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Forum Could Be Intresting


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Well, we all know Tins likes to come in here and post every now and then.

People asked for the chance to question DW about team selection etc, I wonder if Tins is now going to take the interactive side of BCFC onto another level.

Would be nice to see it happen but only if it's done properly, not like some of the abusive comments that were thrown DW's way.

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I don't think that will happen. We are fortunate enough to get the interaction we already do with the staff and team.

As much as we like to think we are, we are not managers and I wouldn't like to think that our manager can be influenced by a minority of fans anyway.

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I don't think that will happen. We are fortunate enough to get the interaction we already do with the staff and team.

As much as we like to think we are, we are not managers and I wouldn't like to think that our manager can be influenced by a minority of fans anyway.

No but my point being, was earlier in the season people kept asking about what players and does DW come onto this forum and read the posts.

Now we know Tins does, will this mean that people are more carefull with what they post or will the forum get bombarded with threads aimed to Tins to answer himself?

If he is still going to be coming on here, he would be better off having is own section with say someone like AdamB or TomF deciding on what should be posted on that section.

That way, we don't get frustrated with all the posts for Tins on this section.

Just an idea.

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