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I Don't Understand


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I feel we in no way should have sacked Sean O'Driscoll but I'm struggling to see why there's so much vitriol being aimed at the new manager on here.


Looking at his career so far it would seem that the closest match I can think of is Gary Johnson, and he turned out OK for us!


They have both worked abroad (almost, Ireland counts right?), they have both turned non-league teams into regular league sides, they have both been promoted elsewhere and they both have their share of failures, though none of them spectacular failures.


Am I missing something? The fact that Forest fans don't have much good to say is irrelevant, you'll almost never find a manager universally popular at every club he's been at.

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I feel we in no way should have sacked Sean O'Driscoll but I'm struggling to see why there's so much vitriol being aimed at the new manager on here.


Looking at his career so far it would seem that the closest match I can think of is Gary Johnson, and he turned out OK for us!


They have both worked abroad (almost, Ireland counts right?), they have both turned non-league teams into regular league sides, they have both been promoted elsewhere and they both have their share of failures, though none of them spectacular failures.


Am I missing something? The fact that Forest fans don't have much good to say is irrelevant, you'll almost never find a manager universally popular at every club he's been at.

GJ's teams played some decent football a lot of the time, so it really isn't a close match, that's one of the reasons people are pissed off.

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