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Why Be Angry?


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This post will initially be replied with a quote along the lines of "because we spend our hard earned cash to watch that?" when you pay for a ticket you have the right to a seat/standing area and to watch the events that unfold that is all.


Scott Murray said to Geoff Twentyman this week "the main thing is we got to be patient this season". Swindon manager Mark Cooper who was also on the panel added "If they do get one result they could easily go on a run and stick 4 or 5 together".


I have to agree with both comments we're currently sitting at the bottom with six points from eleven games and it isn't pleasant for any supporter of any team but we will beat someone in the coming weeks and hopefully we can start to look up come the new year or hopefully before.


With Brentford, Carlisle and Oldham coming up I think we could realistically win at least two of those games. As Scott also mentions in the Geoff Twentyman interview its a horrible feeling for players to not win in a long time. Admittedly 20+ games with no three points doesn't breed much hope. But, when we do finally get that much needed win the relief will be very apparent at the final whistle.


The penny has to drop, and it's still falling at the minute for me. By the sounds of things a very unlucky sucker-punch has been landed again this afternoon. Sean O'Driscoll was quoted saying by BCFC "We make one mistake and get punished. That's been the story of our season really."


I've never been a fan of self-sympathetic managers but I feel for O'Driscoll he's come in sorted a couple of things on the wage bill, bought in some good players in the figures of JET and Scott Wagstaff who Charlton fans are slightly bemused why they let him slip, he has also bought along a very realistic philosophy which is good for fans to hear.


Acceptance is the key this year, we won't get relegated but we need to accept collectively as a fan base that these last difficult few years are going to continue for a short while longer and just hope that come May we are above the 21st position. From my view the board have acted to stop what has happened to the Portsmouth's and Plymouth's of this world and from a realistic mind set I have to argue that they are sensible steps.


However I still believe that some investment in the first eleven will be needed come January and I also believe that the board and owner need to stick to the five pillars but also have the flexibility to sort out the short term otherwise we could be in the Ryman league ad out of business before we see any positive from these five sensible pillars that have been set.


I hope some of you agree with what I have written this evening I expect some of you will not and that's fine I accept that it's all part of a fans forum.


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I with you pal and it's hard for everyone associated with the club at the moment.

It is really curious the only thing missing is the results .Surely they must follow .

Minutes away from a clean sheet today ,we'd have all said we did n't play well but got a point .We go again tuesday and hope for another clean sheet and a goal for our long awaited win.

Bloody Monkeys !

Go on shoooo ! Get off our backs.

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