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Who Ever ?

Rocking Red Cyril

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I do feel that the timing of SOD's dismissal was a bit odd but what ever the boards reasoning it has happened now who ever the board appoint do we not need to support as club supporters.?

In a football sense Holloaway would be a good appointment but we all know the feeling going both ways on that one.

So would Cotterill or Warnock be so bad?

who ever is put in charge surely we must support them in doing our part for our beloved Bristol City.

Let the manager manage the players play and we should support with all our gusto




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How would IH be a 'good appointment' in a 'football sense'? I don't get the love in with the bloke. Forgetting his background, he's done just as much bad as good in his career. Compare his record to Warnock's.....only one winner there. Cotterill has pretty much never done anything

IH must be commended on relegating his beloved G*s into Div 4 for the first time, and stopping C*rdiff winning the play offs with Blackpool. That is about it

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