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You're Right, Holloway Is A Real ****. Get Over It


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A touching tale and shows Holloway as a genuinely sensitive person... but it doesn't change the fact that he's footballs most famous gas head and if you take that tribalism out of football you don't even have the Premier League. If you start to value success over those tribal lines then we're a hairs breadth from some horrible MLS franchise system where teams are moved on the whims of owners and created due the contractual obligations of fading stars

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His dad had a lucky escape at 18 years old !

That's uncalled for, quite unpleasant.  I'm sure you don't really mean that, being glad that someone's Dad passed away, just because of the team he supports/played for.  How many times have we stood up for other teams in hard times, respected their struggles despite past battles?  It's just football.

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That's uncalled for, quite unpleasant.  I'm sure you don't really mean that, being glad that someone's Dad passed away, just because of the team he supports/played for.  How many times have we stood up for other teams in hard times, respected their struggles despite past battles?  It's just football.


Read it again - Holloway's Dad had a trial for Bristol Rovers when he was 18, joining the navy and not signing for them was his lucky escape.

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That's uncalled for, quite unpleasant.  I'm sure you don't really mean that, being glad that someone's Dad passed away, just because of the team he supports/played for.  How many times have we stood up for other teams in hard times, respected their struggles despite past battles?  It's just football.

:gaah:  Massive WHOOSH for you Sam!!


Bored of all this Skeletor nonsense now

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Everybody's life is touched by tragedy at some stage. To me this is just another 'Look at me I'm Ian Holloway' episode. My dad died when I was 15 and he was only 38. So what? Bloke is a raging self-publicist and makes Bristol and Bristolians look daft.


Indeed. I mean look at us -


2 Crap football teams

1 Crap rugby team

1 Crap cricket team

0 Performance arenas

0 Metros, but any amount of crap public transport

1,000s of NIMBYs and Greens

1 Buffoon in clown trousers for a mayor


How could anyone make that look daft?

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I think we all know he loves his drama.

When I was 8 my Grandmother died, I saw through the side bay window in the hospital, my Dad, crying. It was the only one tear, running slowly down one cheek. It was the only time I ever saw him cry. He was the strong silent type, emotionally private. I went in and touched his hand. He said that was the proudest he'd ever been of me, abiding with him that day.

It's an abstract from my futu

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Something like that, a random paragraph taken as a taster to titalate the tastebuds of the potential consumer.

Being a clown, like Hollowhead, I have full license to talk bollox if I like. It makes me a 'character', apparently.

Sadly it doesn't qualify me to be the next sag manager given the number of times I've stated I despise them with all my heart. Personal sentimentality is also irrelevent.

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Can't see that persauding anyone that a diehard sag should be allowed to manage us, it just sounds like the sort of tale that many people could tell. As for the quotes of him being gracious to us, well he could be from the Prem, I doubt if that would have been the case if we'd been there as well.

So I retain my tribalism, my utter abhorrance at the thought of him in our dug out, the tradition of rivalry, without which football will truely become a sanitised 'product' given over to advertising men and financiers, who will undoubtedly increase the bullshit 'Americanisation' of the game.

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I think it would almost worth getting him here just to see the blue few in tears at their idol's betrayal.

But no, I don't really think we should. Would alienate too many people. Not me personally, but a high percentage.


Are you forgetting how the blue few castigated him, booed him mercilessly, and in the end hounded him out of their club when he was their manager?


They wouldn't be in tears at all, they'd be laughing their heads off at us.

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Are you forgetting how the blue few castigated him, booed him mercilessly, and in the end hounded him out of their club when he was their manager?

They wouldn't be in tears at all, they'd be laughing their heads off at us.

Well they boo anyone, Noggers. Even their heroes. Had SOD managed them you'd not have been able to hear the tannoy announcements through the volleys of abuse.

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Can't see that persauding anyone that a diehard sag should be allowed to manage us, it just sounds like the sort of tale that many people could tell. As for the quotes of him being gracious to us, well he could be from the Prem, I doubt if that would have been the case if we'd been there as well.

So I retain my tribalism, my utter abhorrance at the thought of him in our dug out, the tradition of rivalry, without which football will truely become a sanitised 'product' given over to advertising men and financiers, who will undoubtedly increase the bullshit 'Americanisation' of the game.


Unfortunately, those of us who retain that feeling of 'tribalism' (not violence for the beige brigade) are becoming persona non gratis in today's game. I reckon the highlighted bit is exactly where the game is heading / is already there. :(

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