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Di Canio (Topics Merged)


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Paolo Di Canio would be a fantastic appointment. It saddens me that the reaction to his name, not just on here but the length and breadth of the country, is a mixture of horror and hilarity. Never has a manager been more unfairly portrayed and viewed by the media and, largely as a result, football fans in general.

I've supported Sunderland over fifty years and never have I been more excited by a manager, or more angered and disappointed by the sacking of a manager, than Paolo. He had THIRTEEN matches in charge of our club, he didn't fail, he wasn't given time to succeed or fail. From the start the national media pilloried the man, determined to portray every word or action of his in the most negative light. He was asked to sort out a mess that had developed over years and then fired when he tried to do just that.

The only managerial post where he's had the chance to show what he was capable of resulted in nothing but success, just down the road from you at Swindon. I believe if he was appointed, together with his loyal backroom staff, then provided he was given a couple of years he'd have you back in The Championship; in due course he'd take you to The Premier League: but he'd have to be given sufficient time, the first few months could be rough.

If Paolo got the Bristol City job I'd follow your progress with interest, something I've never done for any previous Sunderland Manager.

Good Luck to you.

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I wonder about the strategy.

Short term survival man , or long term 5 pillars successor.

This would make a massive difference on who was to come in. A Warnock/Dicanio to boost results quickly and avoid the basement then have someone in mind who can asses the team and squad for improvement next year, may not be a bad option. But either of those two long term ..... no thanks. 

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Whilst Di Canio had a lot of success at Swindon he was given a massive amount of money to achieve this - the then board at Swindon said yes to his every demand and as a result he assembled a strong squad for both seasons he was in charge.


The upshot of him being at Swindon is that they are now having to sell/have sold the majority of those players to help make up the deficit that he accumulated in his time there - another example of short term success over long term planning.

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I wonder about the strategy.

Short term survival man , or long term 5 pillars successor.

This would make a massive difference on who was to come in. A Warnock/Dicanio to boost results quickly and avoid the basement then have someone in mind who can asses the team and squad for improvement next year, may not be a bad option. But either of those two long term ..... no thanks. 


I have to disagree.

Warnock appears to be a non-starter, he does seem determined never to manage again.

Di Canio is not a short-term, other than very short-term, results booster. At Sunderland he won two of his first three and none of his remaining nine league matches. Di Canio is more of a medium to long term planner, he'd need to be shown some patience in the short term until he'd begun to implement his ideas. Observing Di Canio's career at Swindon, and more closely at Sunderland, I'd suggest he's exactly the man to develop the team and squad for improvement next year and beyond.  

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Whilst Di Canio had a lot of success at Swindon he was given a massive amount of money to achieve this - the then board at Swindon said yes to his every demand and as a result he assembled a strong squad for both seasons he was in charge.


The upshot of him being at Swindon is that they are now having to sell/have sold the majority of those players to help make up the deficit that he accumulated in his time there - another example of short term success over long term planning.


This merely stresses the importance of not allowing ANY manager to spend money a club doesn't have. It isn't Di Canio's fault if he was allowed to spend such sums that Swindon suffered financial distress as a consequence.

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Paolo Di Canio would be a fantastic appointment. It saddens me that the reaction to his name, not just on here but the length and breadth of the country, is a mixture of horror and hilarity. Never has a manager been more unfairly portrayed and viewed by the media and, largely as a result, football fans in general.

I've supported Sunderland over fifty years and never have I been more excited by a manager, or more angered and disappointed by the sacking of a manager, than Paolo. He had THIRTEEN matches in charge of our club, he didn't fail, he wasn't given time to succeed or fail. From the start the national media pilloried the man, determined to portray every word or action of his in the most negative light. He was asked to sort out a mess that had developed over years and then fired when he tried to do just that.

The only managerial post where he's had the chance to show what he was capable of resulted in nothing but success, just down the road from you at Swindon. I believe if he was appointed, together with his loyal backroom staff, then provided he was given a couple of years he'd have you back in The Championship; in due course he'd take you to The Premier League: but he'd have to be given sufficient time, the first few months could be rough.

If Paolo got the Bristol City job I'd follow your progress with interest, something I've never done for any previous Sunderland Manager.

Good Luck to you.

Bless you, sir! Always had a "softie" for your lot, have to say. Er, when we run into some "progress" we'll be in touch. And I trust you have forgiven us for Coventry, 77 (all Jimmy Hill's doing, honest). Haway the City!

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I have backed SOD mostly but last few weeks his monotone after match interviews have bored me, 


We have decent players for this level but need someone players and fans can get behind plus a bit of intrest for national media


I say just go for Di Canio and let the madness unfold


If it all goes wrong we've not lost anything coz it was going wrong anyway ,


But it could work and if it did it would be a great ride!

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