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New Manager Impact

Robin 101

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Hi all


my view on the people wanting SOD out is a bit premature and I think that this has something to do with the instant impact new managers have on teams


For example we have had a fair few managers over the past few years and each one has got off to a flier and we have all called him the saviour and then he fades and in a few months we want him sacked again. However despite a slight upturn when SOD arrived we didnt really have the "New manager factor " and this has led to early calls for a change despite talks of revival from SOD.  In my opinion I think we should stick with SOD and see what happens by march time. I do believe we are improving and a few of us crave the new manager factor to give us a few wins but you have to remember that unless someone is given time to build then we will continue to struggle for the years to come

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