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From One Joke To Another.

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It's getting laughable now, what a RIDICULOUS decision to sack SoD. Things were slowly improving, grinding results whether the better side or not, and picking up a few wins on the way. I am baffled, the fact they backed him and stuck behind him through 23 games without a win, but when 1 defeat in 7 comes, they sack him? Ridiculous, Lansdown has been moaning about the amount of money going out of the club and being wasted, but the fact that O'Driscoll had his team there, and was implementing his style of football into them, it seems a crazy decision to sack him at this time. The fact is, we have to deal with what we have got at the club, and the players ran there hearts out every week for SoD, so effort cannot be faulted. The only positive I am finding out of this, is that the timing of the sacking, he must have a replacement lined up, Warnock will do for me.


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It's getting laughable now, what a RIDICULOUS decision to sack SoD. Things were slowly improving, grinding results whether the better side or not, and picking up a few wins on the way. I am baffled, the fact they backed him and stuck behind him through 23 games without a win, but when 1 defeat in 7 comes, they sack him? Ridiculous, Lansdown has been moaning about the amount of money going out of the club and being wasted, but the fact that O'Driscoll had his team there, and was implementing his style of football into them, it seems a crazy decision to sack him at this time. The fact is, we have to deal with what we have got at the club, and the players ran there hearts out every week for SoD, so effort cannot be faulted. The only positive I am finding out of this, is that the timing of the sacking, he must have a replacement lined up, Warnock will do for me.


Totally agree with this, other than Warnock. Would prefer Tisdale if possible.

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I think they have been looking around the ground at all the empty seats,whether you are pro SOD or anti SOD the fact is people have stopped attending even though hey have ST's,and yes I know it was the board who employed him in the first place.

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As re~timing,if he was to go it had to be before the new year,transfer window and all that jazz.time for new man to take a look and make decisions,so from this perspective it had to be now,or pretty soon after or give SOD to the end of the season.the one positive is that if they were gona do it they have made the decision in good time..does leave me jaded to think the new man will be chosen by the same board!..Warnock would be a Favorite but can't see him doing this with such limited funds..we shall soon see as the deed has already been done imo and whomever is already lined up to step through the revolving door..good luck,whoever you are!!,

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