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Sharon Shoesmith And Her Unfair Dismissal Following The Baby P Tragedy

Mr Mosquito

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This child was visited on over 60 occasions by the social workers that she was in charge of and still left to be tortured and murdered by these vile individuals, her and her team enabled it, they had plenty of chances to have saved this poor child.


That is the problem these days, far too many people enjoy the huge pay packets that come with jobs like hers but never accept responsibility when they **** up, which is far too often.


I agree with you. However, Sharon Shoesmith enjoyed a huge salary for her responsibilities but now she's been vilified and she used the correct channels and probably used an excellent barrister to get the payout. I still think the underlying problem in this case is the lack of a death penalty to help deter such evil people from torturing and killing children. I would hope that some day soon the death penalty can be restored retrospectively so that Tracey Connelly, Steven Barker, and their lodger, Jason Owen can be exterminated.

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I agree with you. However, Sharon Shoesmith enjoyed a huge salary for her responsibilities but now she's been vilified and she used the correct channels and probably used an excellent barrister to get the payout. I still think the underlying problem in this case is the lack of a death penalty to help deter such evil people from torturing and killing children. I would hope that some day soon the death penalty can be restored retrospectively so that Tracey Connelly, Steven Barker, and their lodger, Jason Owen can be exterminated.


She has been vilified because this happened on her watch she enabled it to happen and has never taken responsibility and would have been correctly and properly punished for her part in this tragedy had the **** wit Ed Balls taken advice from the many overpaid legal advisors that were available to him when he was a member of HM government.


Perhaps now the tories should take the correct legal advice about clawing this money back from Balls after all he and his mrs got away with expenses scandal. Was it having the main family residence in Brentford but claiming for a place in central London because Brentford was too far to drive home to after work FFS.



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She has been vilified because this happened on her watch she enabled it to happen and has never taken responsibility and would have been correctly and properly punished for her part in this tragedy had the **** wit Ed Balls taken advice from the many overpaid legal advisors that were available to him when he was a member of HM government.


Perhaps now the tories should take the correct legal advice about clawing this money back from Balls after all he and his mrs got away with expenses scandal. Was it having the main family residence in Brentford but claiming for a place in central London because Brentford was too far to drive home to after work FFS.


Ed Balls is just a middle class Oxbridge educated muppet - typical or the Cultural Marxist arseholes that now infest the New Labour Party. Anyone would think he's God's gift to politics the way the BBC idolize him and Tony Blair etc.

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They can't win can they, social workers, they were villified in the Orkney case, they get villified if they are over zealous and they get villified if they are too lenient....... Gawd knows why anyone would want to do the job. At the end of the day, whatever the social services do, or don't do, its the sickos and waster parents who do the damage.

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They can't win can they, social workers, they were villified in the Orkney case, they get villified if they are over zealous and they get villified if they are too lenient....... Gawd knows why anyone would want to do the job. At the end of the day, whatever the social services do, or don't do, its the sickos and waster parents who do the damage.


I would have thought that in this case 60 visits might have given these particular social workers a bit of clue? wouldn't you?

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I would have thought that in this case 60 visits might have given these particular social workers a bit of clue? wouldn't you?

They still didn't do it though did they, isn't the actual facts that because of data protection and other problems, none of the inter agencies can see each others computer files, causing problems, but that aside, it was still the fault of the perpatrators, no one else. Thats not to say, lessons can and surely will be learnt between agencies, unril then, it remains all a bit disjointed.

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They still didn't do it though did they, isn't the actual facts that because of data protection and other problems, none of the inter agencies can see each others computer files, causing problems, but that aside, it was still the fault of the perpatrators, no one else. Thats not to say, lessons can and surely will be learnt between agencies, unril then, it remains all a bit disjointed.


The problem is when you join the armed forces you might end going to war somewhere, when join the fire service you might have to go into a burning building and just as with social workers if you don't do your job properly somebody might die and in this case it was the most innocent member of our society and they failed him big style and had they done their jobs properly he would still be alive, no they didn't kill him per se and they certainly didn't do the job that were being paid to do and because of that he is dead.



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The problem is when you join the armed forces you might end going to war somewhere, when join the fire service you might have to go into a burning building and just as with social workers if you don't do your job properly somebody might die and in this case it was the most innocent member of our society and they failed him big style and had they done their jobs properly he would still be alive, no they didn't kill him per se and they certainly didn't do the job that were being paid to do and because of that he is dead.

I'm no apologist for social workers, but have spent a few years managing staff and dealing with people is the hardest part, the firemen will get a fire to put out, it will follow in the vast majortiy of cases, the expected path, people are so inconsistent and change at a whim, I still blame the parents, they did it.

