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It Doesn't Matter Who The Next Manager Is

Ian M

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Look back over the last few appointments and generally people either approved of them at the time (Coppell, McInnes, O'Driscoll) or at least understood why they had been appointed (Millen). However, once here, previously built good reputations are destroyed and we get more failure.


If the board doesn't look at this, look at the conditions they set for the manager, how they allow him to go about his job, what decisions they allow him to make etc etc then we will continue to fail.


To be perfectly honest, if today's email had been to announce that a consortium of local businessmen had bought the club, even if it was announced that this didn't change a thing financially, I would have been happier than I am hearing that we have sacked our head coach.

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God knows where we go from here, tried promoting the 2nd in command, failed, the up & coming young successful manager, failed, reverted to the experienced successful type, failed.


Haven't gone for the female angle yet so I propose Hope Powell.

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