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What Are The Majority Of You Doing?


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Yes we don't want to see where BCFC are at the minute.

But calling for Sean's sacking makes some of you hypocrites.

I remember when O'Driscoll was appointed most, not all, were buying in to this long term project.

Why sack him? Most managers these days succeed with time. He and the board never said it's going to be a stroll.

Admittedly screwed over by one but since the day GJ left in 2010 we have had Millen, Coppell, Millen , Mcinnes and now O'Driscoll in only 3 years and 7 months this highlights the lack of stability and also highlights how much money we've spent on managers.

Those calling for his head I'd like to know who, realistically you have lined up and whether this time next year you'll be calling for their heads again or whether he will guide us up the table instantly and then get us promoted to EPL. Then win the league. Then win Champions League.

Some of you reading that will be like "what is he talking about?"

What I'm trying to say is Sean O'Driscoll is the man to stay on. The way he conducts himself indicates he's here for the long haul. From my viewpoint he's one of the top coaches outside of the premier league. And if we were to say goodbye to SOD. Who is going to want the vacant position.

I'm not saying our current position is acceptable for a club that many of us have taken great pride in. I understand that fans want to see more from the players.

But the reality is club is in transition you can see that without having to hear it from the board. Call me what you like but from the Bristol City of 2011 to now, the club is in a better financial position which believe it or not will help in the future and is one step of the transition.

We are a very different club to that of 2008 when we nearly got to the premier league - SL was investing in a project and mission to get us there.

With one upper cut landed, the next was the stadium. So much said about it but ultimately a lot of money was spent on the project and nothing materialised.

So what we are left with in terms of the football league is an old fashioned football club one that had tried to become modern only to be thwarted by a decision out of our hands.

Being bottom of the league isn't nice. I'm just calling for some people to take a reality check the only personnel, provided the board stay stubborn, that will change are the player come January and come next summer.

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I don't think it is a majority who want him gone, is it.

As you say, our position is unacceptable. And it is, regardless how many changes we have made.

And your point about fans wanting more from players is correct. Some fans are of the opinion of the manager could do more too.

FWIW I rated SOD, still do, and am well aware that this won't be an easy process. But if SOD is going to ask us to be patient then he has to show us that we are doing the right things. Give us some hope. A win would be a good start.

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Considering I wasn't born in 1982 I can't really have the same fear as to what happened with double relegations.

The last five years we've had no stability which could indicate why we are here?

With the exception of Coppell. Every manager since GJ which includes himself have been victims of a hostile last game. And don't get me wrong where we are in the league at the minute isn't acceptable at all but the reality is the penny has to drop. We've drawn 6 to get six points, we lost narrowly to Coventry. We lost narrowly to Crewe. And sandwiched in between these are some promising performances where luck has just not been present for us.

I just don't think changing the manager, which will require the club to pay more money out (at this moment in time, I'm aware sod has 12 month rolling contract) which really it doesn't look like we have, is really going to help.

We saw it last year when we changed DMC that it didn't help. Am I suggesting that DMC should still be in charge. No. He was out of his depth.

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Yes we don't want to see where BCFC are at the minute.

But calling for Sean's sacking makes some of you hypocrites.

I remember when O'Driscoll was appointed most, not all, were buying in to this long term project.

Why sack him? Most managers these days succeed with time. He and the board never said it's going to be a stroll.

Admittedly screwed over by one but since the day GJ left in 2010 we have had Millen, Coppell, Millen , Mcinnes and now O'Driscoll in only 3 years and 7 months this highlights the lack of stability and also highlights how much money we've spent on managers.

Those calling for his head I'd like to know who, realistically you have lined up and whether this time next year you'll be calling for their heads again or whether he will guide us up the table instantly and then get us promoted to EPL. Then win the league. Then win Champions League.

Some of you reading that will be like "what is he talking about?"

What I'm trying to say is Sean O'Driscoll is the man to stay on. The way he conducts himself indicates he's here for the long haul. From my viewpoint he's one of the top coaches outside of the premier league. And if we were to say goodbye to SOD. Who is going to want the vacant position.

I'm not saying our current position is acceptable for a club that many of us have taken great pride in. I understand that fans want to see more from the players.

But the reality is club is in transition you can see that without having to hear it from the board. Call me what you like but from the Bristol City of 2011 to now, the club is in a better financial position which believe it or not will help in the future and is one step of the transition.

We are a very different club to that of 2008 when we nearly got to the premier league - SL was investing in a project and mission to get us there.

With one upper cut landed, the next was the stadium. So much said about it but ultimately a lot of money was spent on the project and nothing materialised.

