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Fao Nick J.

St. Aldhelms Red

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Nick, as you may remember, i was interviewed by yourself for the post of Bristol City F.C. Manager/Head Coach when the vacancy arose, as first Mr K. Millen and then Mr D Mcinnes were relieved of their duties. In light of the fact that there may be said vacancy arising soon, do i have to submit my application again or is it still on file?

  Yours sincerely, St. Aldhelms Red.

P.S. My radical views are still the same, although i no longer like possession based football.

P.P.S. Are you still Chairman?

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Dear St. Aldhems Red,


There are currently no vacancies for manager or first team coach, and won't be be for the foreseeable further. There is however, currently a vacancy in South East London which you may find of interest....

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Dear St Albans Red,

I hear you are looking for a position as manager / head coach in the Bristol area. The word on the hedge is that there will soon be a vacancy in the Horfield area. You will need to be able to recognise a football from twenty yards and to handle the media without waving your arms and twitching. You must be prepared to relocate to South Gloucestershire at some unspecified time in the future.

Aizoon pp Horace H Hedgehog

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Nick, as you may remember, i was interviewed by yourself for the post of Bristol City F.C. Manager/Head Coach when the vacancy arose, as first Mr K. Millen and then Mr D Mcinnes were relieved of their duties. In light of the fact that there may be said vacancy arising soon, do i have to submit my application again or is it still on file?

  Yours sincerely, St. Aldhelms Red.

P.S. My radical views are still the same, although i no longer like possession based football.

P.P.S. Are you still Chairman?


Things have moved on since those dark days my friend.


We now play possession football AND we have 5 Pillars.


I am afraid you may have rather shot your bolt there. Lets start again and pretend it never happened.


Is this something you can buy into?


If so please re-submit your application, along with relevant details etc. Candidates who can demonstrate a commitment to the Pillars will be preferred.




PS - best not mention those radical views at interview, its not what we do at football any longer.


PPS - No I handed over the reins to my lad, as you do. Lets just hope he doesn't **** it up.........

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Thank you for your replies, but i do not want or need 1 pillar, let alone 5.

I am no longer interested in the forthcoming vacancy, as i have accepted the position of Chairman of the FA for Bongo Bongo Land,where i feel my talents will be appreciated.

   Yours, St. Aldhelms Red.

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Thank you for your replies, but i do not want or need 1 pillar, let alone 5.

I am no longer interested in the forthcoming vacancy, as i have accepted the position of Chairman of the FA for Bongo Bongo Land,where i feel my talents will be appreciated.

   Yours, St. Aldhelms Red.

Dear St Aldhems Red


Having played under you previously I would urge the board to consider your application. Press conferences would be even shorter than o'dismals I would imagine, especially if it coincided with happy hour!

We can get rid of this possession shit and just win, wouldn't imagine JET would feature much!


Can you actually name the five pillocks that support our once great club? that's Q1 of the selection criteria




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Thank you for your replies, but i do not want or need 1 pillar, let alone 5.

I am no longer interested in the forthcoming vacancy, as i have accepted the position of Chairman of the FA for Bongo Bongo Land,where i feel my talents will be appreciated.

Yours, St. Aldhelms Red.

I'm glad to hear that you have been headhunted, but I feel it is my duty to warn you the certain sacrifices will be expected in your new position.

PS. The brown envelopes for Herr Blatter will be found in the top left hand drawer of your desk.

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St. Aldhelms Red,

?As someone who, like the social services, has stalked you discretely from afar, it is interesting that you have once more thrown your Burberry baseball cap into the ring.

?I have listened your out spoken and forthright views as to how the game should be played and your big bush formation with one pushing up the from back is a revelation.

This is in stark contrast to the Christmas tree with fairy on top formation we currently employ.

However your youth policy will need to be reviewed.


PS Refrain from sitting under coconut trees, looked what happen with the last bang to your head.

PPS I've always wanted to PPS but never knew what to say

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Dear Mr Aizoon and Mr Hedgehog, please dont mention "sacrifices" again in front of my new team. I have just had to order 15 packs of industrial strength toilet roll. Must go , theyre playing the national anthem. " Awimaway, awimaway, awimaway, the lion sleeps tonight............"

        Yours, St. Aldhelms Red

P.S. Found the envelopes.

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