year......can you imagine that in this country, unemployment would sky rocket!

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I'm probably completely wrong by the way, it was just a guess based on a very, very basic understanding of it!


No worries, sounded good to me!


It just strikes me as a bit odd that we we seem to take a large number of EU migrants....ive no idea if thats more on average than other EU nations but surely there are more attractive benefit systems or is ours just easier to milk?

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"More than 600,000 unemployed migrants from across the European Union are living in the UK, according to a survey.


The 291-page report - commissioned by the Brussels commissioner for employment and social inclusion, Laszlo Andor - found there were 611,779 "non-active" EU migrants in the UK last year compared with 431,687 in 2006 - a 42% increase.


The total number of jobless migrants is greater than the population of Glasgow."


Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/poll-strong-uk-support-early-eu-vote-033829569.html?bcmt=1381650097716-54373169-cb4f-41b7-a450-9bd497d28da0&bcmt_s=u


.......no wonder our country is getting further and further into debt paying for that lot. Time to leave the EU immediately !!!!!!!!


Sadly there is nothing we can do about it.  Moan all we like all of the main political parties will campaign for more and more integration with the EU. UKIP is a one trick ponie and protest vote so the realistic options are????

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No worries, sounded good to me!


It just strikes me as a bit odd that we we seem to take a large number of EU migrants....ive no idea if thats more on average than other EU nations but surely there are more attractive benefit systems or is ours just easier to milk?


Its simple if your speak English (most of the EU does) and its sucks at home move to the UK......

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Sadly there is nothing we can do about it.  Moan all we like all of the main political parties will campaign for more and more integration with the EU. UKIP is a one trick ponie and protest vote so the realistic options are????


Indeed, the Lib-Lab-Con EU loving traitor political parties are for more EU subjugation of Britain. I think people may be pleasantly surprised at how well UKIP will do at the coming elections. UKIP are already sending a clear message to the Tory establishment that a growing number of the electorate want out of the EU. Make no mistake, the Tories are very worried by UKIP. As for New Labour, they're now a bum political party because they've been hijacked by middle class Cultural Marxist college lecturer and lawyer types - pretty far removed from the working class people they're supposed to represent.

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The BBC EU propaganda news and views agency wont broadcast these facts either........





Wrong yet again, Gobbers!   http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-24522653


Notice that only 38,000 of these 600,000 'scroungers' actually claim benefit. And the figure includes older schoolchildren, students, the spouses of migrant workers, and retired people.


On with your dunce's cap again and write out 100 times on the board "I will not believe every over-spun scare story I read in the right-wing press just because it supports my saloon bar philosophy".  

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Jonathan Todd is an f*ucking imbecile equating everything to profit like a typical EU capitalist nazi ****. Well thats bullshit, what I care about is being overrun with slavic dogs in 80's tracksuits, getting drunk, roaming in gangs assaulting young girls, they have jobs? pfft well I see a shitttonne of them drinking at 6am in the morning after they drop their psychotic feral kids off at our schools, disrupting their education, **** thr EU.


 And will we be expected to look after these massive alcoholics when they get liver caner at 32? This ***** Todd seems to treat them as slaves, just taxing paying units to pay for his bureaucratic wankstain that is the EU


so if this **** Todd is right we should just open the floodgates and enjoy the money the nett us, what a ******* piece of shit,  


**** the Euro, the EU and Brussels  kick out these parasites, before I start to hate them, the NHS is for us, the Nation, not people from a shit country who WANT what we have, just because they can, and its their right, **** their right, I dont give a flying shit about their country and its dictators that run it, not my problem, now please **** off back East before we elect a government to do it by force you dirty ******* subhuman dogs

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Jonathan Todd is an f*ucking imbecile equating everything to profit like a typical EU capitalist nazi ****. Well thats bullshit, what I care about is being overrun with slavic dogs in 80's tracksuits, getting drunk, roaming in gangs assaulting young girls, they have jobs? pfft well I see a shitttonne of them drinking at 6am in the morning after they drop their psychotic feral kids off at our schools, disrupting their education, **** thr EU.


 And will we be expected to look after these massive alcoholics when they get liver caner at 32? This ***** Todd seems to treat them as slaves, just taxing paying units to pay for his bureaucratic wankstain that is the EU


so if this **** Todd is right we should just open the floodgates and enjoy the money the nett us, what a ******* piece of shit,  


**** the Euro, the EU and Brussels  kick out these parasites, before I start to hate them, the NHS is for us, the Nation, not people from a shit country who WANT what we have, just because they can, and its their right, **** their right, I dont give a flying shit about their country and its dictators that run it, not my problem, now please **** off back East before we elect a government to do it by force you dirty ******* subhuman dogs


You do know that the EU was mainly created after WWII to prevent another major war and a party like the Nazi's doing what they did again? Been pretty successful in that respect. So to refer to them as Nazi's is just a little ironic.