So what we are left with in terms of the football league is an old fashioned football club one that had tried to become modern only to be thwarted by a decision out of our hands.

Being bottom of the league isn't nice. I'm just calling for some people to take a reality check the only personnel, provided the board stay stubborn, that will change are the player come January and come next summer.

Sorry you lost all credibility with that shite about SO'D being 'one of the top coaches outside of the Premier League'!!!!!! Based on what, factually?!! 20 league games without a win is an undisputed reality not some hot air rhetoric. Where would you draw the line? 25 games without a win? 30? Relegation again? The five pillars are in danger of becoming the 5 pillocks, Lansdown Snr, Lansdown Jnr, Dawe, O'Driscoll and lastly the deluded fans who attack others for being disgruntled about this club being rock- bottom of the Third Division.

As for this transition crap, almost every club in the league are having to endure transition. As stated by other elsewhere, Wolves, Coventry and Swindon to give three examples are not anywhere near as dire as City are, but have had to restructure and revamp. These excuses are getting more threadbare by the day. Football Managers/ Head Coaches ( for the pedantic) are employed to win football matches. Failure to do so will bring the same outcome whatever the circumstances and irrespective of the spin.

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I cannot pick an argument with anybody that wants him gone. Sure I will disagree with some of their reasoning, but after no wins in 20 and performances becoming significantly worse in our last two games it is easy to understand why some will naturally feel his position is untenable and it would be impossible for any other manager to do any worse.


I really want this to work and I just feel we should give it every opportunity. I'm not suggesting that means sticking with him indefinitely, but I really, really don't know what the next move is should we sack him. It may be blind faith in someone who I have wanted at Ashton Gate for a long time and really believe in a lot of the things he is trying to do, but sacking him without giving him every opportunity to turn this round would be a mistake in my opinion. Results clearly suggest otherwise, but unlike certain other people who have sat in the manager's office at Ashton Gate I believe that SO'D knows what he is trying to do.


Of course some will think that nobody could possibly do worse (and to be fair they would have a point) which will lead to comments such as 'I don't care who replaces him, he needs to go', but sat bottom of League 1 we would be in dream world expecting to entice a manager that compares to Sean O'Driscoll in what he has done in the game and the esteem in which many people hold him. Last time we were in this position we were fortunate that there was a manager down the road working wonders at a much smaller club and therefore we were an attractive move, but even then we didn't face the difficulties we do now.


It is also worth remembering that we have signed a lot of players since relegation and therefore I would say that giving the guy that signed them every opportunity to work with them would be the best bet. We aren't in a position where we can let any new manager go and buy his own team and the position Sunderland are in where they have signed a million players and have now appointed a manager and by all accounts said 'This is what you've got, so get on with it' isn't an enviable one as far as I'm concerned.


I could repeat what many of the people backing him (myself included) have already said in that up until recently Peterborough had been our only truly poor performance and individual errors at both ends of the pitch have cost us not getting the points we deserve from many games this season, but people don't want to hear it and bearing in mind we haven't won since bloody March I make that fair enough.


As I said, I really, really want O'Driscoll to be a success here, and I am still fully behind him at present, but I am not blind to the situation. 4/5 more games without a win regardless of performance will make the situation impossible and regretfully then, even I as a supporter of SO'D would accept that he would need to go. If we play tomorrow night how we did at Wycombe and Crewe then I feel that actually may be enough for him and we will be looking for yet another new manager come Wednesday morning.

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From what I can see, nobody at the club can do anything right at the moment.


Dead wood has and is still in the process of being cleared out and wage bills are reducing.


New players are being brought in.


Youngsters are getting opportunities.


The playing style and mentality is trying to be changed.


These things take time I am afraid and football is a results based industry.


No pain, no gain.

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From what I can see, nobody at the club can do anything right at the moment.


Dead wood has and is still in the process of being cleared out and wage bills are reducing.


New players are being brought in.


Youngsters are getting opportunities.


The playing style and mentality is trying to be changed.


These things take time I am afraid and football is a results based industry.


No pain, no gain.


That old chestnut again

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Brendan Rogers and Arsene Wenger have both championed Sod in recent times and talk of him as a leading coach. Bring a jordan type person in to be director of football let them be face of Bristol City and also add some fire

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Sorry you lost all credibility with that shite about SO'D being 'one of the top coaches outside of the Premier League'!!!!!! Based on what, factually?!! 20 league games without a win is an undisputed reality not some hot air rhetoric. Where would you draw the line? 25 games without a win? 30? Relegation again? The five pillars are in danger of becoming the 5 pillocks, Lansdown Snr, Lansdown Jnr, Dawe, O'Driscoll and lastly the deluded fans who attack others for being disgruntled about this club being rock- bottom of the Third Division.

