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Always Believe?

Pembrokeshire's Finest

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Long time reader of this forum and I've finally decided to bite the bullet and sign up.

My general opinion of Sean is a high one, I agree with his methods and the way he's trying to bring the club forward. I will admit he seems to talk a lot about the performances and well it seems like he watches a different game 90% of the time imo.

Looking at our team I struggle to grasp how we are massively underachieveing in this division, something must be going on further up then just the team? I just don't understand how we can move upwards and onwards under the board we currently have.

Do we trust Sod and try to play our way through and hopefully avoid another relegation or do we tell him to go elsewhere? I personally think sod can still prove to be successful here. He just needs the time for his players to settle down, gain experience and gel as a team.

Compare ourselves to the team last year, I genuinely believe we have a bright future, the likes of Bryan, Reid and Williams are our key assets for many seasons to come! We can really push our way up the table with this squad if we weren't so negative. Imagine being in their shoes. I'm fed up of reading doom and gloom, let's get behind the team and show them what OUR club is really like.

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I think sod should be gone already and the fools who put him there, although we had better win tomorrow I wouldn't bet a penny on us doing so Crawley ffs,

1 goal from the prem and now 3rd tier and cant win at home, do them upstairs seem bothered :disapointed2se:

Coming up to a year now sod has taken us from bottom of one div to the bottom of the one below :clap:

Sadly unless fan pressure increases them upstairs will stick by their man, :facepalm:  where-ever that takes us rather than lose face and credibility; which they have already lost i.m.o.

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I would so like to agree.


This set-up looked to be what I wanted to see for ages. A Crewe Alexandra type set-up with a thoughtful coach rather than a shouty manager, bringing through younger players, playing a passing and possession game.


I accepted that to put this in place took time and that there would be no instant top-of-the table success, I was not expecting promotion this season.


I was not, however, with the budget and squad that we have expecting to be in the relegation places.


This is unacceptable, I still agree with the set-up and aspiration (ignoring the silly corporate-speak pillars guff) but it requires an effective coach to make it work.  Wishful thinking won't do it, the performances have not been good enough.

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