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I Still Think Things Were Worse Under Pulis

Bristol Rob

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Under Pulis i was going to hand my season ticket back. I hated every minute of it.

In a sadistic sort of way i'm rather enjoying what we are trying to achieve at the moment

I appreciate it's not working out too well and i'm not sure how long my patience will last, but in spells i have been entertained.


We start bright as team.

Oppositions then shut up shop and get behind the ball and we run out of ideas. Then we tend to concede silly goals.

The team aren't giving up and are expressive, but lack defensive grit when it comes to scrapping for that extra ball - such as closing down and eliminating crosses.

We barely managed a decent ball in the box and even if we did, we would need Elliot to connect as nobody else (in open play) can challenge. Brentford closed down many balls and blocked a lot of our efforts.

We needed that early goal to open up the game but it went in reverse unfortunately.

It's plain to see that we are capable of dominating and I'm sure we will get a good run eventually.

I'd rather we L6 D6 than W2 L10 in our current state. If the form had been the latter we'd have let SOD go.

There isn't enough certainty to just go and sack the boss then expect improvements. What a stupid risk to take.

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Didn't Penisface recently admit that due to his loyalty to the slags he found it difficult to manage us? In other words he hates us and did what he could to screw us over. I still remember waking up one morning and reading on teletext that he had departed for Portsmouth and they had paid us also!! I remember bouncing around the living room. Sod is trying his hardest to rebuild this club, Penisface was trying his hardest to destroy it. I am very annoyed people are putting sod in the same category as him.

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I think things were worse under Pulis. Compunded by who he was, what he was doing, his disdain for the club, the crippling with utter dross signings.

SOD tried and failed. Pulis, it felt, revelled in drowning this club. Also at the time of Pulis' appointment we had at least two very decent managers wanting the job (peter taylor post under 21s and Moyes iirc). We ended up with him.

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Ok, hypothetical question and just a bit of fun.........

Only two managers left on the planet between now and the end of the season: SOD and Pulis. Who would you choose to take us to the the promised land of 3rd division survival???

For me -Pulis.

I'd go SOD all day, every day. I'd rather buy food from Ashton Gate AND eat it than have us managed by Pulis again.

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I think things were worse under Pulis. Compunded by who he was, what he was doing, his disdain for the club, the crippling with utter dross signings.

SOD tried and failed. Pulis, it felt, revelled in drowning this club. Also at the time of Pulis' appointment we had at least two very decent managers wanting the job (peter taylor post under 21s and Moyes iirc). We ended up with him.


Yes, three of the Board (as was back then) wanted Moyes or Taylor and four voted for Putrid including a certain Mr S. Lansdown and a Mr. K. Dawe.


I've never forgotten that.


Strangely enough we did play one of the best games I ever watched at AG under Totally Putrid. Night game (I think) against a real high flying Reading team

who at the time were probably the best team in the division. We gave them a football lesson and won 4-1.


Unfortunately I was also at Brentford away that same season where we resembled the Keystone Cops. First time I'd ever seen players running into each

other and passing every second ball to the opposition. It was horrendous. The only bright spot was the City fans chanting, "Pulis to Portsmouth" all through

the second half. Thankfully he went.

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We start bright as team.

Oppositions then shut up shop and get behind the ball and we run out of ideas. Then we tend to concede silly goals.

The team aren't giving up and are expressive, but lack defensive grit when it comes to scrapping for that extra ball - such as closing down and eliminating crosses.

We barely managed a decent ball in the box and even if we did, we would need Elliot to connect as nobody else (in open play) can challenge. Brentford closed down many balls and blocked a lot of our efforts.

We needed that early goal to open up the game but it went in reverse unfortunately.

It's plain to see that we are capable of dominating and I'm sure we will get a good run eventually.

I'd rather we L6 D6 than W2 L10 in our current state. If the form had been the latter we'd have let SOD go.

There isn't enough certainty to just go and sack the boss then expect improvements. What a stupid risk to take.


It's a stupid risk to keep him.


And we aren't ever going to get goals if he sends us out in the formation he has in the last few games. Our only hope, other than fortunate own-goals, is for JET to pull out a moment of magic and conjure something out of nothing. If he doesn't, we are stuck with an isolated front man and we just wait to be hit by the first against-the-run-of-play goal.


A decent side tonight would've spanked us 5-1.

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