As for this transition crap, almost every club in the league are having to endure transition. As stated by other elsewhere, Wolves, Coventry and Swindon to give three examples are not anywhere near as dire as City are, but have had to restructure and revamp. These excuses are getting more threadbare by the day. Football Managers/ Head Coaches ( for the pedantic) are employed to win football matches. Failure to do so will bring the same outcome whatever the circumstances and irrespective of the spin.


You are entitled to your opinion. But look at what he achieved at Forest the little time he was there. If they didn't sack him they would be in the Premier League. I get your point that 20+ games isn't acceptable none of us think it is.


The best outcome is to try and solve it and that's where peoples views come in such as yours and mine people believe in different methods. Ultimately it's none of our decisions.


And as for the 'transition crap' to put it in better words the club is adapting so we don't get any punishments when the FIFA fair play comes into play and get relegated even further.


I've said this on a couple of posts now but ultimately the penny has to drop and its still falling.


The reality is football isn't great at the moment in Bristol but it should in the future be far more enjoyable south of the river with the steps and 'pillars' that many people see as a waste of time.


How do you think Hull City managed, famously playing us in the play off final, the only thing they had more than us was a Premier League stadium and look where they are now. Very strong last year in the Championship and fair play to them they got to the Premier League.

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From what I can see, nobody at the club can do anything right at the moment.


Dead wood has and is still in the process of being cleared out and wage bills are reducing.


New players are being brought in.


Youngsters are getting opportunities.


The playing style and mentality is trying to be changed.


These things take time I am afraid and football is a results based industry.


No pain, no gain.


Transition. Maybe the board aren't talking rubbish.


(harvey54 I'm not suggesting you are)

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Brendan Rogers and Arsene Wenger have both championed Sod in recent times and talk of him as a leading coach. Bring a jordan type person in to be director of football let them be face of Bristol City and also add some fire


That says a lot. Andy Horsman, why don't you go down the training ground and see if you a impressed with his methods there?

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I cannot pick an argument with anybody that wants him gone. Sure I will disagree with some of their reasoning, but after no wins in 20 and performances becoming significantly worse in our last two games it is easy to understand why some will naturally feel his position is untenable and it would be impossible for any other manager to do any worse.


I really want this to work and I just feel we should give it every opportunity. I'm not suggesting that means sticking with him indefinitely, but I really, really don't know what the next move is should we sack him. It may be blind faith in someone who I have wanted at Ashton Gate for a long time and really believe in a lot of the things he is trying to do, but sacking him without giving him every opportunity to turn this round would be a mistake in my opinion. Results clearly suggest otherwise, but unlike certain other people who have sat in the manager's office at Ashton Gate I believe that SO'D knows what he is trying to do.


Of course some will think that nobody could possibly do worse (and to be fair they would have a point) which will lead to comments such as 'I don't care who replaces him, he needs to go', but sat bottom of League 1 we would be in dream world expecting to entice a manager that compares to Sean O'Driscoll in what he has done in the game and the esteem in which many people hold him. Last time we were in this position we were fortunate that there was a manager down the road working wonders at a much smaller club and therefore we were an attractive move, but even then we didn't face the difficulties we do now.


It is also worth remembering that we have signed a lot of players since relegation and therefore I would say that giving the guy that signed them every opportunity to work with them would be the best bet. We aren't in a position where we can let any new manager go and buy his own team and the position Sunderland are in where they have signed a million players and have now appointed a manager and by all accounts said 'This is what you've got, so get on with it' isn't an enviable one as far as I'm concerned.


I could repeat what many of the people backing him (myself included) have already said in that up until recently Peterborough had been our only truly poor performance and individual errors at both ends of the pitch have cost us not getting the points we deserve from many games this season, but people don't want to hear it and bearing in mind we haven't won since bloody March I make that fair enough.


As I said, I really, really want O'Driscoll to be a success here, and I am still fully behind him at present, but I am not blind to the situation. 4/5 more games without a win regardless of performance will make the situation impossible and regretfully then, even I as a supporter of SO'D would accept that he would need to go. If we play tomorrow night how we did at Wycombe and Crewe then I feel that actually may be enough for him and we will be looking for yet another new manager come Wednesday morning.


Agree with you.


The reason why I've appeared so supportive of Sean is because I cant see anyone doing a better job.


He has also bought in a couple of players and need time to gel.