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Was the child actually seen on all these visits? From experience I believe a visit may be recorded if the social worker attempted to visit but there was no answer at the door. He/she may visit and be told the child is out with friends or family, or asleep etc. things are very different also when an appointment to visit is made. The child will be clean, dressed and fed and surrounded by toys, arrive unannounced the child is usually naked, dirty, hungry and has nothing to play with.

I'm not sure if the child had been offered a place in a social services day nursery, if not why not? I'm confident if he had been he would have been monitored properly and alive today, probably not with his birth mother though.

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I'm no apologist for social workers, but have spent a few years managing staff and dealing with people is the hardest part, the firemen will get a fire to put out, it will follow in the vast majortiy of cases, the expected path, people are so inconsistent and change at a whim, I still blame the parents, they did it.


and so do I, but if the professionals who work in jobs like this fail and someone dies as a result of their failure they have to accept the consequences it goes with the job and the salary, that is why Shoesmith was on 133k a year.


The good news I have just read that the **** wit Ed Balls says he has no regrets and would do the same again, well there you go Labour voters, he has admitted costing the taxpayers millions because of his mistake and would do the same again.


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Was the child actually seen on all these visits? From experience I believe a visit may be recorded if the social worker attempted to visit but there was no answer at the door. He/she may visit and be told the child is out with friends or family, or asleep etc. things are very different also when an appointment to visit is made. The child will be clean, dressed and fed and surrounded by toys, arrive unannounced the child is usually naked, dirty, hungry and has nothing to play with.

I'm not sure if the child had been offered a place in a social services day nursery, if not why not? I'm confident if he had been he would have been monitored properly and alive today, probably not with his birth mother though.




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I remember the case at the time, of course, but forget some of the detail. Ah the old smear with chocolate trick to hide bruises. Seems the child was being taken for routine check ups etc, so easy for some to slip through the net. I guess the parents were known to social services themselves and the cycle goes on.

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I remember the case at the time, of course, but forget some of the detail. Ah the old smear with chocolate trick to hide bruises. Seems the child was being taken for routine check ups etc, so easy for some to slip through the net. I guess the parents were known to social services themselves and the cycle goes on.


Lets be honest pretty much everybody who was associated with this case got it wrong the doctors, the police with the help of the CPS and the social workers.



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Lets be honest pretty much everybody who was associated with this case got it wrong the doctors, the police with the help of the CPS and the social workers.

I agree. But by a clever perpetrator it's possible to be fooled. A concerned mother takes her clean,and on the surface, cared for child to the GP saying he fell over so has bruises. She is seen to be doing 'the right thing' and gets overlooked. These people don't want to be caught and know every trick in the book, every answer seems plauseable.

I found social workers because of the pressures they were under changed probably every 6 months, if they lasted a year with a family they were 'long term' . I might work with a family for several years, seeing them have 2 or 3 children or more with one or more partners and would see the bigger picture as they say.

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So did Gormless Brown and he gave all our gold reserves away, after raiding pension funds, so degrees are no guarantee of being a success in the job.

Well, I think he was the longest ever serving Chancellor so he must have been doing something right. A lot of wrong too, PFI being the main example plus too light regulation of bankers. Gold sell off looks bad on the face of it with the benefit of hindsight.

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Well, I think he was the longest ever serving Chancellor so he must have been doing something right. A lot of wrong too, PFI being the main example plus too light regulation of bankers. Gold sell off looks bad on the face of it with the benefit of hindsight.


Yeah a ******* deal with Bliar in which he was then crowned by his party unopposed, very democratic.



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They can't win can they, social workers, they were villified in the Orkney case, they get villified if they are over zealous and they get villified if they are too lenient....... Gawd knows why anyone would want to do the job. At the end of the day, whatever the social services do, or don't do, its the sickos and waster parents who do the damage.


Indeed, those social workers do a tough job with parents that are often experts at hiding the abuse they mete out to children. There's been talk of Ed Balls of Labour being in the wrong in this case but it was his Labour Party that abolished the death penalty in the 1960s. I bear a grudge against the Labour Party in this case because there's no proper legal remedy for what the torturers of Baby P did. They should be hung by the neck until dead. In this respect this country has regressed.

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Don't forget Ed Balls was an advisor to Gordon Brown when the ****wit sold off 400 tonnes of our Gold at rock bottom prices. How Labour still get people to vote for them is anyones guess.

Possibly because it was the - independent from government. - Bank of England who did this and, yes, lots of other European banks did the same having - like the rest of the World - failed to have predicted the credit crunch & the rush for the old stand-by gold in India etc.

I'm really not an Ed Balls' fan, but please look beyond the implications suggested by the partisan Tory press.

How many papers criticised that move at the time? Hint ............0.

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