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Saudi Arabia Deports 60,000 Foreigners In Crackdown On Illegals

Mr Mosquito

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Not reported by the BBC state propaganda newsagency but a round of applause for Saudi Arabia.  :clap:  The Muslim world comes in for a lot of criticism but our own Government could learn a lot from the way that Saudi Arabia is dealing with its illegal immigrants.......


"Saudi Arabia has deported more than 60,000 illegal foreign workers in a crackdown over the past fortnight and more are to follow, Interior Minister Prince Mohammed bin Nayef said Tuesday. Police have rounded up tens of thousands of people for deportation since an amnesty for foreign workers to regularise their status expired on November 4. The campaign has "so far led to the deportation of more than 60,000 violators of the residency and labour system, while procedures are ongoing to deport others," state news agency SPA quoted Prince Mohammed as saying.


"The campaign will continue... and is not limited to a timeframe," he added. Nearly a million migrants -- Bangladeshis, Filipinos, Indians, Nepalis, Pakistanis and Yemenis among them -- took advantage of the amnesty to leave voluntarily. Another four million were able to find employers to sponsor them, a legal requirement in Saudi Arabia as in several other Gulf states.


The crackdown on illegals has been marred by clashes that killed four people earlier this month, according to Saudi authorities. The Ethiopian embassy said three of its nationals had died in clashes. Among those considered illegal are foreigners who have overstayed their visas, pilgrims who have sought jobs, and migrants seeking work other than for their sponsor. Expatriates account for a full nine million of the oil-rich kingdom's population of 27 million.


Despite its huge oil wealth, Saudi Arabia has a jobless rate of more than 12.5 percent among its citizen population, a figure the government has long sought to cut."


Source: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/saudi-deports-60-000-foreigners-crackdown-illegals-213128940.html

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It was on the BBC ages ago genius

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24938570 (there are other stories in relation to it too)

It's also an entirely different situation; the Saudis actively encouraged those people to come to their country to do all the jobs they didn't fancy and then when too many of the came and the unemployment rate went up, they got pissy and started threatening them. Although I guess you could draw parallels with us inviting Indians and West Indians over to man our factories after World War 2 and then people gettin pissy because they brought their religions and cultures...

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It was on the BBC ages ago genius

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-24938570 (there are other stories in relation to it too)

It's also an entirely different situation; the Saudis actively encouraged those people to come to their country to do all the jobs they didn't fancy and then when too many of the came and the unemployment rate went up, they got pissy and started threatening them. Although I guess you could draw parallels with us inviting Indians and West Indians over to man our factories after World War 2 and then people gettin pissy because they brought their religions and cultures...


I certainly haven't seen this news item on the BBC TV main prime time propaganda news. You forgot to mention that many Indians and West Indians fought for Great Britain and the Empire during World War 2. :thumbsup:


At a time when the Muslim world is unpopular I'm trying to espouse the good points of the Muslim world's lead country that is Saudi Arabia.

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I certainly haven't seen this news item on the BBC TV main prime time propaganda news. You forgot to mention that many Indians and West Indians fought for Great Britain and the Empire during World War 2. :thumbsup:

At a time when the Muslim world is unpopular I'm trying to espouse the good points of the Muslim world's lead country that is Saudi Arabia.

Was it on Sky News or RT then Gobbers? No??

Guess you're sticking to your Daily Mail inspired agenda then. Viscount Harmsworth would be proud. The tax-avoiding, hypocritical****.

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I certainly haven't seen this news item on the BBC TV main prime time propaganda news. You forgot to mention that many Indians and West Indians fought for Great Britain and the Empire during World War 2. :thumbsup:

At a time when the Muslim world is unpopular I'm trying to espouse the good points of the Muslim world's lead country that is Saudi Arabia.

No, it was on Breakfast news at least twice (Friday & Monday perhaps?) but obviously I can't link to a past television braoadcast. I think the protests outside the Saudi embassy were on yesterday too actually

I'm glad you've found a point of reference on which you can agree with our cousins in the Arab world (as them being human beings isn't enough of a shared experience), its just a shame the bit you relate to is them being a bit violent and totalitarian towards their former petrol station attendants, street sweepers and cleaners

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Was it on Sky News or RT then Gobbers? No??

Guess you're sticking to your Daily Mail inspired agenda then. Viscount Harmsworth would be proud. The tax-avoiding, hypocritical ****.


I usually watch the BBC's prime time propaganda news broadcasts, very disappointing that they haven't covered this subject. The BBC elitists certainly fell flat on their faces with their support of David Camoron and his wish to destroy President Assad's Syrian regime by sending our forces against him and thus putting our armed forces on the side of the militant Islamic Jihadists who we are supposed to be at war with.

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They have a system where if the economy cant use your skills then you cant stay. Its quite brutal but I agree with it.

It's not quite that though is it; it more "once we've had our fill of you leave on our terms and our timescales regardless of the life we've allowed you to create for yourself". I'm all for sensible immigration controls, but they seem to be treating these people like commodities- to be retained or disposed of as suits them, which I don't agree with tbh
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It's not quite that though is it; it more "once we've had our fill of you leave on our terms and our timescales regardless of the life we've allowed you to create for yourself". I'm all for sensible immigration controls, but they seem to be treating these people like commodities- to be retained or disposed of as suits them, which I don't agree with tbh


I was going to go there about a year or so ago and decided not to they are very up front about the rules.  I dont expect us to do that here, were quite different but you have to admit we could do with some hole plugging going on.

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I usually watch the BBC's prime time propaganda news broadcasts, very disappointing that they haven't covered this subject. The BBC elitists certainly fell flat on their faces with their support of David Camoron and his wish to destroy President Assad's Syrian regime by sending our forces against him and thus putting our armed forces on the side of the militant Islamic Jihadists who we are supposed to be at war with.



Perhaps you can enlighten me how the "BBC elitists" supported Cameron's bid to get a vote passed to sanction possible military action. By covering attrocities committed by both sides perhaps? The same as every other broadcaster.


Also perhaps you can convolute your logic even more by explaining why "cultural Marxists" would support a right-wing Tory PM's bellicose noises against a regime that styles itself as Socialist?


And then maybe you could explain why you watch BBC News when you seemingly despise it and say it should be abolished? I'd have thought Tellytubbies might be more your level, RG! :)

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Perhaps you can enlighten me how the "BBC elitists" supported Cameron's bid to get a vote passed to sanction possible military action. By covering attrocities committed by both sides perhaps? The same as every other broadcaster.


Also perhaps you can convolute your logic even more by explaining why "cultural Marxists" would support a right-wing Tory PM's bellicose noises against a regime that styles itself as Socialist?


And then maybe you could explain why you watch BBC News when you seemingly despise it and say it should be abolished? I'd have thought Tellytubbies might be more your level, RG! :)


Cultural Marxists and Global Capitalists both seek world domination, starting with the destruction of individual nation states such as Syria that provide opposition to them. A Tory type Global Capitalist would see nothing wrong with subjugating a country's population under New Labour type Cultural Marxist dogma if big profits can be made. The criminal led European Union project - that the BBC propaganda newsagency never opposes with any news broadcasts - is an example of where Cultural Marxists and Global Capitalists co-operate to control and subjugate the nation states and peoples of Europe.

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