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Did I Read It Right...

formerly known as ivan

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Bcfctweets putting SOD's interview on twitter.

"Were trying to get a result. Clean sheets are more important at the moment"

Unless I am reading this wrong, is he saying he set up not to lose today and that keeping it 0 0 was always the plan?

FFS I dont think anyone would care if we won 6 5 we just need a win. How is a clean sheet more important.

I have always sat on the fence when it comez to SOD but this has pushed me firmly onto the SOD out side.

The man is losing the plot!

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He said it all when he took off Baldock and Jet with 10 minutes left to shut up shop!!

Not,if i take our top 2 off it would give the initiative to Crewe and they can try and break us down.

Well sod they bloody well did !

Er... No they didn't. They failed until they were given a dodgy pen.

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