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Where Did It All Go Wrong?


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Seems like a long, long time ago, but dare I remind everyone that 5 years ago we were in the Championship title race, and we ended up losing in the play-off final.
Now we all know that, and we all know where we are now. But where did it all go wrong?
Last month the Post seemed to think it was Johnson signing to many high wage flops. Some think he wasn't given the time to rebuild. I would pinpoint Coppells exit and Lansdown stepping down as chairman. Others maybe think the situation could have been saved with better managerial appointments post-coppell. 
I want to keep on moaning, but moaning about the new manager is getting a little tiresome.

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Lots of If's and but's.

IF GaryJ had a Keith Burt instead of family members, but he was too controlling for that it wouldn't have worked. Coppell should have been interviewed more thoroughly, or he should have done some ground work on his part too.

. Millen should never have been talked into the job, his role is an assistant as he has proved since.

Del needed help, he needed a Burt too. We have let a good young manager get away here, we could have made it work with help. But then unexpectedly SoD became available and we jumped in quickly.

The stadium fiasco.

Changes within the board. Colin sextone leaving along with steveL, just when we needed strong voices and action.

Changes within staff

Ticket fiascos


I'll finish here, it's too bloody depressing. Trouble is the future doesn't look any less bleak right now.

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