The main point is though we've had 5 managers since March 2010, for starters that's awful for stability. 2nd of all its wasting money which we don't have. 3rd we can't back out of what everyone involved with the club committed to in January when he was bought in and lastly if 5 different managers can't help us where do look to then? blame the board? ok this time last year it was horrific but they have acted with the pillars and whether you like it or not I can't see Sean O'driscoll being fired. The board have crumpled through fan pressure to often and fair play to them for sticking to there own judgement. If they believe that Sean is to go then we start again and support the next man in.


But the best way to describe it is a plane barrel rolling to the ground and we are trying to regain control. Going round the cycle of a new manager (positive attitude), lost a couple of games we'll give him time, oh dear no win in x amount of games (negative attitude), we want him out. This philosophy isn't going to help anyone especially us fans.




Regardless of the miserable form book we have got to do our jobs as fans and continue to support. It will be tough.

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Firstly I would like to point out that if we win on Tuesday then we are not only off the bottom but also out of the relegation zone. Not exactly ripping up the league but still a better position to be in.


Secondly this forum is probably the most reactionary I have ever come across. I realise you are all pissed off. I am too- I said the word unbelievable more times than Chris Kamara on speed coming out of the ground on Saturday. But I have enjoyed watching City for the most part of this season- even if the results so far have been far from satisfactory.


Finally I believe in what SOD is doing and I'm willing to give him more time- although how much is yet to be decided.


I realise that it is a long time since a win in the league even if I don't include last season, but I am going to look at it as 11 games and not 21 because this is a new team- Of the 18 players on the field and the bench on Saturday only Moloney, Cunningham, Baldock, Taylor, Ried and Bryan were there last season and Ried and Bryan were no where near the first team.


Things are also happening on the pitch that are beyond SOD's control- Flint back pass, Wagstaff penalty, Fielding charging out his goal.That's 5 extra points right there (and I could probably list more) that SOD cannot be held responsible for. He can set his team up and he can send it out but he can not account for such personal errors.

We were solid in defence up until the penalty on Saturday, likewise at Vale until Flints back pass. Ok so individual errors have meant that we have still conceded on both occasions, but when was the last time we could use the word solid in reference to City's defence? Williams especially looks like he could turn out to be a quality player.


People talk of other clubs being in transition who aren't suffering as much as us. Well considering the mess we were in with our wage bill I would hazard a guess that most have not had to cope with as big a transition. And this is exactly why I believe we should give SOD more time- Can changing manager and having another upheaval so soon really help us in the long term? One of the things I despise about modern football is the demand for instant success and it something that is trickling down the leagues from the Premiership. Yes we are yet to win this season- but with the exception of Peterborough who has actually looked better than us? There is no way in hell that Swindon are 14 points better than us. The wins (I believe) will come.


I'm not for one minute suggesting that SOD should be allowed to lead us into league 2 and I'm sure that if result don't pick up I will start changing my tune. But for the moment I can see something there that I am willing to give that bit longer and see if it blooms into what we all hope it can be.


Onwards and upwards... Well up to Carlisle at the least.

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That says a lot. Andy Horsman, why don't you go down the training ground and see if you a impressed with his methods there?

You are clutching at straws. Peter Beadle was described at one time as one of the most skilful players at AG technically and we were repeatedly told that Cole Skuse was one of the quickest players in training. What happens on matchday is what counts. Why would I want to watch training ffs?!!! Like saying Frank Bruno was awesome in sparring until Tyson smacked him on his glass chin!!! ******* pointless argument!!!!!!

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You are entitled to your opinion. But look at what he achieved at Forest the little time he was there. If they didn't sack him they would be in the Premier League. I get your point that 20+ games isn't acceptable none of us think it is.


The best outcome is to try and solve it and that's where peoples views come in such as yours and mine people believe in different methods. Ultimately it's none of our decisions.


And as for the 'transition crap' to put it in better words the club is adapting so we don't get any punishments when the FIFA fair play comes into play and get relegated even further.


I've said this on a couple of posts now but ultimately the penny has to drop and its still falling.


The reality is football isn't great at the moment in Bristol but it should in the future be far more enjoyable south of the river with the steps and 'pillars' that many people see as a waste of time.


How do you think Hull City managed, famously playing us in the play off final, the only thing they had more than us was a Premier League stadium and look where they are now. Very strong last year in the Championship and fair play to them they got to the Premier League.

FIFA fair play?!!! Don't take the high ground when you clearly have NO IDEA what you are talking about!!! The penny has dropped. Re-read and comprehend my response. the likes of  Wolves Coventry and Swindon are also affected by FFP etc and have had to completely slash their budgets and start academy kids. 'We' all understand. What 'we' can't accept is that people are using that as an excuse when it is affecting so many other sides equally or in Coventry's case much more, and yet they are competing.

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