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Loan Signings?


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Amongst all this mess the board has left us in, I thought we were wheeling and dealing for loan signings before the end of today... No sign of anything.

So the board leave is without a manager or any necessary loan backups over the Xmas period.




Perfect day to sack a manager or what? I honestly wonder whether the Board knew about the deadline :(


HELLO, have either of you ever heard of Mr Burt and Mr Pemberton, I am reliably informed that they are still employees and unless they couldn't hear what SOD was mumbling, almost certainly in the loop, that's if SOD had a loop.



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HELLO, have either of you ever heard of Mr Burt and Mr Pemberton, I am reliably informed that they are still employees and unless they couldn't hear what SOD was mumbling, almost certainly in the loop, that's if SOD had a loop.

I wish I had your blind faith ;)

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HELLO, have either of you ever heard of Mr Burt and Mr Pemberton, I am reliably informed that they are still employees and unless they couldn't hear what SOD was mumbling, almost certainly in the loop, that's if SOD had a loop.


Exactly what I was about to mention. JL said today that the other positions at the club will not change so considering it is our DoF who identifies new players and we were in for a decent striker, if JL was correct we should have seen him arrive today. I wonder where he is?

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and I wish I had yours, but you cannot have it both ways by claiming that SOD has put into place all of this wonderful infrastructure including 'a head of recruitment' and then claim that somehow it won't work.

Actually I haven't. I've twice now (and this makes thrice) said that the right manager could carry on Sean's work, once he'd gained the confidence of the players. I can't see that manager coming though, particularly with people here cling for Warnock, Di Canio and Holloway.

I'll ask you a question. Do you think the players currently on loan will want to stay now Sean has gone? Do you think that players who were due to arrive today will come? Most important, do you think that JET will stay, come January?

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Actually I haven't. I've twice now (and this makes thrice) said that the right manager could carry on Sean's work, once he'd gained the confidence of the players. I can't see that manager coming though, particularly with people here cling for Warnock, Di Canio and Holloway.

I'll ask you a question. Do you think the players currently on loan will want to stay now Sean has gone? Do you think that players who were due to arrive today will come? Most important, do you think that JET will stay, come January?


in our current position carrying SOD's work is not an immediate priority, safety is.


Players on loan, well if you include Harewood no loss, Mclaughlin no loss (hasn't been given a chance), Gillett and Osbourne are with us until january and if they want to go back to their parent clubs and not even get on the bench, that says everything we need to know about them as players, the key word is professional. if you include Shorey the jury seems to be out on him but probably not a great loss and Oconnor will almost certainly be returning as he's injured.


Again we will learn a lot about the real JET the one that is employed and paid by BCFC, I have no evidence to support this theory but I suspect if he is unhappy with the situation, it will probably become quite apparent, we can only wait and see on that one.





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