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O'Driscoll Not Doing My Head In, Plus, Reasons To Be Neutral, Definitely

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Now come on chaps be nice to sir Q, he lives just down the road from me. And as soon as the footpath to Hallatrow is finished he is most welcome to come over anytime to my humble abode for a cuppa tea and a slice of Victoria sponge!


That was Wurzel Gummidge's chat up line, wasn't it?

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That's the one, you should try it sometime........it works everytime. The maturer ladies can't resist a bit of sponge cake. Read it in a saga mag (top shelf hush hush)!


I would, but I couldn't pull a muscle these days.

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How you doing Les and it's nice to hear from you again.

 My dog is doing my head in at the moment. He's always wanting me to take him out for a walkie's but he can't stand Alsatian and Golden retrievers. It getting so bad that I'm scared to let him off his lead now. Do you think I should get him neutered ?  

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Now come on chaps be nice to sir Q, he lives just down the road from me. And as soon as the footpath to Hallatrow is finished he is most welcome to come over anytime to my humble abode for a cuppa tea and a slice of Victoria sponge!

You got that kettle on, John? I'm gasping...

Could do with a lift to the Gate later on as well, if you don't mind

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How you doing Les and it's nice to hear from you again.

 My dog is doing my head in at the moment. He's always wanting me to take him out for a walkie's but he can't stand Alsatian and Golden retrievers. It getting so bad that I'm scared to let him off his lead now. Do you think I should get him neutered ?

Mornin' "swank." Go for neutral, definitely. Think I need neutering after last night...

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Me, "fka," Les done Les's head in, last night. No one else to blame. Need painkillers...can't do this at 74


Thanks for the reply Les Q.  I must confess It's been bit of a marathon waiting for your reply.  I did toy with the idea of heading off to bed at 3.45 this morning. but no, I stuck it out and it was well worth it.


I must say you're doing very well indeed for 74.  Initially I had you down as late 60s so good on you.  No doubt you're a man of great experience and wisdom - I only hope the members of the forum are sitting up and listening.


Toodle-pip old chum!

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Thanks for the reply Les Q.  I must confess It's been bit of a marathon waiting for your reply.  I did toy with the idea of heading off to bed at 3.45 this morning. but no, I stuck it out and it was well worth it.


I must say you're doing very well indeed for 74.  Initially I had you down as late 60s so good on you.  No doubt you're a man of great experience and wisdom - I only hope the members of the forum are sitting up and listening.


Toodle-pip old chum!

I believe the old girls out on the town in Midsomer Norton last night had me down as a much younger man, with handsome features; well, every drink I bought them, they were telling me that.

We're getting used to waiting, us City boys and girls, aren't we? And commendably patient, too. Don't wait up anymore, mind

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