You come across as a very unbalanced individual - were you drinking from 6am?

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You do know that the EU was mainly created after WWII to prevent another major war and a party like the Nazi's doing what they did again? Been pretty successful in that respect. So to refer to them as Nazi's is just a little ironic.


You come across as a very unbalanced individual - were you drinking from 6am?


The European Union project is Herr Adolf Hitler's dream come true - i.e. a Europe under German economic control. ;)  Herr Adolf Hitler could have taken England without a shot being fired in September 1939 if only the likes of Judas Tony Blair had been around. For a few million Reichmarks in silver I've little doubt that Tony Blair would have sold us out to Hitler. 

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You do know that the EU was mainly created after WWII to prevent another major war and a party like the Nazi's doing what they did again? Been pretty successful in that respect. So to refer to them as Nazi's is just a little ironic.


You come across as a very unbalanced individual - were you drinking from 6am?


Sorry but my history is a little shaky on this. I was under the impression that the EU was created in 1993. Come to think of it I suppose that is after WW2.

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That was certainly in my line of thought. Perhaps this is pay back then for all our historical empire building.

Have we ever built an Empire in Europe? France, Spain, Germany, and Russia have, but I don't think Heligoland and Gibraltar constitute an Empite...

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The European Union project is Herr Adolf Hitler's dream come true - i.e. a Europe under German economic control. ;) Herr Adolf Hitler could have taken England without a shot being fired in September 1939 if only the likes of Judas Tony Blair had been around. For a few million Reichmarks in silver I've little doubt that Tony Blair would have sold us out to Hitler.

Chamberlain and Halifax very nearly did :(

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The European Union project is Herr Adolf Hitler's dream come true - i.e. a Europe under German economic control. ;)  Herr Adolf Hitler could have taken England without a shot being fired in September 1939 if only the likes of Judas Tony Blair had been around. For a few million Reichmarks in silver I've little doubt that Tony Blair would have sold us out to Hitler. 


There is a well established theory named 'Godwins Law' (look it up) that states that any (on line) argument is automatically considered lost when the poster makes an analogy to Hitler or the Nazis. This law certainly holds true in this case !! :thumbsup:

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Sun in bullshit shocker!

Apology should be on front page, damage already done though.


Great stuff coming out of Brooks/Coulson phone hacking trial but guess which rag, owned by Murdoch, appears to be completely ignoring it.

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Apology should be on front page, damage already done though.

Great stuff coming out of Brooks/Coulson phone hacking trial but guess which rag, owned by Murdoch, appears to be completely ignoring it.

from what's come out in the first couple of days, Coulson is going to jail for a while and I expect Brooks to follow him

There's something deliciously ironic about Rebekah Brooks being exposed for cheating on her soap star husband (Ross Kemp) while brutally exposing a series of soap stars and similar b-list celebrities, ruining their marriages and careers

I wonder what Mr Cameron will say if his former confident and press strategist is convicted of bribery of a public official? Questions will surely have to be asked

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from what's come out in the first couple of days, Coulson is going to jail for a while and I expect Brooks to follow him

There's something deliciously ironic about Rebekah Brooks being exposed for cheating on her soap star husband (Ross Kemp) while brutally exposing a series of soap stars and similar b-list celebrities, ruining their marriages and careers

I wonder what Mr Cameron will say if his former confident and press strategist is convicted of bribery of a public official? Questions will surely have to be asked

Hopefully they'll both get sent down and take the whole of the rotten Murdoch empire with them, sorry getting a bit carried away there.

Private Eye's cover this week is brilliant.

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from what's come out in the first couple of days, Coulson is going to jail for a while and I expect Brooks to follow him

There's something deliciously ironic about Rebekah Brooks being exposed for cheating on her soap star husband (Ross Kemp) while brutally exposing a series of soap stars and similar b-list celebrities, ruining their marriages and careers

I wonder what Mr Cameron will say if his former confident and press strategist is convicted of bribery of a public official? Questions will surely have to be asked


And of course Rebekah - and her new hubby - are Cameron's closest friends. Charlie Brooks - on trial for perverting the course of justice - was at Eton with Cammy, dontcha know!

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Just to get back on point, now that the Chief Executive of Nissan-Renault has essentially said that they'll be off if we leave the EU, University College London have done an extensive study showing a definite benefit to the economy from migration (especially from EU migration) and the CBI have commissioned a paper which shows that leaving the EU would damage British business, does anyone want to revise their views on our EU membership?

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