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If The Pen Hadn't Gone In...

Bristol Rob

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Hypothetically not great. It is the way we performed against a weak team that would be worrying. Could have been 3 or 4 down at half time.

That said it matters not, we lost we deal with cold hard facts not ifs and buts.

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Would still have been 20 games with out a win, and no wins in the league so far this season. Simples.


Bucks you are made of Stronger stuff...... not happy yes........ but far more stronger stuff........ I understand if you do not agree with that Old Dorset_Cider but we both have history on this and agree


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If they hadn't scored the penalty we would still have 'only' been looking at a point, we were never on for all 3 from what I understand from listening to the radio. Yes a clean sheet would have given a bit of confidence. Yes it's 'only' October but if we don't settle soon and get some more points in the bag it will be November/ December before we know it, then a point a game from then on will no longer be enough.

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