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''The mayor of two Romanian villages has claimed that up to half of their residents will move to the UK when restrictions are lifted in January'' a shocked Daily Mail reported on 11 November.


''Koller Gabriel-Adrian said he believed '50 per cent' of the 1100 people in poverty-stricken Berini and Uliuc could travel to Britain in search of higher salaries - and the generous welfare system - in the new year.''


The paper also spoke to a member of the local Roma community, Remus Neda. ''We have heard on the TV that the rules are changing.'' it quoted him as saying. ''It will be a very good opportunity for us. If we can get a house for all the 12 people in my family then it would be a much better way of living''


The Romanian newspaper Adevurul was so impressed by this investigative journalism that it's hacks decided to go to Berini to speak to the protagonists themselves. Remus Neda told them that he hhad been ''visited by an English lady who did not introduce herself as a journalist'' and who asked them if he would be willing to work for her in the UK. ''How could I not go if I was made such a great offer ?'' Neda said. ''She explained that I would get a nice salary, and that my children would get a higher child allowance and free medical assurance''


Funnily enough this job offer was not mentioned in the Mail article. When the Romanian hacks told a bewildered Neda what the Mail had reported, he replied ''I can't believe they put words in my mouth. I didn't say I would leave no matter what ! On the contrary, if I could choose I would go France, not to the UK ! '' 


The local mayor, meanwhile,also cried foul. ''I said that only 50 percent of the Roma people - the Roma community counts 200 people - might go to the UK once there are no more restrictions, '' he told Adevurul. ''I never mentioned half the population.''


Taken from Private Eye today.

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''The mayor of two Romanian villages has claimed that up to half of their residents will move to the UK when restrictions are lifted in January'' a shocked Daily Mail reported on 11 November.


''Koller Gabriel-Adrian said he believed '50 per cent' of the 1100 people in poverty-stricken Berini and Uliuc could travel to Britain in search of higher salaries - and the generous welfare system - in the new year.''


The paper also spoke to a member of the local Roma community, Remus Neda. ''We have heard on the TV that the rules are changing.'' it quoted him as saying. ''It will be a very good opportunity for us. If we can get a house for all the 12 people in my family then it would be a much better way of living''


The Romanian newspaper Adevurul was so impressed by this investigative journalism that it's hacks decided to go to Berini to speak to the protagonists themselves. Remus Neda told them that he hhad been ''visited by an English lady who did not introduce herself as a journalist'' and who asked them if he would be willing to work for her in the UK. ''How could I not go if I was made such a great offer ?'' Neda said. ''She explained that I would get a nice salary, and that my children would get a higher child allowance and free medical assurance''


Funnily enough this job offer was not mentioned in the Mail article. When the Romanian hacks told a bewildered Neda what the Mail had reported, he replied ''I can't believe they put words in my mouth. I didn't say I would leave no matter what ! On the contrary, if I could choose I would go France, not to the UK ! '' 


The local mayor, meanwhile,also cried foul. ''I said that only 50 percent of the Roma people - the Roma community counts 200 people - might go to the UK once there are no more restrictions, '' he told Adevurul. ''I never mentioned half the population.''


Taken from Private Eye today.


He needs to do a bit more research first, he will get **** all here that's the french way and only today a Roma camp in Northern Paris (which is a huge shithole, that looks like downtown Bagdhad) with 500 people was dismantled, what normally happens is they are put straight on planes and sent home, no appeals process here.




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He needs to do a bit more research first, he will get **** all here that's the french way and only today a Roma camp in Northern Paris (which is a huge shithole, that looks like downtown Bagdhad) with 500 people was dismantled, what normally happens is they are put straight on planes and sent home, no appeals process here.

But there are a lot of Roma in France so I guess the support network is there
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He needs to do a bit more research first, he will get **** all here that's the french way and only today a Roma camp in Northern Paris (which is a huge shithole, that looks like downtown Bagdhad) with 500 people was dismantled, what normally happens is they are put straight on planes and sent home, no appeals process here.

Doesn't sound as though he has any intention of leaving Rumania anyway.

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But there are a lot of Roma in France so I guess the support network is there


No support structure at all really, in Paris the odd soup kitchen, the french deal with it in their usual manner, turn a blind eye until there's a problem and then swarm all over it and round them up and send them home. Most of the Roma's here at the moment (and there is nowhere near as many as there were) do not have vehicles and caravans, in the two country wide roundups last year and 2 years ago over 40,000 were sent home on planes and their caravans and vehicles crushed.


it all blew up here 4/5 years ago, there is a huge annual 2 week fayre for gypsies/roma's down south, that had increasingly became more and more violent and crime ridden, Sarkozi warned them about 3 years ago if there was a repeat of the year before there would be serious consequences and they basically trashed a town and a lot of gendarmes and CRS injured and over the next 3 weeks  camps were destroyed and vehicles and caravans crushed and 15,000 were sent home, in the end 25,000 or so were sent home. in true french tradition Ms Hollande the president in waiting criticised this action as barbaric but within months of coming to power and his popularity rating plummeting, he sent the french ob into the Roma camps in the north and almost another 22,000 were sent home.


Me and my mrs drove past a small camp on the outskirts of Vannes, which is near to us about 2 years ago and the CRS were rounding them up and there were coaches ready to ferry them away, no vehicles were being allowed to leave the camp.


I have to say the traveling community are nowhere near as bad here as they are in Britain, they turn up pitch up stay a while the ob tell them when to move on and they clear the site themselves and leave, they know the consequences if they don't clear up and they don't force their way onto private land or farmland again they know what the consequences are here, especially from french farmers there would be bloodshed believe me.




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I'm quite annoyed with the focus being on benefits its the crime im worried about. There has been a big problem with Roma organised crime for years in London this is only going to get worse now. We kinda branded Romania and Bulgaria who have a lot of hardworking people scroungers and then forgot about how good their poor are at making a living illicitly.

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''The mayor of two Romanian villages has claimed that up to half of their residents will move to the UK when restrictions are lifted in January'' a shocked Daily Mail reported on 11 November.


''Koller Gabriel-Adrian said he believed '50 per cent' of the 1100 people in poverty-stricken Berini and Uliuc could travel to Britain in search of higher salaries - and the generous welfare system - in the new year.''


The paper also spoke to a member of the local Roma community, Remus Neda. ''We have heard on the TV that the rules are changing.'' it quoted him as saying. ''It will be a very good opportunity for us. If we can get a house for all the 12 people in my family then it would be a much better way of living''


The Romanian newspaper Adevurul was so impressed by this investigative journalism that it's hacks decided to go to Berini to speak to the protagonists themselves. Remus Neda told them that he hhad been ''visited by an English lady who did not introduce herself as a journalist'' and who asked them if he would be willing to work for her in the UK. ''How could I not go if I was made such a great offer ?'' Neda said. ''She explained that I would get a nice salary, and that my children would get a higher child allowance and free medical assurance''


Funnily enough this job offer was not mentioned in the Mail article. When the Romanian hacks told a bewildered Neda what the Mail had reported, he replied ''I can't believe they put words in my mouth. I didn't say I would leave no matter what ! On the contrary, if I could choose I would go France, not to the UK ! '' 


The local mayor, meanwhile,also cried foul. ''I said that only 50 percent of the Roma people - the Roma community counts 200 people - might go to the UK once there are no more restrictions, '' he told Adevurul. ''I never mentioned half the population.''


Taken from Private Eye today.


Any benefits tourism, crime, and any other cost to the British people and state associated with the organised Roma crime wave that has hit and will increasingly hit Britain should be paid for by the Lib-Lab-Con EU loving traitors.

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