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Would Relegation Be Good


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The way I look at it myself is that regardless of win, lose or draw I just go with the flow... sh1t happens at this club but I cant change it. While I do love the club and have done for about 25 years its not the be all and end all for me, I don't moan about the managers and calling for the axe to grind even if we lose.. yes it annoys me for about 30min and then think to hell with it, move on to the next game. I will still travel home and away because I enjoy the day, getting behind the team and everything that goes with it.

I don't think I could ever be a pessimist though, maybe as it wears on and I get older it might speak out to me but until then.... **** it :)

To be honest I am more go with the flow in general life, but a pessimist concerning city. Only one thing really pisses me off with city. I won't mention it as I will go on a rant again. But managers and playing side, it doesn't really bother me. It is the nature of the beast, some years we are good others crap, usually average.

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To be honest I am more go with the flow in general life, but a pessimist concerning city. Only one thing really pisses me off with city. I won't mention it as I will go on a rant again. But managers and playing side, it doesn't really bother me. It is the nature of the beast, some years we are good others crap, usually average.


Judging by previous I could probably guess what angers you regarding City and I would agree with your points if that is correct.


Yup basically we are good some years, complete garbage others.. most of the time average as everything evens itself out so that's why with City I go with the flow.

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No, it would not be good. Just look at what has happened to Portsmouth & Plymouth if you want evidence. Far better to emulate Coventry who without the 10 point deduction would be in a play-off position. All achieved with a new squad aquired without spending big bucks. We do not anticipate a deduction so, if we do not get relegated, such a moderate target would see us in the top six at Christmas next season.

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Always best to prepare for the worst, anything slightly better than the worst is a bonus! Be a pessimist, you are either going to proved right or you are going to be happy. Being a optimist is bad, you tend to be let down more.

I was a optimist when I wss younger. I turned to the dark side later in life, it serves me well. I am never let down anywhere as much as I was when I was younger.


Anyone who isn't a cynic by forty never loved the world in the first place :(

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